The doctrine of reincarnation in all different forms contradicts the teaching of the Scripture about the nature and purpose of man. This false religion has objective elements in favor and based on imagination. However, it proves to attract the promise of a kind of immortality of the soul (in primitive and pagan form) and, on the other hand, it denies the judgment of God and the punishment of hell. It frees the sinner from fear and responsibility for inappropriate actions. The logical conclusion of teaching is that even if the person committed many sins in this life during the next reincarnation can improve his position. After an endless cycle of reincarnations, each person will eventually reach the same end as all others, mixing with the ultimate. The only difference is in the number of cycles. A person who has hallucinations believes it is a real experience. A demonic illusion by using information from someone else's life really looks like. Reincarnation is a logical explanation for these experiences, false, but reasonable. "Wait a minute! You said that these last experiences of life can not be explained as hallucinations!" There are various kinds of hallucinations. One comes from body chemistry, illness, etc. The other comes from an altered state of consciousness that comes from things like: Yoga - Estonian religion Types of meditation Biofeedback Various drugs Some types of electrical stimulation applied to the brain "Go to a ecstasy "act as an average spirit" Medium "(a term used by UFO researchers). The relative activity is the same means of practice.)" Remote viewing "(a term used by American capable army to describe the same activity as channeling means or practices.) Communication with "spiritual guides" Typical activities in one session Visualization techniques Any kind of activity that conceals the spirits in contact, such as Ouija, Tarot, astrology, consultations with a "medium." "Why does Satan struggle to find a big lie for reincarnation, what is the point?" Humanity has an innate desire to communicate with God. It is in our nature because God has placed it there. Satan will use all available means to lead people away from God. We should not make people believe that there is no god, it just has to make them not believe in the God of Christians. A simple way to do this is with false religious experiences, such as "reincarnation in the past". God will judge us from our faith and deeds. If we do not believe in Jesus and accept the gift of justification from faith, we will be condemned. We can not process our salvation from good deeds or from any human being. But that is exactly what the incarnation teaches - if this is a screw this time, you must do it again and again until you do it right. The false lie here is that man dies and discovers very slowly that he has no other opportunity. You just have to do it again and again until you do it right. The false lie here is that man dies and discovers very slowly that he has no other opportunity. You just have to do it again and again until you do it right. The false lie here is that man dies and discovers very slowly that he has no other opportunity.
μην ακούτε κάθε μαλάκα αφελής, αιρετική άποψη για την μετενσάρκωση, για τους ανθρώπους που λένε, μιλούν με τους αγγέλους, που συγχέονται από τους διαβόλους, και όλοι λένε για την μετενσάρκωση. η ψυχή μας δεν μπορεί να πάρει οποιοδήποτε είδος του μετασχηματισμού. Για εκείνους που λένε, εγώ έκανα αναδρομή σε προηγούμενες ζωές, και ήμουν άνδρας ή γυναίκα στην προηγούμενη ζωή μου, λέω αυτό, οι διάβολοι μπορούν στο υποσυνείδητο μυαλό σας, και κάτω από την ύπνωση, και μπορεί να σας δείξει ό, τι επιθυμείτε να σας δείξει για να πείσει, αυτό βλέπετε είναι αλήθεια.ως επί το πλείστον χρήση του διαβόλου αυτό για τα παιδιά, γιατί τα παιδιά είναι αθώα, μπορεί να πείσει και πιο εύκολα υπόλοιπους από σας.οι διάβολοι πηγαίνουν σε παιδιά αυτών όταν κοιμούνται,και να παίξει το παιχνίδι του κινηματογράφου , το μικρό παιδί ξυπνά το πρωί, και να πω στον αφελή ηλίθιο τον πατέρα, ότι πριν στην προηγούμενη ζωή άλλο πατέρα του είχε.ξυπνήστε κουτάνθρωποι=
1: A small child sleeps.
2: Fake previous life memories are placed in the mind of the child.
3: The child wakes up and thinks that it is in fact someone else. The child thinks so: "I was somebody else in my previous life. One day I died, and now I was born again. I had an another family. I had a wife and three kids. We lived in Bangkok. They still live there."
4: This child tells them to adults. This child does not lie, even shows the location of the old family home etc. These are checked and confirmed.
5: Some seniors believe it. Then they publish books that support the doctrine of reincarnation.
6: People believe in reincarnation by his tricks, OF DEVILS.
2 Corinthians 2: 11
so that we may not be overreached* by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.*
This method is similar to show special dreams. Demons use young children for it. Because it is more convenient to convince people. Adults are not very suitable, because they begin to question it. Already they lived for many years and never had such memories and suddenly appear such memories. This situation is not very convincing. Moreover, other people can not believe what these people say. They may think that they are liars. On the other hand, young children are naive and can not say a lie and the adults know that. In addition, young children have no doubts about these memories and can easily believe it. Furthermore, the events and people in the place in which they describe are not imagine.
In fact, false memories are formed even in the minds of adults. For example, some people have a mental problem and go to a therapist. If not all, some therapists use hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. They want to look at the subconscious thinking that psychological problems caused by an event in the past. Thus, hypnosis is applied to the patient. Hypnosis and meditation are the same thing. The difference is this: Meditation is done alone, and hypnosis is done with the help of someone else. These are not the last stop. These are transition phase when entering a trance. Trance is the last stop and there is a cinema next to the last stop. There are played three-dimensional movies. So the name of the cinema is DREAM THEATRE. Because there the three-dimensional movies appear so real.
Meanwhile, what happened to the patient? The patient went past? The patient has now gone to this cinema. The patient is currently floating in the film. The patient is seeing her own life in the film. She went into her childhood. She is now living some of the worst events. That's enough, she is now beginning to turn to the present. The process has been completed. The fake bad memories have been stored in the mind. Trans is now over. The patient was sleep-wake state. She is now fully awake.
Patient and Therapis True, because they were not in your subconscious before. We've recorded them during the trance. We've added them to torment you.
Christ conquered death, not with liberation from the body, but with the resurrection and immortality of somatos.To doctrine of karma and reincarnation cancels the mystery of Christ sotirias.Enopion the eternal Judge will stand the man not only as soul, but also as a body, the doctrine of reincarnation, that negatively assesses the body, not just cancel the hope in Christ the Christian, but also the sense of divine worship, the basic purpose of the Eucharist-what's the point to suffer in this life,if you have no recall of your previous life mistakes,what's the benefit of you in this life,and you have to come again,having the same,thing for a moment,again again
μην ακούτε κάθε μαλάκα αφελής, αιρετική άποψη για την μετενσάρκωση, για τους ανθρώπους που λένε, μιλούν με τους αγγέλους, που συγχέονται από τους διαβόλους, και όλοι λένε για την μετενσάρκωση. η ψυχή μας δεν μπορεί να πάρει οποιοδήποτε είδος του μετασχηματισμού. Για εκείνους που λένε, εγώ έκανα αναδρομή σε προηγούμενες ζωές, και ήμουν άνδρας ή γυναίκα στην προηγούμενη ζωή μου, λέω αυτό, οι διάβολοι μπορούν στο υποσυνείδητο μυαλό σας, και κάτω από την ύπνωση, και μπορεί να σας δείξει ό, τι επιθυμείτε να σας δείξει για να πείσει, αυτό βλέπετε είναι αλήθεια.ως επί το πλείστον χρήση του διαβόλου αυτό για τα παιδιά, γιατί τα παιδιά είναι αθώα, μπορεί να πείσει και πιο εύκολα υπόλοιπους από σας.οι διάβολοι πηγαίνουν σε παιδιά αυτών όταν κοιμούνται,και να παίξει το παιχνίδι του κινηματογράφου , το μικρό παιδί ξυπνά το πρωί, και να πω στον αφελή ηλίθιο τον πατέρα, ότι πριν στην προηγούμενη ζωή άλλο πατέρα του είχε.ξυπνήστε κουτάνθρωποι=
1: A small child sleeps.
2: Fake previous life memories are placed in the mind of the child.
3: The child wakes up and thinks that it is in fact someone else. The child thinks so: "I was somebody else in my previous life. One day I died, and now I was born again. I had an another family. I had a wife and three kids. We lived in Bangkok. They still live there."
4: This child tells them to adults. This child does not lie, even shows the location of the old family home etc. These are checked and confirmed.
5: Some seniors believe it. Then they publish books that support the doctrine of reincarnation.
6: People believe in reincarnation by his tricks, OF DEVILS.
2 Corinthians 2: 11
so that we may not be overreached* by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his designs.*
This method is similar to show special dreams. Demons use young children for it. Because it is more convenient to convince people. Adults are not very suitable, because they begin to question it. Already they lived for many years and never had such memories and suddenly appear such memories. This situation is not very convincing. Moreover, other people can not believe what these people say. They may think that they are liars. On the other hand, young children are naive and can not say a lie and the adults know that. In addition, young children have no doubts about these memories and can easily believe it. Furthermore, the events and people in the place in which they describe are not imagine.
In fact, false memories are formed even in the minds of adults. For example, some people have a mental problem and go to a therapist. If not all, some therapists use hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. They want to look at the subconscious thinking that psychological problems caused by an event in the past. Thus, hypnosis is applied to the patient. Hypnosis and meditation are the same thing. The difference is this: Meditation is done alone, and hypnosis is done with the help of someone else. These are not the last stop. These are transition phase when entering a trance. Trance is the last stop and there is a cinema next to the last stop. There are played three-dimensional movies. So the name of the cinema is DREAM THEATRE. Because there the three-dimensional movies appear so real.
Meanwhile, what happened to the patient? The patient went past? The patient has now gone to this cinema. The patient is currently floating in the film. The patient is seeing her own life in the film. She went into her childhood. She is now living some of the worst events. That's enough, she is now beginning to turn to the present. The process has been completed. The fake bad memories have been stored in the mind. Trans is now over. The patient was sleep-wake state. She is now fully awake.
Patient and Therapis True, because they were not in your subconscious before. We've recorded them during the trance. We've added them to torment you.
Christ conquered death, not with liberation from the body, but with the resurrection and immortality of somatos.To doctrine of karma and reincarnation cancels the mystery of Christ sotirias.Enopion the eternal Judge will stand the man not only as soul, but also as a body, the doctrine of reincarnation, that negatively assesses the body, not just cancel the hope in Christ the Christian, but also the sense of divine worship, the basic purpose of the Eucharist-what's the point to suffer in this life,if you have no recall of your previous life mistakes,what's the benefit of you in this life,and you have to come again,having the same,thing for a moment,again again
To δόγμα του Κάρμα και Μετενσάρκωση
Ο Χριστός νίκησε το θάνατο, όχι με την απελευθέρωση από το σώμα, αλλά και με την ανάσταση και την αθανασία τοu σώματος .To δόγμα του Κάρμα και Μετενσάρκωση ακυρώνει το μυστήριο του Χριστού σωτηρια .Ενώπιον ο αιώνιος Κριτής θα σταθεί ο άνθρωπος όχι μόνο η ψυχή, αλλά και ως ένα σώμα, το δόγμα της μετενσάρκωσης, που αξιολογεί αρνητικά το σώμα, όχι μόνο να ακυρώσει την ελπίδα στο Χριστό, η χριστιανική, αλλά και την αίσθηση της θείας λατρείας, το βασικό σκοπό της Θείας Ευχαριστίας, ποιο είναι το σημείο να υποφέρουν σε αυτή τη ζωή, αν δεν έχετε καμία ανάκληση της προηγούμενης λάθη τη ζωή σου, ποιο είναι το όφελος από εσάς σε αυτή τη ζωή, και θα πρέπει να έρθει και πάλι, έχοντας τον ίδιο, πράγμα για μια στιγμή αυτό είναι πράγματα του
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