Saturday, September 23, 2023
What about our imagination?
What about our imagination? I noticed that we often take these images as accurately as if they were photographs. But if we look at how our ability to design has changed over time ... How do we know that what we see is the same thing they saw and how do we know that we do not see anything in these images just because it portrays something that was printed in mind us over the years from the media, movies, books, etc? Aliens never confirm Christ's deity nor claim to come in his name. Aliens are changing their stories to deceive people into believing their lies. An example of this is that before humans or satellites were sent there, aliens could claim to be planets like Jupiter in our solar system. So as time passed and man learned more about our planet, we realized that no one could live on a planet like Jupiter, so the aliens changed their story. They now claim to come from other solar systems and buildings such as Andromeda and Pluto.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Aerial toll houses =The Reality of after death-On the third day = after death, the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits
On the third after death, the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits that obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they had tempted it. According to various revelations, there are twenty such obstacles, The so-called toll-houses, at each of which one or another form of sin is tested. please PANAGIA-Mother of God, at the time of my death rescue me from the hands of the demons, and the decision, the class, the terrible test, the bitter toll houses and the wild prince, and the eternal condemnation, amen, please help my soul will be to be released from the bond with the flesh, it intercedes for me, Supreme Virgin Mary Mother of God
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
The Americans are snakes, they don't leave the world alone, but they will pay badly, time is running out! We'll have a lot of trouble The dishonest Americans want and seek to make us eat. God kiss us!" These words of Elder Basil Causocalyvitis were a response to Styliani, one of his spiritual children, when she brought him some news at the end of 2014, when his health was quite shaken. Those who heard him and saw him felt a certain fear overwhelming them, both from his words and from the look on his face. -Will we experience abnormal situations in Greece? Do we need to make sure we have supplies? Many of us are worried mainly about our children, and we are already hearing a lot of things. What should we do? -Listen, my son Marco. The age we are living in is characterized by man's apostasy from the triune God. Jesus Christ has ceased to be the priority of our lives. We care about ephemeral things and do not understand that our home is heaven. Therefore, it is natural that on the one hand this anxiety manifests itself, which in essence betrays a lack of faith, a lack of trust in Christ and the Blessed Mother. And on the other hand, it is natural that the good God allows a few little jolts to help us recover from the general lethargy. Such jerks are described in detail in the Bible at times when old Israel was departing from God. Attacks by neighboring peoples, captivity, earthquakes, famines, famines, plagues, natural disasters were all means of returning old Israel to the path of repentance. What say we, as the new Israel, as members of the Church of Christ, will be an exception to the rule? - So we are preparing for even more difficult situations? Are you telling us that suffering is coming? -Look at me, Calico. The truth is that our people, especially in the last few years, have opened wide the doors and windows to Antidicus and his thugs and they are on the prowl. He has turned his back on God. And not only did he turn his back on him, but he began to blaspheme him and drive him out of his life. He preferred to live in spiritual darkness and spiritual poverty. The spiritual drought that our people are experiencing will bring as natural consequences a great destructive earthquake, epidemics, civil wars. You will see the apartment buildings in Athens collide like rams and in three of them one will remain standing. You will see the fruits of your fields eaten by clouds of locusts and wild birds. You will see our people driven by what the Americans have carried us, that is, by foreigners, to be divided. There will be a civil war with the foreigners brought here. We'll have confusion. Innocent blood will be spilled, people who are not to blame will pay for it. And then there'll be misery, poverty, hunger, disease. You will work to get a piece of bread all day long. I'll just about make enough for a living. At this point the old man, as if he could see what was going to happen in this blessed place, began to cry. There was a strange silence in the living room. Some people began to cry with him. No one spoke. Everyone was hanging on his every word. The old man, Basil the Bald, wiped his tears with his handkerchief. -"Forgive me, forgive me, my children. Do you remember, my children, what I told you five years ago, when the financial crisis was beginning? And then you asked me if we should have supplies in case of an emergency. -Yes, old man, I had asked you, said Stavros. -Then, my good Cross, I urged you to store spiritual food and not edible goods, that is, goods that are destroyed by microbes, water, earthquakes, etc. I have stressed that you must have stores of spiritual goods so that you can endure. Learn to fast because hard times will come, learn to survive on the goods of the earth, learn to cultivate the land even if you have a measure of it. - I remember, old man, when you told us then, commenting on an act of charity by the children, how you now have and give. Tomorrow you will have nothing to give. And whoever has enough to live must not forget to give and help his brothers and sisters. Has this time come which you have described today, Stavros added. -I can see that soon those dishonorable Americans and Germans will get us involved. I won't live, but you will. You'll see how it will all happen suddenly. You'll sleep free and wake up enslaved. When you see the events begin, don't leave the house, not even for bread. Close the windows and shutters. Leave nothing open. And wait. It will take a little while, the days will be on the fingers of one hand! They will suffer more in Athens, Crete and Patras. In Thessaloniki and the other big cities things will be milder. The Virgin will intervene. And at this point, seeing the anxiety on our faces, the elder Basil said to us: -It is wise to prepare some supplies so that you will not be caught unprepared by the calamities. The first and foremost is water, because first they will hit the water tanks. It's a good idea to have water on the shore. And because God knows exactly when things will be renewed. The food that we store should have a shelf life and meet our needs as much as possible. Next after water is grain and flour. Wheat to have for sowing in the right season. Then oil, coarse and fine salt. Coarse salt for salting meat, fish, pickles, etc. Sugar, honey, olives, rice, pulses. That is, beans, chickpeas, lentils, lentils, fava beans, spaghetti, milk, especially powdered and condensed milk, coffee, tea and canned goods. Cheese in containers, cheese in heads, dried fruit and nuts. Some medicines are necessary to avoid infections, painkillers, antibiotics, analgesics mainly in capsules. For children's infections of concern, antitussives or syrups for throat infections. Pills for diarrhoea, etc. It's also a good idea to stock up on first-aid supplies, alcohol, iodine, gauze, bandages, sulphamide powder, bee propolis, the best natural antibiotics. It is advisable to keep a few seeds for breeding, such as tomatoes, peppers, beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. -Elder, at the beginning of the economic crisis we made some commissions. We got scared then and ran and bought pasta, milk, pulses. There were also rumours of great famine, according to the prophecies of holy elders, such as Saint Cosmas and the old (now Saint) Paisios. Years passed and nothing happened and much of the food was thrown away. - Listen Apostle, no prophecy specifies a particular time, because time is God's. However, the signs of the times that foretell what is to come are now very evident. And the most important sign of all is the spiritual drought that prevails which reveals our apostasy from the law of God. But blessed ones, you should eat from what you have stored, so that the situation may be renewed. If men had filled our spiritual storehouses we would not need any of what I have told you. But our weak faith causes us to fear. For the truly faithful Christian is not even darkened when he goes through great tribulations, such as this one. We have forgotten the psalm of the prophet David which says: "Our God is our refuge and strength, a helper in afflictions, a helper in our afflictions, a great help to those who afflict us. Therefore let us not fear in the shaking of the earth, nor in the moving of mountains in the hearts of the seas... nations have been shaken, kingdoms have fallen; he has given his voice, the earth has been shaken. Lord of hosts, Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob, our God. He hath broken the bow of the wicked wars to the ends of the earth, and hath smitten with weapons, and hath burned temples with fire. Know ye, and know that I am God; I am exalted among the Gentiles, I am exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts with me, the Lord of hosts, the God of Jacob, my God." -"Elder, you tell us to have flour, but how to keep it? -We have to be careful how we preserve and where we put the stored food. Our grandparents taught us, but we forgot. A shady place, no humidity and no high temperatures. We can put the flour in large containers where we put the slice, that is, a tin with a round lid, which we fill to the top. We press it well, with force and it takes a good amount, up to 20 kilos. Then spread about one (1) inch of coarse salt over the flour, add a piece of basil and close it airtight. You can seal the lid with clean wax. The oil is kept in a dark place in a clay pot or tin, at a cool temperature or, if possible, in a cellar. We can also keep feta cheese and all cheeses in the oil for a long time. Pulses, rice, cereals, well dried in the sun, dry them well or put them in the oven for 15 minutes at 50°C. In the bag you can put soap chips or lime about a spoonful per 5 kilos of pulses. Sugar (not the liquid part of preservation), honey, glucose, molasses, spoon sweets, vinegar, wine, sun-dried bread, galettes, sealed in airtight containers are preserved indefinitely. In short, we must remember the ways of our ancestors because many modern means of living will generally become extinct. Pickles in salt water, salted fish and meat in airtight containers, olives, tomatoes and so on. The main thing is to keep it in a container, dry it well and keep it in airtight containers. Always keep holy water in your homes and everyone's faith, prayer and repentance, repentance, repentance and wooden crosses on doors and windows. -Are we close to the events clearly described by our saints? -We are already on the facts. So be careful not to be caught unprepared. Let no Christian home be without the New Testament, nor the Psalms of David. In your homes, have oil lamps for lighting, petroleum gas in gas cans, gasoline for emergency needs in plastic containers that are airtight and stored in a very safe cool place. Also keep oil in containers for lighting. And addressing a certain spiritual friend of his who was also a hunter, he said: -Never go hunting again. -Shall I surrender the license and the rifle, old man? - No, have it and if you can get another one for the hard years. Keep it because you'll need it. You'll have enough cartridges. Sure, they'll pick them up, they'll take them from you, but if you can hide them, because they'll need them and they'll find you unprepared. Orthodoxy is being mercilessly attacked, and unfortunately the sad thing is that it is being attacked by the Orthodox themselves.
The Americans are snakes, they don't leave the world alone, but they will pay badly, time is running out! We'll have a lot of trouble The dishonest Americans want and seek to make us eat. God kiss us!" These words of Elder Basil Causocalyvitis were a response to Styliani, one of his spiritual children, when she brought him some news at the end of 2014 when his health was quite shaken. Those who heard him and saw him felt a certain fear overwhelming them, both from his words and from the look on his face.
-Will we experience abnormal situations in
Greece? Do we need to make sure we have supplies? Many of us are worried mainly
about our children, and we are already hearing a lot of things. What should we
-Listen, my son Marco. The age we are living
in is characterized by man's apostasy from the triune God. Jesus Christ has
ceased to be the priority of our lives. We care about ephemeral things and do
not understand that our home is heaven. Therefore, it is natural that on the
one hand, this anxiety manifests itself, which in essence betrays a lack of
faith, a lack of trust in Christ and the Blessed Mother. And on the other hand,
it is natural that the good God allows a few little jolts to help us recover
from the general lethargy. Such jerks are described in detail in the Bible at
times when old Israel was departing from God. Attacks by neighboring peoples,
captivity, earthquakes, famines, famines, plagues, and natural disasters were all
means of returning old Israel to the path of repentance. What say we, as the
new Israel, as members of the Church of Christ, will be an exception to the
- So we are preparing for even more difficult
situations? Are you telling us that suffering is coming?
-Look at me, Calico. The truth is that our
people, especially in the last few years, have opened wide doors and
windows to Antidicus and his thugs and they are on the prowl. He has turned his
back on God. And not only did he turn his back on him, but he began to
blaspheme him and drive him out of his life. He preferred to live in spiritual
darkness and spiritual poverty. The spiritual drought that our people are
experiencing will bring as natural consequences a great destructive earthquake,
epidemics, and civil wars. You will see the apartment buildings in Athens collide like
rams and in three of them, one will remain standing. You will see the fruits of
your fields eaten by clouds of locusts and wild birds. You will see our people
driven by what the Americans have carried us, that is, by foreigners, to be
divided. There will be a civil war with the foreigners brought here. We'll have
confusion. Innocent blood will be spilled, and people who are not to blame will pay
for it. And then there'll be misery, poverty, hunger, disease.
You will work to get a piece of bread all day
long. I'll just about make enough for a living.
At this point the old man, as if he could see
what was going to happen in this blessed place, began to cry. There was a
strange silence in the living room. Some people began to cry with him. No one
spoke. Everyone was hanging on his every word. The old man, Basil the Bald,
wiped his tears with his handkerchief.
-"Forgive me, forgive me, my children. Do
you remember, my children, what I told you five years ago when the financial
crisis was beginning? And then you asked me if we should have supplies in case
of an emergency.
-Yes, old man, I had asked you, said Stavros.
-Then, my good Cross, I urged you to store
spiritual food and not edible goods, that is, goods that are destroyed by
microbes, water, earthquakes, etc. I have stressed that you must have stores of
spiritual goods so that you can endure. Learn to fast because hard times will
come, learn to survive on the goods of the earth, and learn to cultivate the land
even if you have a measure of it.
- I remember, old man when you told us then,
commenting on an act of charity by the children, how you now have and give.
Tomorrow you will have nothing to give. And whoever has enough to live must not
forget to give and help his brothers and sisters. Has this time come which you
have described today, Stavros added.
-I can see that soon those dishonorable
Americans and Germans will get us involved. I won't live, but you will. You'll
see how it will all happen suddenly. You'll sleep free and wake up enslaved.
When you see the events begin, don't leave the house, not even for bread. Close
the windows and shutters. Leave nothing open. And wait. It will take a little
while, the days will be on the fingers of one hand! They will suffer more in
Athens, Crete, and Patras. In Thessaloniki and the other big cities things will be
milder. The Virgin will intervene.
And at this point, seeing the anxiety on our
faces, the elder Basil said to us:
-It is wise to prepare some supplies so that
you will not be caught unprepared by the calamities. The first and foremost is
water because first, they will hit the water tanks. It's a good idea to have
water on the shore. And because God knows exactly when things will be renewed.
The food that we store should have a shelf life and meet our needs as much as
possible. Next, after water is grain and flour. Wheat to have for sowing in the
right season. Then oil, coarse and fine salt. Coarse salt for salting meat,
fish, pickles, etc. Sugar, honey, olives, rice, pulses. That is beans,
chickpeas, lentils, lentils, fava beans, spaghetti, milk, especially powdered
and condensed milk, coffee, tea, and canned goods. Cheese in containers, cheese
in heads, dried fruit, and nuts. Some medicines are necessary to avoid
infections, painkillers, antibiotics, and analgesics mainly in capsules. For
children's infections of concern, antitussives or syrups for throat infections.
Pills for diarrhea, etc. It's also a good idea to stock up on first-aid
supplies, alcohol, iodine, gauze, bandages, sulphamide powder, bee propolis, and the best natural antibiotics. It is advisable to keep a few seeds for breeding,
such as tomatoes, peppers, beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
-Elder, at the beginning of the economic
crisis we made some commissions. We got scared then and ran and bought pasta,
milk, and pulses. There were also rumors of great famine, according to the
prophecies of holy elders, such as Saint Cosmas and the old (now Saint)
Paisios. Years passed and nothing happened and much of the food was thrown
- Listen Apostle, no prophecy specifies a
particular time, because time is God's. However, the signs of the times that
foretell what is to come are now very evident. And the most important sign of
all is the spiritual drought that prevails which reveals our apostasy from the
law of God. But blessed ones, you should eat from what you have stored, so that
the situation may be renewed. If men had filled our spiritual storehouses we
would not need any of what I have told you. But our weak faith causes us to
fear. For the truly faithful Christian is not even darkened when he goes through
great tribulations, such as this one. We have forgotten the psalm of the
prophet David which says: "Our God is our refuge and strength, a helper in
afflictions, a helper in our afflictions, a great help to those who afflict us.
Therefore let us not fear in the shaking of the earth, nor in the moving of
mountains in the hearts of the seas... nations have been shaken, kingdoms have
fallen; he has given his voice, the earth has been shaken. Lord of hosts, Lord
of hosts, the God of Jacob, our God. He hath broken the bow of the wicked wars
to the ends of the earth, and hath smitten with weapons, and hath burned
temples with fire. Know ye, and know that I am God; I am exalted among the
Gentiles, I am exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts with me, the Lord of hosts,
the God of Jacob, my God."
-"Elder, you tell us to have flour, but
how to keep it?
-We have to be careful how we preserve and
where we put the stored food. Our grandparents taught us, but we forgot. A
shady place, with no humidity and no high temperatures. We can put the flour in
large containers where we put the slice, that is, a tin with a round lid, which
we fill to the top. We press it well, with force and it takes a good amount, up
to 20 kilos. Then spread about one (1) inch of coarse salt over the flour, add
a piece of basil, and close it airtight. You can seal the lid with clean wax.
The oil is kept in a dark place in a clay pot or tin, at a cool temperature, or,
if possible, in a cellar. We can also keep feta cheese and all cheeses in the
oil for a long time. Pulses, rice, and cereals, well dried in the sun, dry them
well or put them in the oven for 15 minutes at 50°C. In the bag, you can put
soap chips or lime about a spoonful per 5 kilos of pulses.
Sugar (not the liquid part of preservation),
honey, glucose, molasses, spoon sweets, vinegar, wine, sun-dried bread, and galettes, sealed in airtight containers are preserved indefinitely. In short,
we must remember the ways of our ancestors because many modern means of living
will generally become extinct. Pickles in salt water, salted fish and meat in
airtight containers, olives, tomatoes, and so on. The main thing is to keep it
in a container, dry it well, and keep it in airtight containers. Always keep
holy water in your homes and everyone's faith, prayer and repentance,
repentance, repentance, and wooden crosses on doors and windows.
-Are we close to the events clearly described
by our saints?
-We are already on the facts. So be careful
not to be caught unprepared. Let no Christian home be without the New Testament,
nor the Psalms of David. In your homes, have oil lamps for lighting, petroleum
gas in gas cans, and gasoline for emergency needs in plastic containers that are
airtight and stored in a very safe cool place. Also, keep oil in containers for
And addressing a certain spiritual friend of
his who was also a hunter, he said:
-Never go hunting again.
-Shall I surrender the license and the rifle,
old man?
- No, have it, and if you can get another one
for the hard years. Keep it because you'll need it. You'll have enough
cartridges. Sure, they'll pick them up, they'll take them from you, but if you
can hide them because they'll need them and they'll find you unprepared.
Orthodoxy is being mercilessly attacked, and
unfortunately, the sad thing is that it is being attacked by the Orthodox
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Saint Father Arsenios Boca
Saint Father Arsenios Boca is one of the most famous spiritual fathers of Romania in recent years. His holy life made him undesirable for the communist regime which expelled him from the monastery. Although he was under constant surveillance, thousands of people were looking for him.
At one point, out of curiosity, even the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was interested in meeting the great spiritualist, according to Jurnalul Naţional.
In the early 1980s he was taken to Ceausescu, who asked him:
"Hey priest, I heard that you predict the future of people. What do you know about me?" recounts Fr. Arsenios' niece, Zoe Dejan.
"They will kill you both at a great feast" (they were executed on 25 December 1989).
They, of course, did not believe him and asked the guards to take him out of his sight and never to see him again, Zoe Dejan said.
At the same time, Fr. Arsenios sent a message to the Romanian people through his niece: "After Ceausescu, but not immediately, the people will suffer greatly" and advised Romanians "not to bow their heads" but "to have dignity and personality"
Elder Arsenios Boca passed away a short time earlier, on 28 November 1989.
The Teachings of Fr. Arsenios Boka
He prophesied the fall of communism in Europe and that Romania would be the only country that would violently overthrow its communist government, saying that "other countries will switch to capitalism peacefully, just like a man changes his shirt, while Romania will be the only country that will make the transition to capitalism in bloodshed, and many will die," and that is exactly what happened.
On Christmas Day 1989, Romanians overthrew the communist government and executed the dictator Ceausescu and his family just as the prophet said. The army also opened fire on the demonstrators, killing a total of 1104 people and injuring 3352.
He also predicted that he would depart for the Lord three weeks before Ceausescu.
He said after the revolution, "Many will leave Romania and emigrate to foreign countries, but few will return home. However, the time will come when all of them will want to return, but none will be able to because Romania will be surrounded by flames." The prophecy continues with Fr. Arsenius warning that "One day, Romania will be occupied by 3 foreign countries, Hungary, Bulgaria and Russia. The rain of fire will fall upon her. Bucharest will become a second Jerusalem". What he meant was that Bucharest will be destroyed like Jerusalem and no stone will be left upon stone, but the prophet goes on to console those who have panicked by saying "Our Lady on her knees will pray to God for the forgiveness of Romania."
Father Arsenios Boca said that we are living in the end times and that the capital of Romania, Bucharest, will be wiped off the face of the planet by fire.
He prayed to God for the salvation of Americans saying: "God please don't punish the Americans, forgive them and have mercy on them, they are your creatures too", and God took his spirit and showed him what state America is really in, after that Fr. Arsenius said: "Yes God, they are worthy of destruction!". Immediately after that, he drew in the Draganescu church, which appeared on the New York City skyline with the World Trade Center on fire, thus prophesying the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Among many other things related to America, Fr. Arsenius also prophesied the destruction of the Apollo 13 mission, the invention of cell phones, and even the space shuttle.
He also warned that in the last days, religions will become more and more interested in ecumenism (union), this is one of the greatest likes of all time. It is the heresy of all heresies! The fall of the Church by her own servants, the instruments of the West. Its results are the rotting wreckage that falls, even if they are bishops, priests, monks, or laity. Let us return to holy tradition, to the doctrines and canons of the holy fathers of the 7 ecumenical councils. Otherwise, we will go to hell, including our bishops! God forbid!
Even after the fall of communism, he foresaw what would follow: "The red scum, the hammer, and sickle, the five-pointed star will disappear, but after that the six-pointed star will come, and there will be anarchy," referring to a Jewish dominion over the world since the six-pointed star is known as the "Star of David" used only by them and the State of Israel.
He also said that the devil is working to corrupt the people and destroy the kingdom of God.
The Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the so-called “Church Fathers” is filled with references to this mysterious book. The early second century “Epistle of Barnabus” makes much use of the Book of Enoch. Second and Third Century “Church Fathers” like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch “Holy Scripture”. The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ. This and many other books became discredited after the Council of Laodicea. And being under ban of the authorities, afterwards it gradually passed out of circulation.
This explains the origins of demons, UFOs, fallen angels, & other mysteries, which is the reason for it been banned by previous generations. Having said that, this book was not meant for previous generations, but for our generation of today.
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Η Γαλλίδα σταρ Gillette Binoche επισκέφτηκε τον τάφο του Saint Paisius Gillette Binoche Who Will συμμετάσχουν στο Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών Επιδαύρου...