Friday, February 10, 2023
Father Savvas
it's impossible to convince people
- to believe when they don't want to
They don't want people to believe what you want them to believe.
Tell him to convince me, even convince me, he says.
Whatever you tell
I don't want to believe he says
and you leave the man and you say
# You go your way #
He who want
s to believe believes.
at the slightest thing and ev
erything that
that moves beside him.
he sees a miracle
What he sees beside him is a mira
and it pleas
es God because the
everything move
s under the gaze of our god
they remain in
mind because they want
they are
ignorance because they like it
ore they don't want to know
they are stubborn to be in ignorance
and t
hey do not know because they are not intereste
they don't
want to know
how many and how m
any of my brothers
the speakers an
d you call them, my child.
there is preac
Come and listen and be saved.
I don't care, he sa
ys I know everything.
erything is the all-knowing ones
know about the holy scriptures. They kno
w about
ove your little children, my
to hear a few words to save yourse
He says.
You're in ignorance. I
insist, he says to ignore.
Her ignora
nce of us is cle
arly not.
nd cannot be blamed.
as an excuse.
for any sin.
however ignorant you may
and s
in, think not that yo
u will
that you are excused b
ecause you are ignorant.
ignorance k
ills a man.
into which
they were drawn because of
and lost eternal life.
when they crucified the Lord, t
hey did not know that
that the one they were cr
ucifying was Christ.
e word is used in the sense in which
in th
e sense in which it is
then understood by many people.
that is, not only will t
he earth be destroyed but
but also the heavens
as they already appear to us.
will be
changed and transformed.
all things will be changed and alte
red when the end of this
of this world everything
will change.
and the present heavens and earth thro
ugh the
by this commanding word o
f God,
saved and preserved by fire.
and preserved for the day
of judgment.
which shall be the day o
f the destruction of the
the wicked men shall
will be destroyed when the se
cond day of the
the second co
ming of Christ.
and they will
they will
burn everything
they will burn everything with fi
heaven and earth and
the universes that we see
will be destroyed
day the existing ones
the flood
Those who lived then an
d those who live today do not.
ve it contrast to the eternity of God...
he impatience of
man which
...he indicate
s with the expectation
of the second...
there are those that exist
d we see
ient man
he says there is no second co
ming as there is no
there is no
the meaning of the phrase
the presence is near
t can co
me tomorrow.
but tomorrow,
through Go
d, may come.
t is a thousand years, my brothers and sisters. A thousand year
s as one day.
What does th
is mean? This had be
come one.
a request to
an ascetic.
I have told you before,
those of you who know it.
You will hear it again.
In the monastery he was illit
The man
He read
his law psalms and a
lready it is that
it is c
alled a psalm
A thousand years as one day
a thousan
d years as one day
does this mean?
And he was trying to
find t
he answer all by himself.
to interpret what th
e holy scripture say
But he could not and was
called upon
one da
y when his church wa
s struck
and they arrived at the monastery
and finishe
d the divine service.
as he was alone there
he sees inside the church is a
a beau
tiful eagl
who was going back into the chur
and the eagle was coming towar
ds him and
he raised his hand to
touch him but
the year
he was leaving towards the ex
it of the church.
nd he would follow to catch him.
eagle would walk out of the monastery a
and left and behind the monastery
a huge forest.
He was following this eagle and he want
ed to be
so beautiful.
so much so t
hat he wanted to catch it and he didn't
he cou
and he kept dragging him along
so when he go
t close in the middle of it
the eagle climbed up
on a
a tree
d started to sing.
Who? The eagle.
It was such a beau
tiful chirp
that he stayed and watc
hed him.
Finally, in a moment, it was ove
When he finished he ope
ned hi
s eyes to me.
and he
sees that he was in the middle of the forest he says
but I
I was in the monastery no
w how am I here?
And he turns from
there and goes and
he gets to the monastery
to go inside.
and there he finds a guard and says to him.
Who are
you? Where are you going?
He tells him I'm
from his brotherhood.
of the monaste
Your name.
I don't know you.
He says I
left here a while ago. He says he's going.
to the abbot.
and searches the boo
ks of the monastery.
and he sees that a
thousand years ago there
was this.
this mon
astery and this name.
and then he
closed his eyes and
solved it.
e mystery of a thousand years as an hour
as one day
Yes, my brothers, these things are before o
ur God.
which only
embrace thos
e who believe in God.
those who do not beli
eve do not even admit it...
Embryos=unborn babies IS ALIVE! Subs
SO THE EMBRYOS ARE ALIVE? ITS PROOFED. Now I will tell you something that is associated with embryos, one time some people went to FATHER PAISIOS, and told him, that there is a nun in Cyprus who told us to light candles to the unborn babies, that their mothers kill, Father Paisios said to them that she is crazy and that there are no unborn babies in heaven, THE EMBRYOS ARE LOST, said to them, what does she know about, during the night he saw a dream, while he was walking he heard voices of small babies, a lot of voices, and the place was shaken, and above them, there was sand with candles, and under the candles, you could hear babies voices, and why were shouting save us, God, MY GOD SAVE US, father Paisios then asked someone there close to him, ONE OTHER MONK, who are these that are shouting-screaming? these are the unborn innocent babies that the mothers, doctors without their will, and these babies because they are unbaptized
the go-to one place, where the devils are not allowed to go tempt them, because they are innocent but it's dark, it's not the paradise it's darkness after when Paisios woke up he told to the persons that he told before there are no EMBRYOS and no soul, yes you must light candles, yes light to the EMBRYOS candles because there is a soul. and I asked the following question,=A MAN APPROACHES WITH A WOMAN AND FERTILIZATION IS DONE, The sperm of the man is dead; if it was dead it would not fertilize, so it's alive, what does it mean alive? live means that from the moment the baby is fertilized=receives soul is fertilized is a living soul=is more than 100 percent living body and the soul, is together with the soul and body, without the soul can't live, the egg is not fertilized, it is fertilized because it is alive there the union of soul and body is called fertilization. fertilization means perfect soul perfect body. you cannot see it, it's is tiny, the body needs to be fed, take vitamins from the mother to grow up to show that is a baby. but the soul is completed, and does not want to eat is the breath of god it's a living being, so there must be respect for the EMBRYOSWednesday, February 8, 2023
"Right now I see the 2 main goals that Satan has set for himself being steadily pushed forward. 'When they are implemented, then his era begins. The age of the Antichrist. One goal is about the church and its subjugation and the second is about the man himself, each of us, and his transformation. As far as the church is concerned, know that in secret satanic rituals, satan has instructed all his own leaders that until his own son the Antichrist appears, all Christian churches must either be destroyed or subjugated to him. He is not concerned that they formally belong to Christ. He is concerned with something that happens in the churches and that is the Holy Communion of Christians. For the Blessed Sacrament weakens and destroys his own evil powers. Even the drugs that he deceitfully and unknowingly puts in our mouths in order to make us his own are unable to fully respond to his commands. In a recent exorcism, Satan called the Blessed Sacrament "Jesus' Maya". Now I understand why he is so anxious, not to close the churches, but to forbid people to enter the church to convert. Because Communion is the power. It is the light that dispels the darkness, that is what burns him," he said.
"We have reached the point where priests are being persecuted because they don't want to get the vaccine. All of them will one day face the anger of indignant people and I don't know where they will hide to save themselves. Some of them will be killed, some of them will be persecuted, and some of them will be disgraced. Let them bear this in mind. Right now, world leaders, hidden satanists in ceremonies have taken a blood oath. To carry out swift and decisive plans to destroy the world Christian church. That is why they fear Christians that they will make Christians sick with Holy Communion," he said.
"They won't stop with the vaccines until they get all seven, though they won't get them all. It has now been given by God to nature to make its own confession. We would be blind if we said we don't see that strange weather events are happening all over the world. It's the early signs of what's about to happen geophysically. The triple catastrophe is a combination of disease, and the effects of vaccines, but also something new that will come from a mutated internet, a two-way relationship with humans; the internet will now control our lives through what has passed into our bodies. Humans will find themselves in a great global prison without precedent. Underground volcanoes will erupt to the point where the structure of the earth will change. Satanists have plans for world wars. Russia will be the first of the last three kingdoms of this world. And it has the power and authority from God to become the Antichrist of the Antichrist. The war that has already begun in Syria has now moved to the other end of the arc which is Northern Europe. The Ukrainians themselves will welcome the coming of Russia, the apparent attack of Russia. If Russia strikes Ukraine, it's like striking itself, so it won't happen the way they think it will. There will be a war over Ukraine with NATO planes, but they will be defeated. All the small states that will enter this war against Russia should remember that it is foolish for a puppy to fight a bear. If they do not maintain neutrality, they will be destroyed. If we to make the disastrous mistake, we will get involved in a war which, with lightning speed and with new weapons you have never seen before, Russia is destined by God to destroy America and Europe which have declared allegiance to Satan," he said.
"The next day will be very hard. The next day when we will have no food. A next day when diseases will have no medicine," he said.
Monday, February 6, 2023
TB JOSHUA=The invisible war of good and evil (the demons live and work independently under the power of Satan).
Agent του διαβόλου = TB Joshua = Ο Ιησούς δεν είπε ποτέ ότι θα στείλει προφήτες μετά από αυτόν Αλλά, το πιο σημαντικό, είναι επιτακτικό να δοκιμάζουμε τα πνεύματα, να κρίνουμε και να συγκρίνουμε τις δογματικές διδασκαλίες και τις πεποιθήσεις που παρουσιάζει η ΤΒ Joshua με το Λόγο του Θεού. Από αυτή τη βάση και μόνο θα ανακαλύψετε ότι αυτός ο άνθρωπος διδάσκει την αίρεση να κηρύσσει λάθος μαζί με την αλήθεια. Οι Χριστιανοί πρέπει να αποφεύγουν κάθε άνθρωπο που χρησιμοποιεί αποκρυφιστικές τεχνικές στο όνομα του Ιησού Χριστού. Τα μέλη του διαβάζουν σχεδόν τη δική τους Βίβλο για τον εαυτό τους, διαβάζουν τα βιβλία και την ραψωδία που γεμίζουν τις αιρέσεις μερικές φορές. TB Joshua, μπορεί να χρησιμοποιήσει το όνομα του Ιησού Χριστού, αλλά δεν το μιλάει με πίστη, αλλά με δόλιο τρόπο. Κάποιος είπε κάποτε ότι ένας δαίμονας έριξε έναν δαίμονα, γιατί όχι. Ο διάβολος έβαλε τον δαίμονα εκεί, να εξαπατήσουν τους Χριστιανούς. Και νομίζετε ότι οι δαίμονες πραγματικά αποχωρούν, απλά παραμένουν ήσυχοι. Συμπερασματικά, ο σκοπός της TB Joshua είναι να κάνει τους χριστιανούς να κάνουν backslide και να τους κάνει να αισθάνονται ότι κάνουν το σωστό πράγμα . Ο πάστορας δεν είναι τέλειος. TB Ο Joshua είναι εθελοντικός πράκτορας του διαβόλου. Ο διάβολος τον χρησιμοποιεί = για να σας αποσπάσει την προσοχή από τη σωστή πορεία = Όπως όλοι οι υπόλοιποι ψευδοπροφήτες σήμερα. Όταν πεθαίνουμε ... Ο Θεός δεν πρόκειται να μας ρωτήσει ... πόσοι δαίμονες έχουμε πετάξει από τους ανθρώπους. Θα ζητήσει από τον καθένα από εμάς - δώσατε νερό, φαγητό στους φτωχούς; Φώτισες το σκοτάδι σου αδελφούς και αδελφές, αλλιώς θα σου πει ... να φύγεις από εδώ δεν σε ξέρω. με όλους αυτούς τους ψευδοπροφήτες,ο διαβολος δουλεύει καλά.επειδη αυτή δεν γνώρισαν την ορθοδοξία.πιστεύοντας φωνάζοντας δυνατά ο διάβολος μπορεί να ακούσει καλύτερα,και θα φυγει ευκολοτερα.αν ειχαν ταπεινωση=δεν θα έκαναν επίδειξη από τηλεόραση.όλα είναι πρόδρομοι του αντιχρίστου=δεν ειναι αληθινα θαυματα αυτα.οταν ερθει ο αντιχριστος=θα κάνει τα ίδια ψευτοθαυματα-Αληθινοί προφήτες του θεού ποτέ δεν δείχνουν τον εαυτό τους με αυτόν τον τρόπο.Οι αληθινοί προφήτες δεν κάνουν ψευδείς προφητείες=Προέβλεψε ότι η Χίλαρι Κλίντον θα κερδίσει Αντίχριστος στις μέρες μας, γνωρίζοντας ότι η τελευταία φορά για τον Αντίχριστο και διάβολοι του είναι κοντά, θα κάνει ό, τι είναι δυνατόν για να εξαπατήσει τον άνθρωπο, από πολλές εκδηλώσεις Ο ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΜΑΣ ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΕ ΓΙΑ "ΣΗΜΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΤΕΡΑΤΑ " ΠΡΙΝ ΤΗΝ ΕΠΟΧΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ.. ΟΛΟΙ ΑΥΤΟΙ ΟΙ ΨΕΥΔΟΠΡΟΦΗΤΕΣ ΑΠΛΩΣ ΠΡΟΕΤΟΙΜΑΖΟΥΝ ΤΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΟΥΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΟΝ ΨΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΧΡΙΣΤΟ. Agent of the Devil = TB Joshua = Jesus never said that he would send prophets after him But most importantly, it is imperative to test the spirits, judge and compare the doctrinal teachings and beliefs that TB Joshua presents with The Word of God. From this stand alone you will discover that this man teaches the heresy to be wrong with the truth. Christians must avoid any person using occult techniques in the name of Jesus Christ. His members read almost their own Bible for themselves, they read the books and rhapsody that fill the heresies sometimes. TB Joshua, may use the name of Jesus Christ, but he does not speak it in faith but in a fraudulent way. Someone once said that a demon threw a demon, why not. The devil put the demon there to deceive the Christians. And you think the demons are really going away, just keep quiet. In conclusion, Joshua's TB's purpose is to make Christians backslide and make them feel they are doing the right thing. The pastor is not perfect. TB Joshua is a volunteer agent of the devil. The devil uses it = to distract you from the right course = Like all other false prophets today. When we die ... God will not ask us ... how many demons have we cast out of people. Will they ask each of us - did you give water, eat the poor? Lighten your dark brothers and sisters, otherwise they will tell you ... to leave from here I do not know you. with all these false prophets, the devil works well. Because she did not know Orthodoxy. Believing the devil can hear it better, and it will be easier to leave. If they were humiliating = they would not show on TV. All are precursors to the antichrist = they are not true miracles when the antichrist comes - it will do the same pseudo-gods - the true prophets of the god never show themselves that way. The true prophets do not make false prophecies = He predicted that Hillary Clinton will win Nowadays, unrighteous, knowing that the last time about the Antichrist and devils is near, he will do his best to deceive man from many events. CHRIST WAS WARNING FOR "POINTS AND WALLS" BEFORE THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST .. ALL THOSE FALSE CLOSERS PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE SPIRIT CHRIST
ORTHODOXY is the only true religion!
ORTHODOXY is the only true religion! All the other so-called "Christian churches" changed very very many things in Christianity. Catholicism changes and adjusts doga every day(a metaphor, but you got the idea). Orthodoxy has remained pure and unchanged since the 7 ecumenical councils at the dawn of Christianity. Catholics left us, and after them, the protestants split from them and drifted farther away from the true essence of Christianity, and then the Anglicans, Pentecostals, baptists, etc, etc... Now there are hundreds or even thousand of so-called "Christian churches".Catholics are the origin of all the sects today. It is a saying... " There were three Great falls in history: 1)The fall of Satan 2)The fall of Adam 3)The fall of the first Pope in 1054! " But the Truth is only one, and is found in the only Church founded by the 12 apostles. The Orthodox Church. Orthodox =The Right Faith Ortho = Right, Unchanged Dox = Dogma, Faith All the thousands of so-called Christian churches starting with Catholicism lost Apostolic descendence. They are anathematized because they changed the Faith.
Hebrew Kabbalah:
The prevalence of Antichrist forces
there are no genuine spiritual experiences
Το κακό πνεύμα του Αντίχριστου
This is clearly proclaimed by the Bible
Holy Orthodox Faith
Prayer To The Saints
Scripture says: hide from everyone until the wrath of God has passed.
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