Shocking are the prophetic words of the blessed Elder Galactia of Crete (+20-5-2021 AD - about the end of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew!
The Elder saw with the eyes of her soul the terrible end of the Ecumenical Patriarch in the Phanar by the Turks, where he is guarding eternal "Thermopylae", in daily danger at the end, of Islam, with a tradition of genocide...
Behind the lights, the publicity, the spotlights, the Ecumenical Patriarch alone, becomes that pure, holy, full of faith and stubbornness child, the Greek child of martyred Imbros, Dimitrakis Archontonis of Christos and Meropi, in the village of Agii Theodoroi, where he was born on February 29, 1940...
Closing 83 years of life, serving the only true Church from the age of 21, he still stands upright in the furnace of slavery, facing daily with his eyes the castles, the walls, and the Temples of the Kingdom, which speak to him in secret and call to him that the great hour of the Nation is approaching...
And having the blessing of canonizing the leading Saints of our time, such as St. Paisios, Porphyry, James and so many others, he is pulling the Romanity worldwide, stretching more and more the nerves of the Turks, who until recently were asking for the term "Ecumenical" to be banned or "to have his passport taken away" so that he could not be in the occupied Capital of our Byzantine Empire...
And Elder Galactia, by the Grace of God, saw the deep plans of fanatical Turks against this "Leonidas of Faith".
Father, much has been written about the engraving and chip that people will be forced to put on their bodies in the time of the Antichrist. What would you tell us about this issue, which concerns us all?
The human body is one of the most magnificent wonders of God's Creation.
I can say that it is unique in all of God's creation.
So God wanted to be our body , in which he would place our immortal soul , His Temple , to be worshiped there by all of us, His children, as a king God the Father .
The Holy Bible says that we are " the temple of the living God ".
Satan cannot win a man's soul unless he first wins his body. That is why he tries in a thousand ways to contaminate our body, so that it ceases to be " God's temple " and can thus dominate it .
Until now, Satan has been trying to dominate man by using his human weaknesses. Thus he made man susceptible to many and various great sins such as immorality , drugs , murder , witchcraft , and many others. However, every time that man repented of his mistakes and God forgave him, the binds and his plans.
So Satan was looking for another way to control completely the mind of man, and to be able to better direct , control and dominate man's thoughts , desires and feelings .
found the way . With the artificial intelligence of computers and a series of specific specialized vaccines, it will interfere with the chain of the human genetic code , the DNA, and change it . Thus, the now mutated human DNA instead of acting under Divine Intelligence , as God created it, will now act under the orders of artificial intelligence , which will be directed by the satanic staff of the Antichrist!
In fact, in order to better control each person individually, some elements of the code in the mutated human DNA will form the necessary basis to create an identity, an exclusive identity, with a personal number , which will be unique for each person. This personal number on the DNA of each person will now be indelible , permanent and irrevocable.
This number of man, with the number 666 preceding it, will indicate to whom this man belongs and with it he will be registered in the central supercomputer of the Antichrist, the famous " Beast ", with which all the rest of his computers will be connected satanic antichrist state.
In order for all computers to easily read this human number, a shortcut icon will be created on the surface of the human body, on the forehead and on the hand .
Every human activity , such as saving , buying , selling , and in general every action , will be completely controlled and dependent on his specific personal number .
It will be his official ID . Without that number, that person simply wouldn't exist .
plan in the first phase is to turn the human body into a mobile transceiver , just like a mobile phone is , so that he can easily dominate it.
How will man be transformed into a mobile transceiver, "a mobile phone"?
To build a house one needs two things. The materials that will be needed for the construction and the appropriate technicians that will work to build and perfect it.
As for the materials needed to build the new human mutant DNA, Satan made sure to slowly and cunningly collect them gradually in the human body. He transferred them to our body through what we eat , drink and breathe , which he had previously contaminated with various invisible to the eye materials , of high nanotechnology .
Then, a series of 7 specially specialized vaccines will play the role of 7 specialized technicians who will undertake to make the new mutated human DNA, with the materials that have already entered the human body.
The purpose of the 7 vaccines will be to weaken and in the end cancel the possibility of man to become, through the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the " temple of God ".
The most important of the seven vaccines will be the seventh . The seventh vaccine will be the crown of nanotechnology , since it will be introduced , without any reversal , into the final mutated human DNA, the element that will incorporate the necessary code on which the number - seal of each person will be written.
I must repeat that restoring human DNA to its original state will now be impossible, therefore those who take the satanic " sealing " will be captive for life to the most destructive decision for their existence.
This number will not be something visible that can be removed from the human body but something invisible since it will be one with the DNA of the person , that is, his very life .
This number will then be connected to a supercomputer, the famous " Beast ", which will be operated by the Antichrist himself and his people, who will also exercise absolute power.
With the help of artificial intelligence , which will have developed to such a strong point that it is now deified by people, the Antichrist and his demonic staff will be able to control , dominate and direct thoughts , decisions , desires and the feelings of each person.
Every form of different thought or reaction will be made known through the technical intelligence of the " Beast " and the demonic staffs of the Antichrist, will decide the death or, at best, the erasure of the existence of the particular human transceiver .
Who are they who will help satan carry out his plan to destroy man?
Lucifer in recent years has managed to place many satanic people devoted to him in key positions of the world's threefold power , i.e. politics , science and religion .
Thus Lucifer will be able to rule:
1. Politics, through the bankers who control the money and determine the political decisions.
2. Science, through satanic scientists who make weapons, infectious viruses and other satanic constructs capable of destroying man and God's Creation.
3.Religion , through religious leaders subordinate to him, which he slowly took care to raise to leadership positions in the church. His religious leaders are willing to obey , implement and promote easily and without resistance , his antichrist plans and laws. In fact, they are the only ones who can easily, under the pretext of the virtue of " obedience ", seduce the multitude of the people, as their leaders and " shepherds ".
One of the most important actions of Lucifer will be to convince all these religious leaders to unite, for the sake of so-called universal love and peace , in a universal religious unity, the " World Church ".
Thus, in order for the Antichrist to be believed and accepted in the Christian world, he will use, as the Apocalypse of John says, as his partner the False Prophet , the satanic man who will lead the Universal Church at that time .
He, as the leader of the Church, will try to convince all Christians to receive the final sealing of the supposedly real "Christ", i.e. the Antichrist .
Has this all started?
Yes , but they are still in the early stages. We are now in the experimental phase of vaccines. Before the appearance of those seven special and specialized vaccines, which will build the new mutant DNA of humans, a series of experimental vaccines will first be tested on millions of people with uncontrolled and dangerous side effects.
Some of these, because they will interfere with the chain of the genetic code of human DNA, will cause the natural self-defense of DNA, resulting in new powerful diseases. These will be, for a long time, incurable . Doctors will not be able to easily find a cure for these diseases, resulting in millions of people dying.
Before the final stamping, which will be done on the human DNA itself , there will first be a global effort to give all people a personal number . This number will not be the actual " engraving ", but a protector of it, in order to acquaint man with the final " engraving-seal ".
a document at first , on cards and other legal papers, and then, to make it more functional in government services, so that it can be easily found and read by the computers of the technical services, it will become digital .
So, all governments will give all their citizens a personal number , with which they will be able to carry out all their necessary activities , which will concern either their relationship with the state , such as identity cards, taxation and others, or their survival , such as buying and selling.
Then, with the help of artificial intelligence , all the numbers of these people will be connected to a central global supercomputer , the " Beast ". Thus, within the "Beast" all the people of the world will be registered and recorded , with all their personal information .
As a pretext, for this great world argument, they will tell the whole world that it is the only way to better ensure world peace and the suppression of all illegal and terrorist acts.
However, their ultimate secret goal and purpose is to know and precisely control all the people who will have to pass to the next and final stage of the final " sealing ", with which the Antichrist will now know all subjects of.
How can we Christians react to all this? Is there an antidote that can neutralize the power of these satanic constructs?
The days we live in are very wicked indeed. Tests to make the new mutant human DNA have begun . Artificial intelligence is advancing at full speed and humans are unaware or want to be unaware and indifferent to what is happening. Lucifer managed to convince people that he cares about their health, so that they would easily accept his experiments.
Whether we will make ourselves the Temple of God or the temple of Satan is our choice . It is up to us whether we will remain united with God the Father, as His children, or whether we will run away from Him and join the camp of Lucifer. We are free to choose but also to shoulder the consequences of our decisions .
Those of us who choose to remain faithful to Christ and His holy Church must be ready to take up the cross of confession , even martyrdom . Our era will highlight the greatest saints of the Church.
Regarding all those high nanotechnology materials that are sneakily and unknowingly introduced into our bodies, like satanic poison , with what we eat , drink and breathe to contaminate us, I should emphasize that there is an antidote .
As every poison has its antidote , so our holy Church has the appropriate antidotes for them .
The problem, however, with the antidotes available to our Church is that they presuppose two basic spiritual elements on the part of people, so that their " power " can be activated . They presuppose " faith " and " trust " in God, something, however, that you no longer easily find among Christians.
The main antidote proposed by our holy Church is Holy Communion , that is, Christ himself. The energy of these dangerous high nanotechnology materials is neutralized with the Holy Communion , which will not only act therapeutically but also deterrently , since it will not allow artificial intelligence to intervene in the chain of human DNA, to " engrave " and make the mutation of those initial elements which the divine intelligence with infinite " Wisdom " has defined! In the case of Holy Communion, the penetrating power of the Holy Spirit is decisive. The Holy Spirit himself intervenes to preserve the Divine Will !
Sanctification is also a powerful antidote , especially the " great Sanctification of Epiphanies ", because it does not allow Satan and the artificial intelligence controlled by him to carry out his projects and plans.
The sign of the Holy Cross has always been the great fear of demons. Our Church has many stories, mainly from the lives of our saints, that the honest Cross abolished the power of the poison with which the holy martyrs were watered to die. Whenever they made the sign of the Cross, the poison lost its power and could not cause the death of the holy martyr. Of course, we must not forget that these holy Christians had deep faith and great love for our Christ, since for His sake they gave up everything, in order not to betray and deny Christ!
The daily prayer to God and especially to the Holy Spirit , when it is done with deep repentance and humility for our mistakes but also divine love in our heart for God our Father, is also a very powerful medicine against every satanic attack.
Heartfelt prayer greatly attracts divine Grace, and creates a divine protection around the body and soul of the praying person. This divine protective armor prevents any form of satanic communication that attempts to offend the human body and soul , with the powerful spiritual interference it causes.
Another great and important action of the holy prayer is that it will enlighten the mind of the humble person and will reveal to him, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the truth of his choices and of the events that will happen.
This awesome power of prayer to reveal the truth to the one who prays, will prove to be a very important help to the Christians of the last days, where the Antichrist and his followers will dominate everywhere.
The man who is faithful to God, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, will be able to feel and in many cases even see the truth about a person, whether it is God's or Satan's.
This will help many devout Christians to discern which spiritual leaders of the Church are following the true Christ and which are the Antichrist !
chaff will be separated from the wheat and the unworthy church leaders will be revealed , as well as the holy church fathers and teachers, so that Christians will know who they should trust and follow and who they should not.
The straw will constitute the ecclesiastical leadership of the " World Church ", which will belong to the Antichrist and will be managed by his friend and associate the False Prophet , as the Apocalypse of John states.
The wheat will consist of holy ecclesiastical men who will staff the " Catacomb Church " of the end times.
Praying Christians by God's revelation will recognize who will be the chaff and who the wheat, so that they will know who will be those holy fathers and teachers whom they should hereafter trust and follow.
How close are all these things that you have told us in such detail?
All this has begun and will culminate in the very near future.
Satan is of course in a hurry to take over the reins of world power through his own son the Antichrist . That is why he moves insidiously, with great guile and covertly, at all levels of power, in order to immediately become the " world leader ".
God, however, still for a while, does not allow it , because people are ignorant of the whole truth , so that they can choose freely and on their own, the one they will believe and follow.
great mercy to man, who does not want any human soul to perish in the darkness of Hades and hell, will allow three great events to occur that will help the whole world first to ponder and then to decide freely the most important choice in human history.
One fact has to do with everything that will happen from here on out with human health , which will continue to undergo multiple catastrophic operations due to some experimental pharmaceutical preparations that will promise life and health but will cause a multitude of side effects, even death .
The second event will be related to the unrestrained desire of some satanic leaders , who in their attempt to lead the whole world, will cause a global conflict with incalculable global disasters .
The third event will be the revolution of nature itself in the satanic Christian states but also in the whole world that reacts to the true God, as a last attempt of the horse nature to awaken the man hypnotized by Satan, so that he comes to his senses, repents and to stop his impending destruction.
In short, I can say that:
a chain of very large natural disasters will change the very structure of the Earth,
while the specter of hunger, thirst, disease, and despair will overshadow the entire planet.
Therefore, if a man becomes concerned and realizes his mistake, through all that will happen, immediately everything will change for the better and the destructive course of himself and nature will stop.
If, however, he persists in his selfish course and lets Satan be his lord and god, and willingly accepts Satan's mark and seal, then greater and more terrible world-catastrophic events will occur, causing death and incalculable numbers of people. These terrible world events are mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John.
Who is this Antichrist, who will disrupt the life of the whole world?
He is the son of Satan, who will be born from a woman in intercourse with Lucifer himself during a satanic ceremony.
He will live in secret at first and from there he will direct the world leaders devoted to him, whom he himself raised to power. At the right time, he will ascend to political power.
The charm of his satanic thinking, his rhetorical skill, and his imposition on all the leaders and peoples of the earth will be so strong that it will charm the entire planet.
As a first act of impressment, the Antichrist will stop all the wars, which he has so far secretly directed. He will be proclaimed " prince of peace " and all the heads of state will hand over to him the power of their peoples.
From that moment on the Antichrist will dominate me with absolute power over everything and with the help of perfected artificial intelligence, it will control everyone and everything.
With the help of demons and artificial intelligence, he will even perform various artificially believable miracles, which he himself will project to the whole world to convince them that he is a god. That he is the real Christ who came to earth to save all people.
The world church, which will already be ruled by his personal friend and satanic man, the False Prophet, will accept him as a man of God, as a prophet, and as a savior of the world. Then it will be officially disputed that our Lord Jesus Christ is the true Messiah of the world and that title of Messiah will be given to the Antichrist.
the greatest and most ruthless persecution of the true Christ and Christians will reach its climax.
All the religions of the world will recognize his supernatural powers and will accept him as their savior and god, therefore they will accept to take of their own will his own satanic seal, with which they will secure eternal faith in him and obedience.
However, the real Christians who, with the help of God, will remain faithful to the one and true Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, will not accept this sealing, even if they have to give their own lives.
For their faith, God will intervene miraculously, to protect them and give them the necessities for their survival.
The Christians at that time will get their strength with the help of the Holy Spirit from the study of the Holy Scriptures, Holy Communion, and the wishes of their holy spiritual fathers.
For this reason, the Antichrist and his followers will fight these three forces. They will attempt to rewrite the Holy Scriptures as they see fit. They will persecute on trifling occasions the reverend those spiritual fathers who oppose them. They will fight the Holy Communion in every way, so that people do not partake, until the moment when they will definitively abolish it and all the other " Mysteries " of the Church.
The awesome power of Holy Communion is well known to Lucifer and his demons. He knows that as long as it is held in the holy Churches and reverently attended by the people, he and his demonic plans will not be successfully promoted and he will not be able to come as a world leader and messiah.
The sign of his coming will be the abolition of Holy Communion.
For this reason, from now on we will all see and live the great and terrible war that Lucifer will start against the Holy Communion, through his own politicians, scientists, and also, unfortunately, church leaders.
To begin with, the immaculate Christ in Holy Communion will be accused by politicians and scientists of being able to contaminate and transfer diseases to the people. The confirmation of these satanic accusations through the condescension of little-faithful priests will mark the official beginning of the great persecution of Christ and His holy Church.
Changing the way Christians attend will be the second sacrilegious step against the Holy Communion and the transformation of the Holy Communion into a solid form will constitute the third satanic effort of the spirits of darkness.
In the last and most powerful attack against the Holy Communion, before its final cessation which will take place with the appearance of the Antichrist, it will be disputed that the Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ but will be considered a " substitute ".
We have entered, my child, into a strange period that I could confidently describe as the beginning of the eschatological times. It is the period when even the elect will go astray, as the Bible says.
I wish that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us all so that we can understand the cunning of Satan and that we all remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world
Friday, December 15, 2023
Thursday, December 14, 2023
They will go into the fields and fight for a potato in an empty Athens
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
The soul on its way to heaven
Have Already Mentioned Several Contemporary Accounts about the Review That some People experience When they leave Their BODIES. Obviously, this stage has something to do with the informal judgment or as a preparation for it.
In the lives of the saints and in spiritual literature, there exist stories about Guardian Angels taking the soul after death and accompanying it to heaven to worship before God.Frequently, as the soul is ascending to heaven, demons, upon seeing the soul, surround it intent on scaring it and carrying it away. This is because, according to Holy Scripture, after their expulsion from heaven, the fallen angels took over the area, if it can be called that, between heaven and earth. This is why Apostle Paul calls Satan "the Prince of the Power of the Air" and His demons, Spirits of wickedness in "Heavenly" Places, That is to say, in the Sky Or Heavens (Eph. 6:12, 2:2 ). These wandering spirits of the heavens upon seeing a soul led by an angel approach it from all sides reproaching it for sins committed throughout its life. Being extremely insolent, they attempt to frighten the soul, bring it to despair and thus take hold of it. During this trial the Guardian Angel bolsters the soul and defends it. This is not cause to think that the demons have some power over the soul, because they too are subject to God's Judgment. The are spurred on to brazenness by the fact that the soul in its time on earth was submissive to them in certain things.Their logic is simple, "since you behaved as we do, then your place is with us."
In church literature these meetings with demons are called "trials" (from the Church Fathers, this theme is discussed by: St. Ephraem the Syrian, St Aphanasios the Great, St. Macarius the Great, St. John Chrysostom and others). The most detailed development of this idea is by St. Cyril of Alexandria in his "Word on the exodus of the soul," published in the "The Following Psalters." A pictorial depiction of this Path is seen in the life of Saint Basil the New in the ten th Century, When the reposed Saint Theodora recounts What She Saw and felt after Leaving Her Body. Further accounts can be found in the book "Eternal Mysteries from Beyond the Grave." While reading these accounts, keep in mind that much is described figuratively, because the arrangements of the spiritual world do not resemble ours.
K. Uekskuell, whose story we stated above, describes a similar meeting with the wicked ethereal spirits. This is what happened after the two angels came for his soul: "We began to ascend quickly. And by the degree of our ascension, increasingly greater became the expanse of space that was revealed before my eyes. And finally it took on such terrifyingly vast proportions that I was seized with a fear from the realization of my insignificance in comparison to this desert of infinity. Here also certain peculiarities of my vision became apparent to me. Firstly, it was dark and I saw everything clearly in the dark; consequently my vision received the capacity of seeing in the dark; secondly, I was able to include in the field of my vision such a vast expanse of space, which undoubtedly I would not have been able to do with my ordinary vision.
The conception of time was absent in my mental state at this time, and I do not know how long we were moving upwards, when suddenly there was heard at first an indistinct noise. And following this, having emerged from somewhere, with shrieks and rowdy laughter, a throng of some hideous beings began rapidly to approach us.
"Evil Spirits!" - I suddenly comprehended and appraised with unusual rapidity that resulted from the horror I experienced at that time, a horror of a special kind and until then never before experienced by me. Evil spirits! O, how much irony, how much of the most sincere kind of laughter would this have aroused in me only a few days ago. Even a few hours ago somebody's report, not only that he saw evil spirits with his own eyes, but only that he believed in their existence as in something fundamentally real, would have aroused a similar reaction! As was proper for an "educated" man at the close of the nineteenth century, I understood this to mean foolish inclinations, passions in a human being, and that is why the very word itself had for me not the significance of a name, but a term which defined a certain abstracted conception. And suddenly this "certain abstracted conception" appeared before me as a living personification. Even up to the present time I am not able to say how and why at that time, without the slightest trace of doubt, I recognized evil spirits to be present in that ugly sight. Undoubtedly only because such a designation of it was completely outside of the normal order of things and logic, for if a similar hideous sight appeared before me at another time, undoubtedly I would have said that it was some kind of fiction personified, an abnormal caprice of one's imagination. In short, everything else but in no way, of course, would I have called it a name by which I would have meant something which cannot be seen. But at the time, this designation of its nature took place with such rapidity, that seemingly there was no need to think about it, as if I had seen that which already was well known to me long ago; and since, as I already have explained, at that time my mental capacities functioned with such incomprehensible intensity, I therefore comprehended just as rapidly that the ugly outward appearance of these beings was not their real exterior; that this was some kind of an abominable show which was probably conceived with the purpose of frightening me to a greater degree; and for a moment something similar to pride stirred within me. I then felt ashamed of myself, for man in general, because in order to arouse fear in man, a being who thinks so much of himself, other forms of being have recourse to such methods which we ourselves use with respect to small children.
Having surrounded us on all sides, with shrieks and rowdy sounds the evil spirits demanded that I be given over to them, they tried somehow to seize and tear me away from the Angels, but evidently did not dare to do this. In the midst of their rowdy howling, unimaginable and just as repugnant to one's hearing as their sight was for my eyes, I sometimes caught up words and whole phrases.
"He is ours: he has renounced God," they suddenly cried out almost in unison. And here they lunged at us with such boldness that for a moment fear froze the flow of all thought in my mind.
"That is a lie! That is untrue!" Coming to myself I wanted to shout, but an obliging memory bound my tongue. In some way unknown to me, I suddenly recalled such a slight, insignificant occurrence, which in addition was related to so remote a period of my youth that, it seems, I in no way could have been able to recall it to mind.
I recalled how during my years of study, once having gathered at my friend's, after having spoken about school studies, we passed over to discussing various abstract and elevated topics - conversations which often were carried on by us.
"Generally speaking, I don't like abstractions," says one of my comrades, "but here you already have absolute impossibility. I am able to believe in some kind of power of nature which, let us say, has not been investigated. That is to say, I can allow for its existence, even when not seeing its clear cut, definite manifestations, because it may be very insignificant or combined in its effects with other powers, and for this reason difficult to grasp; but to believe in God, as a Being, individual and omnipotent, to believe - when I do not anywhere see clear manifestations of this Individuality - this already becomes absurd. I am told: believe. But why must I believe, when I am equally able to believe that there is no God. Why, is it not true? Is it also not possible that He does not exist? " Now my comrade turned to me for support.
"Maybe not," I let escape from my lips.
This phrase was in the full sense of the word an "idle statement": the unreasonable talk of my friend could not have aroused within me a doubt in the existence of God. I did not particularly listen to his talking; and now it turned out that this idle statement of mine did not disappear without leaving a trace in the air, I had to justify myself, to defend myself from the accusation that was directed against me, and in such a manner the New Testament statement was verified in practice: We really shall have to give an account for all our idle words, if not by the Will of God, Who sees the secrets of man's heart, then by the anger of the enemy of salvation.
This accusation evidently was the strongest argument that the evil spirits had for my perdition. They seemed to derive new strength in this for the daring of their attacks on me, and now with furious bellowing they spun about us, preventing us from going any further.
I recalled a prayer and began praying, appealing for help to those Holy Ones whose names I knew and whose names came to mind. But this did not frighten my enemies. A sad ignorant Christian only in name, I now, it seems, almost for the first time in my life remembered Her, Who is called the Intercessor for Christians.
And evidently my appeal to Her was intense. Evidently my soul was filled with terror, that hardly had I remembered and pronounced Her name, when about us there suddenly appeared a kind of white mist which soon began to enfold within itself the ugly throng of evil spirits. It concealed them from my eyes before they could withdraw from us. Their bellowing and cackling was still heard for a long while, but according to how it gradually weakened in intensity and became more dull, I was able to judge that the terrible pursuit was gradually being left behind.
The feeling of fear that I experienced took hold of me so completely that I was not even conscious of whether we had been continuing our flight during this terrible meeting or whether it stopped us for awhile. I realized that we were moving, that we were continuing to move upward only when the infinite expanse of space again spread itself before me.
Having passed through some of its distance, I saw a bright light above me, it resembled, as it seemed to me, our sunlight, but was much more intense. There, evidently, is some kind of kingdom of light.
"Yes, namely a kingdom, full of the power of light," guessing by means of a special kind of feeling yet not understood by me, I thought. Because there was no shade with this light."But how can there be light without shade?" Immediately my perplexed conceptions made their appearance.
And suddenly we were quickly carried into the field of this light, and it literally blinded me. I shut my eyes, brought my hands up to my face, but this did not help since my hands did not give shade. And what did the like protection mean here anyway?
But something different happened. Majestically, without wrath, but authoritatively and firmly, the words resounded from above: "Not ready!"
And after that thereafter an immediate stop came to our rapid flight upward - we quickly began to descend.
But before we left this realm, I was endowed with the capacity to learn of one most wonderful phenomenon.
Hardly had the said words resounded from above when everything in that world it seems, each particle of dust, each slightest atom, responded to these words with their accord, as though a multimillion echo repeated them in a tongue unable to be perceived by hearing, but perceived and understood by the heart and mind, expressing its unison with the decision so decreed. And in this unity of will there was such wonderful harmony, and in this harmony so much inexpressive, exalted happiness, before which all our earthly charms and raptures appeared like a gloomy day without sunlight. This multimillion echo resounded in the form of an inimitable musical chord, and one's whole soul extended out towards it, wholly responding to it in a state devoid of any cares and in an ardent transport of zeal to be at one with this omnipresent, most wonderful harmony.
I did not understand the real sense of the words that were directed to me, that is to say, I did not understand that I had to return to earth and again live as previously. I thought that I was being carried to some other different parts, and a feeling of timid protest stirred within when before me. At first as hazily as in a morning mist, the outlines of a city were denoted before me, and following this, streets well known to me also became clearly visible.
Here I saw the building of the hospital, which was known, to me.
Approaching my lifeless body the Guardian Angel said "Have you heard the decision of God?" and pointing to my body commanded me: "Enter into it and prepare!" Following this both Angels became invisible to me. "
K. Uekskuell continues to describe his return to the flesh, which had been lying in the morgue for thirty-six hours and how the medical personnel where astonished by the miracle of his return to the living. Soon after, K. Uekskuell went to a monastery to live out his live as a monk
It is next when you start to mistakenly fall into delusions
And like himself
Barlaam, without remorse, saw visions of the wicked, so the people
much more now, in the age of spiritually comparative globalization is
exposed to the confusion of promoting every sect and delusion in parallel with it
Orthodoxy, unable to discern what is from God and what is imitation
made by the wicked. Some even think they can use it
Eastern exercises (such as yoga, self-concentration, etc.) at the same time as Orthodoxy
exercise (Fasting, Jesus' wish, vigilance, etc.). But it is necessary to stay in
Orthodox teaching that prioritizes the purification of the human heart.
When, respectively, the Church, which is like a heart that keeps all life alive
humanity, cleansed of the delusions that surround it, only the “powerful
angel "create the right conditions for the great Gathering, then all the
The universe will be ready to accept the word of God, as well as the pure heart of one
It makes one ready to accept the true revelation of God.
10.70. As Barlaam considered the appearances of the wicked to be superficial, so
Nowadays, those who lack Orthodox experience and theology are suffering.
For example, Mount Athos elder Sofronios (+1994) says that “the saints, when they reach
state of deification, they see the energy of God as Light, they are transformed and
they see the glory of God. " But it is easy to be deceived, and those who are not first
Christians: “The light of God is uniform, while that of the devil is dissimilar. Those
passed through Buddhism will have to repent completely, because otherwise
this eastern experience will leave something in their souls ”… (A13,14). And he explains:
"Buddhism has some truths, but it has a human truth that reaches out
the "zero", that is, with self-concentration - meditation leads man to it
"not being" from which we were created. It is an existential suicide. THE
Christ leads us to deification, communion with the Triune God. " 27
It is good to know where the truth is, because it is unique
it is easy to learn, and the plans that surround it are many. Great
Crowds of people run to gain spiritual experiences where there is only the
disastrous imitation of true experiences, caused by spirits of cunning that
they appear as angels of light or imitators of divine glory. Elder Sophronius had
many true experiences of divine light, but also other modern elders like o
Elder Porphyrios who also left us some memorable spiritual experiences
His: “Many times by the grace of God I have entered another state. The
my voice, my face entered the atmosphere of divine light ".
My notes must read
False prophets
When the Antichrist comes, that is, the Beast, he will seek for all men to worship him, including the churches and different denominational groups. The stage is now being set. False prophets
One of Satan’s favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil inspired, man made rules.
Ἡ Ἁγία Γραφή μᾶς προειδοποιεῖ, ὅτι ὁ σατανᾶς «μετασχηματίζεται καί εἰς ἄγγελον φωτός» διά νά πλανήσῃ. Τά περιστατικά εἰς τά ὁποῖα χριστιανοί, ἀκόμη καί μοναχοί, ἔπεσον θύματα ἀπατηλῶν δαιμονικῶν ἐμφανίσεων ἀποτυπώνονται πλήρως εἰς τό ἐκδιδόμενον ὑπό τῆς Ἱ.Μ. Ὁσίου Νικοδήμου «Γεροντικόν περί ὀνείρων καί ὁραμάτων». Γνωρίζομεν ἀκόμη ἐκ τῆς Ἁγίας Γραφῆς, ὅτι καί ἄν «ἄγγελος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ εὐαγγελίζεται ἡμῖν, παρ' ὅ παρελάβομεν»«ἀνάθεμα ἔστω». Διά τοῦτο κάθε εὐαγγελιζομένη ἕνωσις ἡ ὁποία παραβλάπτει τήν σώζουσαν Ἀλήθειαν τῆς Ἐκκλησίας δέν μπορεῖ νά εἶναι ἀποδεκτή, ὡς πρόξενος συγχύσεως καί ἀπωλείας, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ὅταν αὕτη βασίζεται κατά τό πνεῦμα τῆς ἐποχῆς μας, πού ἐπιζητεῖ θεάματα, ὄχι εἰς τά «ἠχεῖα τοῦ Πνεύματος», τούς Ἁγίους Πατέρας, ἀλλά εἰς ὁράματα ἁπλοϊκῶν Χριστιανῶν, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀνακηρύσσουν τούς ἑαυτούς των Προφήτας. ἀπό τούς Ἁγίους Ἀποστόλους.
The devil can deceive anyone and pretend to be the Lord who wants to dishonor Mary as the mother of God.
Η Εκκλησία όμως που ίδρυσε ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός, και παρέλαβαν οι Απόστολοι, και συνεχίζει να διατηρείται ανόθευτη μέχρι σήμερα μόνο στην Ορθοδοξία, δεν έγινε από ανθρώπινη προσπάθεια όπως αυτές της Δύσης, και δεν μπορούμε επομένως να προσθέσουμε ή να αφαιρέσουμε εμείς με διαλόγους κάτι από Αυτήν.
Pentecostal religion
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Pentecostal religion.
Ο Ιησούς είπε....
Ο Ιησούς είπε στις ημέρες του Νώε, έτσι θα είναι με την έλευση του γιου του λόγου για τον οποίο ο Θεός προκάλεσε την πλημμύρα του Νώε ήταν να απαλλαγούμε από όλους τους γιγάντες και υβριδικά δαιμονικά γενετικά μεταλλαγμένα πλάσματα που έκαναν όπως μινώταυροι, κ.λπ. Οι αποκαλούμενοι θεοί της μυθολογίας σε όλο τον κόσμο ήταν πραγματικά γεγονότα. πολλοί πολιτισμοί από όλο τον κόσμο έχουν αρχαία κείμενα για αυτά τα πράγματα.
Beware of Spiritual Deception.Ο διάβολος εργάζονται υπερωρίες στις μέρες μας, με μια μάζα των αιρετικών=ΜΗΝ ΑΦΗΣΕΤΕ σας εξαπατήσουν
The illuminati/satanic/luciferian symbolism goes much further than simply the 'eye and pyramid', they are deep occult ritualistic performances. The spiritual battle in this day is rife, evident and manifesting before our eyes. Trust in the Father, trust in Christ. The only true escape from this materialistic world in this life and the next.
devil that can intervene in the subconscious mind of someone under hypnosis, and in other cases this is certain
ORTHODOX TRUTH Dont make the mistake We live in the end of time, The devil has build a massive prophets on earth to speak in the name of Christ, to confuse us and to drag us out from the orthodox Church. and to strip us from our weapons which ORTHODOXY CAN PROVIDE TO US . The Holy Spirit will not operate outside the orthodox Church. You can say what ever you want but the day You die and you stand before the Throne of our Lord than you will find out about the Truth and than its too late. READ ORTHODOX BOOKS,SEEK THE TRUTH,AND WILL BE REVEAL TO YOU
Stay away from ordinary dairy and meats (unless organic products, herbs fed, no antibiotics, no growth hormones). 98% of all grocery stores have tons of chemicals you would not want to know yet! That means sodas, juices, all the candies, crackers ... ALL things. Look for all your grocery stores and find those that bring lots of organic ... IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO REMOVE BEFORE YOU
we need to be holy-humble,and test every spirit,wherever,not to be deceived-the devil never praise the holy trinity
CHRIST WARNS FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS ALL THOSE FALSE PROPHETS PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE FALSE CHRIST.The satan nowadays is aiming virgin Mary and the Saints,His purpose is to distract you from the truth
It is the work of the devil TODAY
And the Devil, taking advantage of the revival of the times, and the indifference of the Christian for his spiritual salvation, is laboriously working to obliterate the work of the Orthodox Church. To this end, he attempts again to apply his pretentious and abhorrent plan, the scourge of the falsehood of the Churches. But which of the churches? The Symbol of Faith and History teach that the Church is "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic," this is the Secret Body of the Lord, which is found only in the Orthodox Church
Gennady Zaridze used a pyrometer,FOR THE HOLY FIRE
Jesus Christ is Orthodox. How do we know this? From the sacred light delivered only to the Orthodox Patriarch Jesus christ came to earth to build his church and this is the orthodox church.
Η θερμοκρασία της Αγίας Φωτιάς είναι γύρω στους σαράντα βαθμούς Κελσίου για λίγα λεπτά μετά την ήττα της, έτσι οι πιστοί μπορούν να την πάρουν ελεύθερα στα χέρια τους και να "πλύνουν" τα πρόσωπά τους σε αυτό κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της περιόδου, επειδή δεν καίγονται, Αρχιεπίσκοπος Gennady Zaridze, των Ορθοδόξων Χριστιανών Επιστημόνων και Πρύτανης της Εκκλησίας της Μητέρας του Θεού προστατευτικό πέπλο στην περιοχή Voronezh, δήλωσε σε συνέντευξή του στο RIA-Novosti. "Χρησιμοποιούσα ένα πυρόμετρο και κατέγραψα τη θερμοκρασία της Αγίας Πυρκαγιάς αμέσως μετά την κατάβαση: αμέσως πλένω το πρόσωπό μου με αυτή την Πυρκαγιά (και εγώ δεν έκαψα!) Και μέτρησα τη θερμοκρασία της και αποδείχτηκε ότι η μέση θερμοκρασία της Φωτιάς ήμουν που κρατούσε και η πυρκαγιά που κρατούσαν οι γείτονές μου ήταν σαράντα δύο βαθμούς Κελσίου. Δεκαπέντε λεπτά αργότερα μέτρησα ξανά τη θερμοκρασία και έφτασα τους 320 ° Κελσίου μέχρι εκείνη την εποχή ", ο αρχιερέας διερευνώντας τα θαύματα χρησιμοποιώντας φυσικο-επιστημονικές μεθόδους για πολλά χρόνια α. Fr. Ο Gennady Zaridze χρησιμοποίησε ένα πυρόμετρο, το οποίο με τη βοήθεια ενός μη υπέρυθρου υπέρυθρου θερμόμετρου μετρά τη θερμοκρασία επιφάνειας ενός αντικειμένου για να μετρήσει τη θερμοκρασία της Ιεράς Φωτιάς. Ένα ασημένιο πλάτος πλάτους πέντε χιλιοστών και ενός χιλιοστού πάχους χρησιμοποιήθηκε ως αντικείμενο. Δεδομένου ότι το ασήμι είναι ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα μέταλλα παραγωγής θερμότητας, όταν τοποθετείτε μια πλάκα στη φωτιά, θα πάρετε αμέσως τη θερμοκρασία της φλόγας. Fr. Ο Γκενάντι Ζαρίντζε επισκέφθηκε τους Αγίους Τόπους τον Απρίλιο του 2016 για το Πάσχα, κατόπιν πρόσκλησης του Ιδρύματος Αγίου Ιωσήφ. Andrew και με την ευλογία του μητροπολίτη Sergy Voronezh και Liski. "Δεν έχω την παραμικρή αμφιβολία ότι η Αγία Φωτιά είναι έργο της χάριτος του Θεού, είναι ένα είδος θεϊκού έλεος στον αμαρτωλό κόσμο που έχει σχεδιαστεί για να διατηρήσει και να ενισχύσει την πίστη", δήλωσε ο βοσκός σε συνέντευξή του στο RIA-Novosti , προσθέτοντας ότι υπήρξαν περιπτώσεις θεραπευτικών θαυμάτων κατά τη διάρκεια των εορτών του Αγίου Φωτίου. ότι το 2008 ο Αντρέι Βόλκοφ, ένας επιστήμονας από το ρωσικό ερευνητικό κέντρο της Ρωσίας (Ινστιτούτο Kurchatov), είχε έρθει στην Ιερουσαλήμ πριν την κατάκτηση της Αγίας Φωτιάς και έφερε μαζί του ένα όργανο που κατέγραψε διάφορα φάσματα ηλεκτρομαγνητικής ακτίνας Βολία. Εκείνη την ημέρα ήταν ο πρώτος άνθρωπος (ακόμη και πριν ο πατριάρχης πήγε στους πιστούς τη φωτιά) για να μάθει ότι η Αγία Φωτιά είχε καταρρεύσει επειδή τα σώματα έδειξαν πολύ ισχυρή ηλεκτρική εκκένωση.The temperature of the Holy Fire is around forty degrees Celsius for a few minutes after its defeat, so the faithful can take it freely in their hands and "wash" their faces in it during this time because they are not burned , Archbishop Gennady Zaridze, of Orthodox Christian Scientists and Rector of the Church of the Mother of God protective veil in Voronezh region, said in an interview with RIA-Novosti. "I used a pyrometer and recorded the temperature of the Holy Fire immediately after the descent: I immediately wash my face with this Fire (and I did not burn!) And I measured its temperature and it turned out that the average temperature of the Fire I was holding and the fire held by my neighbors was forty two degrees Celsius. Fifteen minutes later I remeasured the temperature and reached 320 ° Celsius until that time ", the archbishop investigating the miracles using physico-scientific methods for a many years a. Fr. Gennady Zaridze used a pyrometer, which uses a non-infrared infrared thermometer to measure the surface temperature of an object to measure the temperature of the Holy Fire. A silver width of five millimeters and one millimeter width was used as an object. Since silver is one of the biggest heat-generating metals, when you place a slab on the fire, you will immediately get the flame temperature. Fr. Gennadi Zardine visited the Holy Land in April 2016 for Easter at the invitation of the St. Joseph Foundation. Andrew and with the blessing of the metropolitan Sergy Voronezh and Liski. "I have no doubt that the Holy Fire is the work of the grace of God, it is a kind of divine mercy in the sinful world that is designed to preserve and strengthen faith," said the shepherd in an interview with RIA-Novosti, adding that there have been cases of healing wonders during the feasts of Saint Photius. that in 2008 Andrei Volkov, a scientist from the Russian Research Center of Russia (Kurchatov Institute), had come to Jerusalem before the conquest of Saint Photius and brought with him an instrument that recorded various electromagnetic spectrum ranges Bolia. That day he was the first man (even before the patriarch went to the believers to fire) to learn that the Holy Fire had collapsed because the bodies showed a very strong electrical discharge.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Are there thanksgivings outside the Orthodox Church?
Are there thanksgivings outside the Orthodox Church? Where are the boundaries of the Church? Is modern Protestantism and Roman Catholicism heretical in the same sense that the great heresies of the first millennium were heretical? Are all ordinary followers of these heterodox religious groups heretics - or
Perhaps even pagans? Is baptism valid within non-Orthodox church bodies? Do they have the same spiritual power and carry the same spiritual blessings as Orthodox baptism? What has brought humanity - and indeed "Christianity" - to this desperate situation? It is certainly not an overt worship of the devil, which is always limited to a few people; it is rather something much more subtle, and something feared and considered by an Orthodox Christian: it is the loss of God's grace after the loss of the essence of Christianity. In the West, the grace of God has certainly been lost for many centuries. Roman Catholics and Protestants have not fully eaten God's grace, so it is not surprising that they cannot discern its demonic imitation. But tamper! The success of subtle spirituality even among Orthodox Christians today reveals how much they too have lost the essence of Christianity, so much so that they can no longer distinguish true Christianity from false Christianity. Orthodox Christians have long taken the precious treasure of their faith for granted and neglected to make use of the pure gold of their doctrine. How many Orthodox Christians are even aware of the existence of the basic texts of the Orthodox spiritual life that teach exactly how to distinguish between genuine and false spirituality? texts that give life and teaching to holy men and women who have attained a great degree of God's grace THIS WILL BE IN GREEK HANDS AND OLD AFTER WORLD WAR THIRD-This will be the period of Orthodoxy's blossoming for a short time because then they begin again and people are drawn into evil. And then, the state of peace, the antichrist, so everyone must come and join Orthodoxy-Papacy is a demonic delusion and a great heresy; there is one truth in the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church goes back to the earliest church founded by the Apostle Paul and the Apostles through the ancient Roman Empire and the continuation of the Byzantine Empire. It considers itself the historical and organic continuation of the original Church founded by Christ and His disciples. It is the religion of the majority of the population of Belarus, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine; there are significant minority populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kosovo, Jordan, Palestine/Israel, Lebanon, and Syria. It teaches that it is the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ in His Great Commission to the disciples 2,000 years ago
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Scripture says: hide from everyone until the wrath of God has passed.
"Especially in these times, this is not the time when we should be making any major interventions or giving major suggestions in societ...
is it a coincidence that I was reading two months ago, someone who professed, Now I don't want to mention any name, And he was saying, t...
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