Friday, November 17, 2023
Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphos, claiming that the local wars currently underway "will unite in a Great War".
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Προφητείες από τον γέροντα Βασίλειο τον Καυσοκαλυβίτη
The time is approaching when the Turks will take three of our islands. They will keep it for a while because then Turkey will disintegrate. Blood will be spilled here and there.
Demon spirits can cause delusions
Demon spirits can cause delusions that contain information from other lives.
A person who has hallucinations thinks it is a real experience. A demonic illusion using information from someone else's life really seems. Reincarnation is a logical explanation for these experiences, false, but nevertheless logical.
"Wait a minute! You said these last life experiences can't be explained as delusions!"
There are several types of hallucinations. One is caused by the chemistry of the body, the disease, etc. The other is by a changed state of consciousness, which came from things like:
-Oriental religion types of meditation
Various drugs
Some types of electrical stimulation applied to the brain
"Going into an ecstasy" to act as an average spirit
"Medium" (a term used by UFO researchers. The activity involved is the same average practice.)
"Remote view" (a term used by the U.S. military to describe the same activity as a means of channeling or practice.)
Communication with "spiritual guides"
Typical activities in a medium of one session
"Visualization" techniques
Any kind of occult activity invites spirits to come in contact, such as Ouija paintings, Tarot, astrology, consultations with a "psychic".
"Why bother Satan with a big lie about reincarnation? What's the point?"
Mankind has an innate desire to communicate with God. It is in our nature because God placed it there. Satan will use every means at his disposal to lead people away from God. We must not make people believe that there is no god, it is just to get them to disbelieve in the God of Christians. One simple way to do this is with false religious experiences, such as "reincarnation past-life."
God will judge us by our faith and our actions. If we do not believe in Jesus and receive His gift of justification by faith, we will be doomed. We cannot process our salvation by good deeds, lest any man boast. But that's exactly what reincarnation teaches-if it's a screw this time around, we just have to do it again and again until you do it right. The disastrous lie here is that man dies and discovers too late that he has no other chance.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
In Revelation, St. John the Theologian sees the war of the 200 million cavalries
In Revelation, St. John the Theologian sees the war of the 200 million cavalries, which kills a third of the people, take place. Evil affects souls and bodies (like a motorized army). (Rev. 9:16). After this war, the 2nd Presence of the Lord does not take place, because John manages to tell us that people did not repent, that is, life was extended to humanity, but few took advantage of it to be saved. Father Athanasios Mytilineos also explains this. With a miraculous intervention of God, the evil spirits (who led the people into war) are bound to pacify the earth, and to spread the Gospel unadulterated throughout the world, as Revelation writes in chapter 10: 10-1 And I saw another angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and the rainbow upon his head, and his face like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire, 10-2 and has a book open in his hand. He
set his right foot on the sea and his left on the earth ... This powerful Angel helps the unstable (like the sea) unbelievers with more power, symbolically using his right foot and with less power (indicated by the left) those (who like the earth) are more stable in faith. 10-5 And the angel, which I saw standing on the sea and on the earth, raised his right hand to heaven 10-6 and swore to Him who lives in the ages to come, who built the heavens and all that exists. in him, and the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it, that time no longer exists. That is, there will be no further extension for repentance. The Son is the most trustworthy to swear by the Father because, as we say in the Creed, through Him "all things were made" (by which all things were made), and space and time. And because even the angels in Heaven do not know the day of the Second Coming, as the Lord declared: "And of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." Matt. (24:36). Revelation: 10-11 And they say unto me, (The holy angels which were with the mighty angel). You must again prophesy to peoples and nations and languages and to many kings. Therefore, John, the great Theologian of the Church, assumes the responsibility of the dogmatically unadulterated preaching of the word of God throughout the world in the peaceful period after the War. For, according to the word of the Lord to Peter, John abideth in the earth until the second coming: it follows me ". (John 21:22). That is, if I want him (John) to stay until I come, what do you care? You follow Me; The two prophets Elijah and Enoch are physically present on earth because they did not die, and they will obviously control the Antichrist. John, who also appears in the hagiography, after his metastasis (which the Church celebrates on September 26) is spiritually present and thus will not be killed by the Antichrist, like the two prophets. Because there is not much time left until the Synteleia after the catastrophic war, John's sermon will be very short, as indicated by the "booklet", ie a very small book that symbolically contains it and was given to him by the "Powerful Angel". Definitely, then, the Gospel will be preached again, and in fact unadulterated by ecumenical and other delusions, and this is guaranteed by the Theologian John, who was called to his new mission with the words: "You must prophesy again" ... For our time, before the world war, says Saint Paisios: Now it will be a downpour, a small possession of the antichrist Satan. He will then eat a cuff from Christ, all nations will be shaken and peace will come to the world for many years. This time Christ will give an opportunity to save His creature. Will Christ leave His creature? He will appear at the impasse of the people, to save them from the hands of the (then) antichrist. They will return to Christ and spiritual peace will come throughout the universe for many years. Some associate with this intervention of Christ the Second Coming. I can not say. My reasoning tells me that it will not be the Second Coming of Christ when He comes as Judge, but an intervention of Christ, because there are so many events that have not yet taken place. Christ will intervene, give a cuff to this whole system, crush all evil, and bring it to good in the end. The streets will be filled with shrines. Outside the buses will have pictures. All people will believe. They will pull you to tell them about Christ! Thus the Gospel will be preached throughout the Universe and then (when this period is completed) Christ will come as Judge to judge the world. Another Crisis, another intervention of Christ, to help His creature! (REASONS II "Spiritual Awakening")
About dreams and visions
The Holy Bible warns us that Satan "transforms himself into an angel of light" in order to deceive. The incidents in which Christians, even monks, have fallen victim to illusory demonic apparitions are fully reflected in the document issued by the I.M. Saint Nicodemus "Elderly about dreams and visions".
We also know from the Holy Bible that even if "an angel from heaven preaches to us, even if we receive it" "let him be accursed". For this reason, any evangelized union that violates the saving Truth of the Church cannot be accepted, as a messenger of confusion and loss, much more so when it is based on the spirit of our time, which seeks spectacles, not on the "voices of the Spirit". the Holy Fathers, but in the visions of simple Christians, who proclaim themselves Prophets. from the
holy Apostles
They are being revived because they changed their faith.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Μόρφου Νεόφυτος
because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...
Первое, что должен делать архиепископ, епископ и все те, кто восходит на эту должность, — это проповедовать покаяние. Кому он проповедует по...
Cabalists and members of many secret societies use "sacred geometry" to create designs and symbols of magical and occultic power...
because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...
Ο BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) είναι μια πρωτεΐνη που διαδραματίζει κρίσιμο ρόλο στην υγεία του εγκεφάλου. Υποστηρίζει την επιβ...
Τaking over of the Antichrist Agios Kosmas of Aitolos (+ 1779) One thing to reveal to you, my Christians, I pray that you will burn your ...
Grand” in definition includes “to swell up, pride, most important” "Master" is defined as "one who rules others, has c...