1. QUESTION Father, much has been written about the engraving and chip that people will be forced to put on their bodies in the time of the Antichrist. What would you tell us about this issue, which concerns us all? The human body is one of the most magnificent wonders of God's Creation. I can say that it is unique in all of God's creation. So God wanted to be our body , in which he would place our immortal soul , His Temple , to be worshiped there by all of us, His children, as a king God the Father . The Holy Bible says that we are " the temple of the living God ". Satan cannot win a man's soul unless he first wins his body. That is why he tries in a thousand ways to contaminate our body, so that it ceases to be " God's temple " and can thus dominate it . Until now, Satan has been trying to dominate man by using his human weaknesses. Thus he made man susceptible to many and various great sins such as immorality , drugs , murder , witchcraft , and many others. However, every time that man repented of his mistakes and God forgave him, the binds and his plans. So Satan was looking for another way to control completely the mind of man, and to be able to better direct , control and dominate man's thoughts , desires and feelings . found the way . With the artificial intelligence of computers and a series of specific specialized vaccines, it will interfere with the chain of the human genetic code , the DNA, and change it . Thus, the now mutated human DNA instead of acting under Divine Intelligence , as God created it, will now act under the orders of artificial intelligence , which will be directed by the satanic staff of the Antichrist! In fact, in order to better control each person individually, some elements of the code in the mutated human DNA will form the necessary basis to create an identity, an exclusive identity, with a personal number , which will be unique for each person. This personal number on the DNA of each person will now be indelible , permanent and irrevocable. This number of man, with the number 666 preceding it, will indicate to whom this man belongs and with it he will be registered in the central supercomputer of the Antichrist, the famous " Beast ", with which all the rest of his computers will be connected satanic antichrist state. In order for all computers to easily read this human number, a shortcut icon will be created on the surface of the human body, on the forehead and on the hand . Every human activity , such as saving , buying , selling , and in general every action , will be completely controlled and dependent on his specific personal number . It will be his official ID . Without that number, that person simply wouldn't exist . plan in the first phase is to turn the human body into a mobile transceiver , just like a mobile phone is , so that he can easily dominate it. 2. QUESTION How will man be transformed into a mobile transceiver, "a mobile phone"? To build a house one needs two things. The materials that will be needed for the construction and the appropriate technicians that will work to build and perfect it. As for the materials needed to build the new human mutant DNA, Satan made sure to slowly and cunningly collect them gradually in the human body. He transferred them to our body through what we eat , drink and breathe , which he had previously contaminated with various invisible to the eye materials , of high nanotechnology . Then, a series of 7 specially specialized vaccines will play the role of 7 specialized technicians who will undertake to make the new mutated human DNA, with the materials that have already entered the human body. The purpose of the 7 vaccines will be to weaken and in the end cancel the possibility of man to become, through the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the " temple of God ". The most important of the seven vaccines will be the seventh . The seventh vaccine will be the crown of nanotechnology , since it will be introduced , without any reversal , into the final mutated human DNA, the element that will incorporate the necessary code on which the number - seal of each person will be written. I must repeat that restoring human DNA to its original state will now be impossible, therefore those who take the satanic " sealing " will be captive for life to the most destructive decision for their existence. This number will not be something visible that can be removed from the human body but something invisible since it will be one with the DNA of the person , that is, his very life . This number will then be connected to a supercomputer, the famous " Beast ", which will be operated by the Antichrist himself and his people, who will also exercise absolute power. With the help of artificial intelligence , which will have developed to such a strong point that it is now deified by people, the Antichrist and his demonic staff will be able to control , dominate and direct thoughts , decisions , desires and the feelings of each person. Every form of different thought or reaction will be made known through the technical intelligence of the " Beast " and the demonic staffs of the Antichrist, will decide the death or, at best, the erasure of the existence of the particular human transceiver . 3. QUESTION Who are they who will help satan carry out his plan to destroy man? Lucifer in recent years has managed to place many satanic people devoted to him in key positions of the world's threefold power , i.e. politics , science and religion . Thus Lucifer will be able to rule: 1. Politics, through the bankers who control the money and determine the political decisions. 2. Science, through satanic scientists who make weapons, infectious viruses and other satanic constructs capable of destroying man and God's Creation. 3.Religion , through religious leaders subordinate to him, which he slowly took care to raise to leadership positions in the church. His religious leaders are willing to obey , implement and promote easily and without resistance , his antichrist plans and laws. In fact, they are the only ones who can easily, under the pretext of the virtue of " obedience ", seduce the multitude of the people, as their leaders and " shepherds ". One of the most important actions of Lucifer will be to convince all these religious leaders to unite, for the sake of so-called universal love and peace , in a universal religious unity, the " World Church ". Thus, in order for the Antichrist to be believed and accepted in the Christian world, he will use, as the Apocalypse of John says, as his partner the False Prophet , the satanic man who will lead the Universal Church at that time . He, as the leader of the Church, will try to convince all Christians to receive the final sealing of the supposedly real "Christ", i.e. the Antichrist . 4. QUESTION Has this all started? Yes , but they are still in the early stages. We are now in the experimental phase of vaccines. Before the appearance of those seven special and specialized vaccines, which will build the new mutant DNA of humans, a series of experimental vaccines will first be tested on millions of people with uncontrolled and dangerous side effects. Some of these, because they will interfere with the chain of the genetic code of human DNA, will cause the natural self-defense of DNA, resulting in new powerful diseases. These will be, for a long time, incurable . Doctors will not be able to easily find a cure for these diseases, resulting in millions of people dying. Before the final stamping, which will be done on the human DNA itself , there will first be a global effort to give all people a personal number . This number will not be the actual " engraving ", but a protector of it, in order to acquaint man with the final " engraving-seal ". a document at first , on cards and other legal papers, and then, to make it more functional in government services, so that it can be easily found and read by the computers of the technical services, it will become digital . So, all governments will give all their citizens a personal number , with which they will be able to carry out all their necessary activities , which will concern either their relationship with the state , such as identity cards, taxation and others, or their survival , such as buying and selling. Then, with the help of artificial intelligence , all the numbers of these people will be connected to a central global supercomputer , the " Beast ". Thus, within the "Beast" all the people of the world will be registered and recorded , with all their personal information . As a pretext, for this great world argument, they will tell the whole world that it is the only way to better ensure world peace and the suppression of all illegal and terrorist acts. However, their ultimate secret goal and purpose is to know and precisely control all the people who will have to pass to the next and final stage of the final " sealing ", with which the Antichrist will now know all subjects of. 5. QUESTION How can we Christians react to all this? Is there an antidote that can neutralize the power of these satanic constructs? The days we live in are very wicked indeed. Tests to make the new mutant human DNA have begun . Artificial intelligence is advancing at full speed and humans are unaware or want to be unaware and indifferent to what is happening. Lucifer managed to convince people that he cares about their health, so that they would easily accept his experiments. Whether we will make ourselves the Temple of God or the temple of Satan is our choice . It is up to us whether we will remain united with God the Father, as His children, or whether we will run away from Him and join the camp of Lucifer. We are free to choose but also to shoulder the consequences of our decisions . Those of us who choose to remain faithful to Christ and His holy Church must be ready to take up the cross of confession , even martyrdom . Our era will highlight the greatest saints of the Church. Regarding all those high nanotechnology materials that are sneakily and unknowingly introduced into our bodies, like satanic poison , with what we eat , drink and breathe to contaminate us, I should emphasize that there is an antidote . As every poison has its antidote , so our holy Church has the appropriate antidotes for them . The problem, however, with the antidotes available to our Church is that they presuppose two basic spiritual elements on the part of people, so that their " power " can be activated . They presuppose " faith " and " trust " in God, something, however, that you no longer easily find among Christians. The main antidote proposed by our holy Church is Holy Communion , that is, Christ himself. The energy of these dangerous high nanotechnology materials is neutralized with the Holy Communion , which will not only act therapeutically but also deterrently , since it will not allow artificial intelligence to intervene in the chain of human DNA, to " engrave " and make the mutation of those initial elements which the divine intelligence with infinite " Wisdom " has defined! In the case of Holy Communion, the penetrating power of the Holy Spirit is decisive. The Holy Spirit himself intervenes to preserve the Divine Will ! Sanctification is also a powerful antidote , especially the " great Sanctification of Epiphanies ", because it does not allow Satan and the artificial intelligence controlled by him to carry out his projects and plans. The sign of the Holy Cross has always been the great fear of demons. Our Church has many stories, mainly from the lives of our saints, that the honest Cross abolished the power of the poison with which the holy martyrs were watered to die. Whenever they made the sign of the Cross, the poison lost its power and could not cause the death of the holy martyr. Of course, we must not forget that these holy Christians had deep faith and great love for our Christ, since for His sake they gave up everything, in order not to betray and deny Christ! The daily prayer to God and especially to the Holy Spirit , when it is done with deep repentance and humility for our mistakes but also divine love in our heart for God our Father, is also a very powerful medicine against every satanic attack. Heartfelt prayer greatly attracts divine Grace, and creates a divine protection around the body and soul of the praying person. This divine protective armor prevents any form of satanic communication that attempts to offend the human body and soul , with the powerful spiritual interference it causes. Another great and important action of the holy prayer is that it will enlighten the mind of the humble person and will reveal to him, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the truth of his choices and of the events that will happen. This awesome power of prayer to reveal the truth to the one who prays, will prove to be a very important help to the Christians of the last days, where the Antichrist and his followers will dominate everywhere. The man who is faithful to God, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, will be able to feel and in many cases even see the truth about a person, whether it is God's or Satan's. This will help many devout Christians to discern which spiritual leaders of the Church are following the true Christ and which are the Antichrist ! chaff will be separated from the wheat and the unworthy church leaders will be revealed , as well as the holy church fathers and teachers, so that Christians will know who they should trust and follow and who they should not. The straw will constitute the ecclesiastical leadership of the " World Church ", which will belong to the Antichrist and will be managed by his friend and associate the False Prophet , as the Apocalypse of John states. The wheat will consist of holy ecclesiastical men who will staff the " Catacomb Church " of the end times. Praying Christians by God's revelation will recognize who will be the chaff and who the wheat, so that they will know who will be those holy fathers and teachers whom they should hereafter trust and follow. 6. QUESTION How close are all these things that you have told us in such detail? All this has begun and will culminate in the very near future. Satan is of course in a hurry to take over the reins of world power through his own son the Antichrist . That is why he moves insidiously, with great guile and covertly, at all levels of power, in order to immediately become the " world leader ". God, however, still for a while, does not allow it , because people are ignorant of the whole truth , so that they can choose freely and on their own, the one they will believe and follow. great mercy to man, who does not want any human soul to perish in the darkness of Hades and hell, will allow three great events to occur that will help the whole world first to ponder and then to decide freely the most important choice in human history. One fact has to do with everything that will happen from here on out with human health , which will continue to undergo multiple catastrophic operations due to some experimental pharmaceutical preparations that will promise life and health but will cause a multitude of side effects, even death . The second event will be related to the unrestrained desire of some satanic leaders , who in their attempt to lead the whole world, will cause a global conflict with incalculable global disasters . The third event will be the revolution of nature itself in the satanic Christian states but also in the whole world that reacts to the true God, as a last attempt of the horse nature to awaken the man hypnotized by Satan, so that he comes to his senses, repents and to stop his impending destruction. In short, I can say that: a chain of very large natural disasters will change the very structure of the Earth, while the specter of hunger, thirst, disease, and despair will overshadow the entire planet. Therefore, if a man becomes concerned and realizes his mistake, through all that will happen, immediately everything will change for the better and the destructive course of himself and nature will stop. If, however, he persists in his selfish course and lets Satan be his lord and god, and willingly accepts Satan's mark and seal, then greater and more terrible world-catastrophic events will occur, causing death and incalculable numbers of people. These terrible world events are mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John. 7. QUESTION Who is this Antichrist, who will disrupt the life of the whole world? He is the son of Satan, who will be born from a woman in intercourse with Lucifer himself during a satanic ceremony. He will live in secret at first and from there he will direct the world leaders devoted to him, whom he himself raised to power. At the right time, he will ascend to political power. The charm of his satanic thinking, his rhetorical skill, and his imposition on all the leaders and peoples of the earth will be so strong that it will charm the entire planet. As a first act of impressment, the Antichrist will stop all the wars, which he has so far secretly directed. He will be proclaimed " prince of peace " and all the heads of state will hand over to him the power of their peoples. From that moment on the Antichrist will dominate me with absolute power over everything and with the help of perfected artificial intelligence, it will control everyone and everything. With the help of demons and artificial intelligence, he will even perform various artificially believable miracles, which he himself will project to the whole world to convince them that he is a god. That he is the real Christ who came to earth to save all people. The world church, which will already be ruled by his personal friend and satanic man, the False Prophet, will accept him as a man of God, as a prophet, and as a savior of the world. Then it will be officially disputed that our Lord Jesus Christ is the true Messiah of the world and that title of Messiah will be given to the Antichrist. the greatest and most ruthless persecution of the true Christ and Christians will reach its climax. All the religions of the world will recognize his supernatural powers and will accept him as their savior and god, therefore they will accept to take of their own will his own satanic seal, with which they will secure eternal faith in him and obedience. However, the real Christians who, with the help of God, will remain faithful to the one and true Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, will not accept this sealing, even if they have to give their own lives. For their faith, God will intervene miraculously, to protect them and give them the necessities for their survival. The Christians at that time will get their strength with the help of the Holy Spirit from the study of the Holy Scriptures, Holy Communion, and the wishes of their holy spiritual fathers. For this reason, the Antichrist and his followers will fight these three forces. They will attempt to rewrite the Holy Scriptures as they see fit. They will persecute on trifling occasions the reverend those spiritual fathers who oppose them. They will fight the Holy Communion in every way, so that people do not partake, until the moment when they will definitively abolish it and all the other " Mysteries " of the Church. The awesome power of Holy Communion is well known to Lucifer and his demons. He knows that as long as it is held in the holy Churches and reverently attended by the people, he and his demonic plans will not be successfully promoted and he will not be able to come as a world leader and messiah. The sign of his coming will be the abolition of Holy Communion. For this reason, from now on we will all see and live the great and terrible war that Lucifer will start against the Holy Communion, through his own politicians, scientists, and also, unfortunately, church leaders. To begin with, the immaculate Christ in Holy Communion will be accused by politicians and scientists of being able to contaminate and transfer diseases to the people. The confirmation of these satanic accusations through the condescension of little-faithful priests will mark the official beginning of the great persecution of Christ and His holy Church. Changing the way Christians attend will be the second sacrilegious step against the Holy Communion and the transformation of the Holy Communion into a solid form will constitute the third satanic effort of the spirits of darkness. In the last and most powerful attack against the Holy Communion, before its final cessation which will take place with the appearance of the Antichrist, it will be disputed that the Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ but will be considered a " substitute ". We have entered, my child, into a strange period that I could confidently describe as the beginning of the eschatological times. It is the period when even the elect will go astray, as the Bible says. I wish that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us all so that we can understand the cunning of Satan and that we all remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world

Monday, July 29, 2024

2024"29/05/2024 - Spiritual Gathering for a Dialogue with Metropolitan N...

for the reason you asked, I would like to start with a question that came to us from a girl
from Chios that concerns the current situation we are living in
and which is a kind of prologue that introduces us to some of the following questions yes that have come
your honor, bless you this question is the
I am writing to you from Chios, the island of St. Anthimos and many other saints, since
this candle is lit on May 29, the black anniversary of the sacking of the
City by the Turks
. at the time
shortly before the fall of the economy of the empire
was then in the hands of the Venetians as it is now in the hands of the Germans
morals had derailed as they have and now the institutions had degenerated as
now the rich, the powerful, and in general the ruling class lived under the burden of the poor
taxation was devastating as now the people were in a depression
they were abandoned to their fate they lost the will to live and awaited the
fatal they felt betrayed by everyone which demoralized the
people more than anything else was the betrayal from the leadership of the
church he went like a beggar to the West and they asked for salvation from those who
did so much destruction in 1204
it is desecrated and by grabbing they did not ask for help from God but from the heretics and much more from the destruction of
1204 and today the common celebration of Easter with the papists being discussed for 2025 in Nicea
Bithynia it is very likely to lead to a new Ferrara Florence without st
Marco kind to resist this depressed state
led to the fall in 1453 now which will surely lead to
some great evil since as you said in the previous lighter our repentance is
Windy how can we make it less bad thank you in advance
may god bless you to possess us guide us and generally
open our eyes because unfortunately, the hierarchs in Greece have embraced
secularization and are moving forward to some dark place
has risen, it is true that the dear
Anthi, what is the name of the Chiotissa who sent this,
I wouldn't call it a question, this
the statement has darkened our hearts, of course, what
he writes and other things he implies are not far from
the reality, so you realize that my position now is somewhat
difficult, but I will speak with the well-known equanimity that
I have, everything that Anthi writes is
reality, but there is a danger in seeing this
reality, which is not the best for modern Hellenism and Orthodoxy,
no just to get us depressed that
already research was done by the European
Union Greece is the first depressant
drugs so how can it not be as
they have done to the modern Greek, not the Russians, not the
Turks but his allies the Europeans and the
Americans and this is what the Greeks said are not a
the phenomenon that happened now, is a phenomenon that has been going on for decades
that has been developing in Greece, the goal is that the
Greek must stop being the lively,
intelligent, friendly person years now decades now this new Greek where he is
they are falsifying him so that I can
control him, the worst thing is that there are no voices in the
the church they were running to emphasize and
raise awareness of the modern Orthodox Greek, we went through
all these phenomena in recent years, I think
our attitude toward what science and faith mean has been shown over the years and in the
period of the coronavirus what does it mean to be ecclesiastical
wise with both the hummingbird and the Ukrainian later all these immoral
laws are made by our parliamentarians
and the
embraces and common liturgical life continues with those who voted for these
anti-god and immoral
laws in Constantinople at that time existed in
1453 there was a large portion of Christian Roma as this was how
the Orthodox Greeks were defined at that time as the wider empire who
were reacting against the tactics of both
the paleologists and the previous dynasty of the Angels who
were so friendly that the Pope would help them
to contain the pressure of Turkey on the Ottoman Empire at the time
and they had not themselves taken the first lesson the first lesson that
our patriots at the time had to learn
was that in
12004 it was not the Turk who entered the town and
robbed and killed and stole but
they were the crusaders of the then-so-called Third Crusade was it the Third or
fourth the fourth was the fourth the third was when I came to
Cyprus and while this terrible
event happened that the city and its surroundings were occupied for about 70
years by the homodos as we thought with
Christians in the West and all these things happened
when we were studying together with the archbishop of our metropolis, father
Photios, the life of Saint Mama who is the patron saint of the metropolis of
Morfos and we found the description when he entered
the temple that enshrines the relics of Saint Mama in
Constantinople and says that he entered the
roofs and they were looking for the relic of the holy mother in
124 What I am telling you and the orthodox monks were on their knees and
begged you not to take it all leave us also something no they caught the whole
cart and carried it to the Ar of France and
I worshiped and then some other pieces
of the saint's relics were found in other parts of Greece, I know in
Evia in a monastery where we also found a small piece of the
saint's cart, I want to say that even the relics that should have been respected
like Christ, let our people respect them, but they continued to
have this orientation, rather revenge was not that orientation,
let's not spoil the words, so all these years that followed
after the first massacre that took place, the first massacre, you know, happened
1204 in 453 was the second invasion and when we entered
Europe it was the third invasion now
we are living the results of the third
invasion but who explained this world to me the journalists often say to
me since you are a good speaker come to one of our shows yes I tell them but what I'm about to say might raise
your station's audience for a moment but hey you have a problem who are we going to have
a problem your boss I'll tell you why are you wearing that crazy face
we don't want these things to be heard so no one knows today among the younger ones that
we are living in the rhythms of the third
dispensation tell me how far this situation will go and until
the dispensation is completed that is where the
thing will go do you think it is a coincidence that the
saints reveal gay len that they must there is
a war, it is a coincidence that the day before yesterday we had the feast of St. John
of the Russian and we all know that before St. Jacob went to sleep, Tsalikis,
passing from the pilgrimage to the prokopi, went and talked to the
saint and said to him a lot of disrespect, Father Jacob,
a lot of infidelity and we talked in 1990, about what would
Saint James says now, as he was so noble and compassionate and
tried to reassure Saint John the Russian, he said no, there must
be a war, he told you three times, but do you think the saints say
their opinions, the saints they are the people who have identified their will with the will of
God, so when a saint says and it is not one, many have told us
these things, we must ask ourselves what has happened to humanity as a whole and there must be a war to
cleanse it so humanity what has been done
is very simple I will tell you this you have realized humanity as a whole
has now worshiped the works of satan
satan so please don't interrupt anything neither bravo nor six bravos
then I may say something you disagree with what will happen, that is to say, no, we don't work like that here, that's how we are, we don't work like that
democratically, it is an enlightened despotism here, yes, and you understand what I mean, and
if you don't understand, your enlightened husband will explain to you sometimes, not
always, sometimes like that, and
he who revealed it is the current breakdown of
the whole society, not only the Greek one or in the days of our
latest is eurovision eurovision is an
image of the quality of the artistic quality
that the European world has the European world with the
Eurovision institutions reach as far as Azerbaijan Israel and
Australia so what was not only this year of course
it was the full disclosure but all these years
they have been preparing us to tell us you know some
of you may be Christian or catholic or
protestant or Orthodox some may be Buddhist and
many others may be Muslim but know that we the countries of Europe
recommend you and a fourth religion, satanism, this is what Europe told us,
so how many have understood
this, looking for the solutions so that the
creation of the universe is not handed over to Satan, at the moment the only solution that
is visible since our repentance, as we said, is a wind
or and in a lot of phobias the only solution
is to beg for the evil to come less and for the war to be
milder it is already happening Syria is next to
Israel is next to us Palestine is next to us
Ukraine stay the war there for so many
years all these will come together and give a way out my dears how we called you
anti and athi will become
xanthic this is what I have to say to the sister here writes here about the popes for
the common celebration of Easter which was announced by our patriarch the patriarch of the
Greek race Bartholomew of Constantinople the ecumenical for 2025 he even characterized it as
a scandal that we do not have a common Easter, but, Holy of Holies, how will we have a common Easter
since we do not have a common faith, so to have a common Easter, a common holiday
, that is, we must have a common faith, isn't that the case now, you are a new woman you are sitting there with your blond hair
you have a man you have a man so when he is not faithful what celebration will you have with
him my honey tell me I will put it like this just to simplify it completely what celebration will
you have with him so we will celebrate him
year with the Pope when he has at least 25
malpractices and heresies but it seems that all these
events the common celebration in 2025 that they profess
that this scandal should end or
the ordination that took place down in Africa of an African girl said by the Cypriot and filtrate nonbrother
seraphim all this is the continuation of the Columbarium is the
columbarium is the synod of the pan-orthodox that was held on the pan-orthodox it was on the
26th so they are not isolated statements
and events these are events that
have started since then they have been focused on since then they were preparing
the ground so it was now the
world pay attention to what we are going to say now it concerns us present here
and those who agree with our views
they sent us all these questions only for one month yes others the
previous ones we did not answer half of the questions were for
the joint celebration of Easter with the popes in 2025 the Eurovision the Eurovision the ordination of the woman who
took place in the horse and anxiety came out through the
questions that orthodoxy is being destroyed sorry but orthodoxy is not
United Europe nor is it the United States
of America, nor Russia, Orthodoxy is the
saints from the moment they are born saints within Orthodoxy, Orthodoxy
has nothing to fear, nothing, nothing, and Marko kind will come out if
necessary, and those fathers and mothers who constantly hear everywhere that there is
a successor of James, the successor of Paisius, the successor of Porphyry there was the old woman
Galactides 3 years ago in 1919 and it happened, I was told by some who
took me from Crete, a memorial service with a thousand attendees and everyone recounting
the miracles that the old woman Galactis did for them, who had prepared us for
the coming war and our global war and our local one
he prepared the immoral bills for the
After all this, he prepared us for the war in Syria
they told us long before that it will break out and it will not
stop so other things will happen in the future
then we lean on the saints, the
saint is the graceful man, the man who
assimilated the grace of the holy spirit both in his body and in
his soul and we certainly do not have anxiety, said the saint Paisius, but we do not have anxiety,
we do not have anxiety, we do not have the feeling that I'm being destroyed but
sorry and illness come to me as they came to me and poverty come to me
and refugees come to me I didn't understand what is our destination I didn't understand
we have no ties like a city but they left it we asked for it we believe this
seems not the most we believe is our maid our
neighborhood our family come on come on if we are even a little patriotic and
our country and orthodoxy do not abolish all these but it does not make them ideal
because it comes and tells you my ideals it is the
the holiness of the union with Christ the godly sympathy of the saints together with
all the saints since
we follow the saints whether old or new glory the
god in the new age because the providence of the triune god saw that they would come with
so many weak leaders in our political and
ecclesiastical affairs he sent us other leaders to inspire us and guide us both for the
present and for the future of our saints this anxiety which is expressed in many
questions as a man of God once told me who lives somewhere alone
and prays for all of us I trust him and I consult him he said to me despot you told me about the prophetic word of the saints enough period
now the prophecies become
news and you know he tells me why you should stop protecting
first, the basics that you had to say so that a
the guidance you said it and some others there is also the internet which
of course, is not always a safe medium but it is a medium for us
poor to have our voice heard but it needs a lot of
discrimination in what we watch and what we believe from the internet
so he told me a man of god too much
preoccupation with prophecy reduces the attention of the mind to
prayer m and think
daily to be inside the websites Christian and not others to
criticize the patriarch's others the poor zip who did the
ordination and we don't know what kind of ordination did the man in the meantime or if his synod of Alexandria gave him a blessing to do it so we
should not be directed against the living pope but to formally ask as
the Orthodox Church of Cyprus the Patriarchate of Alexandria
type of ordination is what you do when the Saint Epiphanius of Cyprus, Saint
Epiphanius died in
401, he was metropolitan of Constantia for 40 years,
thanks to him and the apostle Barnabas, we have an autocephaly, the Cypriots, when
Ukraine is still fighting for its autocephaly,
and since then the saint writes that the so-called deaconesses did not have the
rank of the deacon of the priesthood, but they were simple,
simple auxiliary personnel, something like an upgraded neo-chorus, especially for
baptisms that were then performed for women, and in some
monasteries, when you find it difficult for the vicar to do some simple acts there as well,
but who do not participate
after the liturgy and the sacraments, we all have men and women in the general priesthood, the special priesthood
is given only to men, so we should keep these simple
things in mind, not to panic as soon as we see that
some hierarch, some patriarchs, some who have the
gift of speech or of the control to do the
control to have a reason I'm not saying to keep quiet and get angry about things but
not to send the form 40 questions and 20 of them to be
self-destructive that is to say we are destroyed we are going we are
going to eternal life we ​​are going to understand this
do you want to ask another question or not you want to ask me something that
I didn't answer I should have asked a question from the text that is related
to the previous ones and let's close it yes change the subject a question came about Eurovision where please answer it but with this
particular father of ours I have great anxiety about whether TV viewing and the
photos from the Eurovision spectacles of a satanic ceremony and invocation can be
demonized enslaved to the antichrist
can it have any meaning or is it in vain Elizabeth is the 24th question
because I also like to see yes yes
24th yes this is a very important question it does not only concern Eurovision but
what we see either on TV or on the internet or in our videos or on our phones our tet because we live
in the age of IT the question
is whether it can
He was possessed, by brothers, some 15-16-year-old children who were watching.
Eurovision showed symptoms of demonic possession in the morning,
one of them says that I live in an atheistic
family, why was his reaction like that, he said, I want him to leave, I don't want to
see him, I can't stand it to see him, the parents thought the child was delirious
and they couldn't bring him to a doctor, the doctor said, but I don't understand
if there is anything pathological, what is it with our child who sees someone
who doesn't want to see him and the child gave one to the door and where do you think he went to the church in the neighborhood that he never entered and
cried out to him for Christ and said to him please get him out of my sight
so I don't see him that is what it means the grace of baptism that he had inside him
he informed him that what he sees is some demonic spirit
that because of what he sees the child is excited by Eurovision and
showed a tendency to pleasure and from what
he saw the spirit get into him and alter his mind his senses
his heart of course because the man
finally took this child to the hospital thinking he had lost
his mind and how did the doctors understand that the cause of the delusional behavior was not pathological
when three other
children from other families with the same symptoms came and then they asked the doctors
, children, what are you predicting all of them had seen Eurovision and all of them were from families that had no spirit or supplies, they did not
receive communion, they did not confess what the parents
did, do you understand that because man as we have entered and in the past
is so made by God it has three elements one is in
our body is made of matter second this matter is not alone
it has the energy it is the second element and
the third is the information that he put inside every
human being so god himself
admits this and the modern
quantum the three the triple that is the construction of man I repeat matter
energy and information so when the
the energy that our soul constantly as the most sensitive part of the human
that enters us is demonic if what I told you
before happens is very minute to be pleased with what you see
to be pleased with what it means to accept it consents to
consent you accept this demonic or sinful thing you see and
you look for it again and again and again when the man has now happened what
my mother told me the speech leaned so the mind of
these little children, the poor ones who don't have grandmothers,
grandfathers, pray, go to church, parents, but
others, you realize how exposed they are to demonic
energy, so they can be demonized, the question is prayer
, of course, and here there is healing
with the fathers who minister to Saint Cyprian in media daily are
recipients of such people who for various
reasons have an increased energy of temptation and because it was given to him by Saint
Cyprian and other saints such as Saint Gerasimos in
Kefalonia now Saint James in Evia the old woman or
galact, you know what the devils call her, galact
hot baby hot, she burned us like that, so a friend told me recently
there that there was a great philologist, a child who was made by his girlfriend when he
magically broke up with her and turned all over Attica and didn't find a priest to laugh it off and
heal it, that is, a doctor, this means just as we have physical doctors, we also have spiritual doctors and
some told him to go and worship the old woman Galact
and there as well as in her little house which he found closed but from the outside
side effects and they crucified him with oil from the candlestick he felt much
better so I mean this can
happen to anyone god has to grant it but now the
prayer for the salvation of the protagonists enslaved to the
antichrist may have some meaning or is it in vain my dear Elizabeth
recently because of a scandal, I told one of our priests to
read exorcisms on the
virus scandal I said it in the morning the priest did it at noon
and in the afternoon I happened to talk to this man of God and he told me to be happy and tell him Papa to
stop I asked him why is he telling me this was your thought
those who have demonic energy in them didn't ask you for it and the
temptation since they don't ask for it themselves will go to hit the papa
and cause him damage and the papa until now he has a health problem
only with an exorcism he did and with the blessing of
his bishop so all this needs attention neither you read
the wishes of exorcists yourself nor should you go to any priest
or lay people who some say go to so and so and they are seers and
he has enlightenment and pays attention to these things, and the priest who reads
wishes must have the blessing and the wish of his bishop and let
his bishop be the most sinful bishop on earth the high priest's wish covers the priest so therefore
I am not in my Elizabeth for everyone and for
everything the protagonists themselves must ask after they first come to
repentance it is very important that the man repents and then is made to
repent for his passions for his mistakes to confess and if he feels any energy of temptation in
his body in the his soul should then go to a priest as I described him
before yes let's go to another question because we
also mentioned before was the old woman galact who fell asleep on the 21st yes I was wrong before
I thought I went to the galact on the 19th I told you the 19th well and I
have problems with dates yes yes while I can remember historical
dates when they are fresh dates
for my personal life or of people I love I forget them now if it's the beginning
of dementia I don't know bro so I'll go to the third question
from the questions who have come Christ has risen your wish Your Holiness if in many of your speeches, I have heard
you refer to people of God I would like to know does it has two parts question
is the first question first page sorry the third question a if here
and it has two parts yes the first one says, I repeat it in many of your speeches,
I have heard you refer to men of God, I would like to know who is a
man of God and how someone can achieve it,
the second part says ourselves and each other and all our lives, Christ,
God, I'm sorry, how can I do it? I feel that the key to
happiness is the key to happiness, but I'm having a lot of trouble approaching it. I would like your answer if you think that thematically they belong to
a lighter. Thank you very much. So here's a word, dear
John. makes you responsible for the next lighters
says if you judge that
thematically I think the next lighters are at least from September and then should
be thematic to collect homogeneous questions
and in this way, it becomes as if these magics are only for the
magics another time for the carnal another time for
Man of god I said before he is the graceful man who has assimilated the energy the power the grace of the triune god he
is the man of god I repeat the graceful
Man so allow me
to read something that gives not only an answer to
him and to the another who says these and each other and all of our lives
Christ the God we surrender this is from the divine liturgy of request that
the deacon or priest usually makes to reach both for yourself and for
others to place your hopes in
Christ then this means trust, trust to come
To Christ requires faith and a lot of faith in fact
it seems that we can confess our faith orthodoxly but because
we have not understood the relationship of soul and body with the grace of god and the
energy of god then as soon as when the difficulty comes, either ours or some of
our people's, we lose it
no matter how many speeches we've heard how many sermons we've heard and how many
books we've
read, so of course, I won't put so much into it, thank you for being very
important. Saint Theophanes imprisoned a Russian
saint and it is how grace works the energy of god in our life matters
with all that we said before about phobias depressions for depression panic demonism for the
the anxiety we have for the modern disorder of the world we have all this
because we have no sense of grace
if we had a sense of grace here in the heart our prayer would be sweeter
and our patience would be greater than
sorrows and our love for our neighbor would be more intense and as soon as we made
a mistake in the relationship with the neighbor immediately the heart would tell you he hurt
Penelope forgave me with her sweet net
Do you understand what I mean the cute man has to tell you in modern
language he has a GPS in him GPS how is it translated now
you say it in Greece John the GPS e navigator navigator so a
guide the information the information yes so let's listen to what Saint
Theophanes says he is talking to a girl from what I understand this girl
is writing a letter the saint probably to a girl spiritual his child
who for a certain moment in her life was very religious and
spiritual and went and lived a worldly life but instead of being sweet and happy
from the worldly life, she became incomplete and writes him a letter and
tells him how now to find my old spiritual life again I'm glad
I had and you listen to what she writes what she says applies to all
of us and first of all, for me remember I believe that the Christian is not an ordinary
person since he is shaped as much by nature as by grace nature is
the condition that everyone has psycho-somatic, grace is the power
of God, how much we let it enter us, I must clarify, however, that
not all Christians are saved, that is,
only those who enter into the eternal kingdom of God are those to whom grace rents by
watering them, completely transforming them, I would say
whole of their nature watch what the lord says he says the kingdom of heaven
is like leaven which a woman took and mixed with a shahin
of flour, until all the flour was leavened the dough does not rise immediately
as soon as it is mixed leaven rises in its time after
first, the leaven penetrates and
is spread thus it is lightly fragrant
delicious the same happens with grace when it unites with our nature in holy
baptism it does not permeate it immediately it spreads slowly and when grace
is spread everywhere when the whole of our nature graces us then everything that we do takes on
a different character than our actions only that they are the same as others similar to any person they acquire
a special aroma a special taste a
special sound god accepts only those actions that are
extremely pleasing to him I will make another simile to explain how grace
when it is given scope to act after permeating our entire nature
becomes outwardly visible to all who are capable of seeing it grace
so it resembles the fire that penetrates the iron, it is not only inside the
iron but also on the outside its fiery power is seen by everyone,
it happens like this and with grace when it enters our nature it is
perceived by everyone who comes in contact with a God grace the man,
they feel that he has an unusual power that manifests itself
in various ways when he begins to talk about anything spiritual that shines like the noonday sun and his words go
directly to the soul of the listener, shaping in him with authority
corresponding feelings and moods, but also when he has not yet he speaks emits a
the heat that affects everything around him and a strange power that
acts on souls and inspires them with eagerness and spiritual
struggle we receive the grace of god in our infancy with holy baptism
and holy anointing the fragrance from that time the grace
it begins to act within us with the prospect and hope that after our
coming of age and time we will take self-determination
for our salvation, the question is mine what is the age it says about adulthood here what is the age that
man perceives that I have now attained what I had to take from my environment
from my parents my ancestors my heredity from my upbringing from my education
from my god and god gave me the time
I was baptized at the time they were anointed every time I take communion
he gives me his power, his energy is not like that, that's why we constantly want to receive communion while the divine liturgy is always the same,
someone modern said but says these Christians are spectators of the same work constantly with the same words, in the peace of the
Lord, let us pray for peace from above, and yet every time you feel a different
flavor different energy sometimes you feel a lot a little sometimes not at all
and it is not only the divine function and the contact with a human being
that is cute but also with a magician the soul is disturbed when
you approach him with me one who deals with other things with gambling
with the flesh again you don't rest as we say the soul doesn't rest it doesn't want you to
associate with it and if the soul feels it what does it mean I have a living
soul for it to feel that way do you think the soul is not alive it
is an unruly ship see the question here is when one becomes an adult and mature
my mother told you I have said it before the holy speech that my mother used to tell her
when does the mind of creatures descend
she told women if they cut off hours at
40 men tell me they must pass 50 especially she tells me
Currently, if they start after 50 everything is very good
yesterday a 35-year-old man came and saw me I asked him how old are you 35 do you still have
I tell him 17 years what do I have he says 17 years I
tell him what peril today's parents taught you
today's schools televisions, radios, mobiles, tet, children
remain immature children, i.e. tasteless of divine grace, not at 20, not
at 30, not at 40, at 50, unless a person gets
something, he can get it at 20, a
car accident, an illness a failure in
our relationships nowadays the children who most have premarital
relationships have multiple failures love
and sex and they don't
mature and they think that by making a new relationship I will renew it
says my self-confidence it's my mm and here is the last fallacy hands of the
first one and you go to the spiritual of the modern ones because we have many modern spiritual gods now,
let them be spiritual, he is not even a confessor
he says it's okay my child to try and try again sure sure
moment to come to a maturity in us that we understand what is the meaning
of life and what is the meaning of death and both have
meaning and to seize the opportunity that comes with either that disease or either or
or or and to
our self-establishment says Saint Theophanes the imprisoned, the struggle needs a consequence,
it needs a program, Christ said to the
old lady from the bread she is brilliant the children tell her I want 10 minutes a
day for them to devote 10 to me 10 minutes to listen to what kind of God we have
a philanthropist the old lady told him yes the old lady half an hour at least
and you tell them my child read the greetings read some more before a
seat from the psalter to smell the aroma in the atmosphere of repentance and
he also mentioned a few names come out of yourself
and he tells you how long
it takes when he tells me how he is taking it I also tell him to leave your tsar
like that while while we can eat two robes on the mobile of course especially you and
Mario goes for the standard like this so let me continue because you see
Saint Theophanes is interesting and inspiring when the parents a here we
now get into the essentials when the parents are devout and bring up their children, as the apostle says,
giving them education and advice inspired by faith in the Lord,
then divine grace gives birth to peace in children's souls, so children
become kind, humble, obedient, well-intentioned, and fortunate, examples can be seen
everywhere, I would say that you too listen to how the
Russian girl's saint is talking to her now 200 years ago think what he would say
now I would say that you too are such a child if I were not afraid that you would
take it upon yourself even though none of your gifts are due to your own
efforts you understand my John, come to
Macedonia to see me and let me tell you, you have five gifts, but they are not yours,
two are your father's, one is your mother's, and the other two will be given to you by
God and you are 40 years old
, they are in your soul many good elements but you have received them from others,
they are gifts either from God or from people, specifically your parents
who bequeathed you or gave you through upbringing, now there is a
task in front of you to love all these good elements, to close them in your heart
and then increase and multiply them all the saints that
I have met or that I have read say this they do not tell you to become something that you do not
have inside you, it tells you what you have inside you as
a talent and a talent as a gift and multiply it like this but
you have a gift to give money to do charity multiply it
he told me to be a ship owner one day he said to me my lord in heaven I will buy it I said how will you sir support me since I have no other gifts he told me
I only know how to make money he constantly tells me I am looking to find poor orphans children poor students churches that
are in need and I constantly give money so he taught me he says the old
Porphyrios was the spiritual pad of Porphyrios the bass Hadjiioannou eternity
his memory and in this way we
websites in one gift elegant he was the one who had
alms, of course, I saw other
gifts in Mr. Vasus, for example, faith, my child, to return from Japan to New York every night, but
it is in the interest that it was to see the yen, the yen is the currency of the
or the New York Stock Exchange in dollars or to go and see the sterling
so to see how he would make his investments every night after 12 o'clock
he threw himself there on his little bed on his knees and put his feet and hands
on the bed and what do you think he was reading but every night all the time I tell him the big
meal, my lord, the big meal is from Monday to Sunday until the Holy
Week, he tells me, no, but the small meal he tells me until you say it's
over so that I can be satisfied I want the big one listen to what it means to be satisfied I want
the big one he also measured the depth of his soul and how much
capacity he has and he wanted the big reward and
then I asked him what he was doing then he told me I had a deuterium
my mother taught me they do it and I remember the names of all the priests, he says of the elders, he says of the deacons, the
monks, the monastics, my parents, my horn, and I remember
these names, the bass player told you the only gift I have is to give money, so you understand from him
what I mean is let's use each one's talent one may not have
money to give alms but have the gift and patience
to sit next to an old man in an orphanage in an abandoned house and go and keep him
company while the children don't go to the old man, you go Jacob,
you understood and see how quickly you will gain grace and you would say,
my child, but how did I get his temperance how did I get this meekness how do I have a mental prayer in my heart why
did you visit the hall of God the forsaken
so let's not go to these things because I will be able to preach
it is true now the saint is speaking to the girl that you are treading firmly
foundations and that you are on the right path, but nothing of what you have
is the fruit of your free will and the result of your responsible decisions,
and if you do not start now to make your efforts to
stabilize the good elements of your soul, you will lose
everything with the first unpleasant circumstances yes they will leave you left behind
only a sweet or bitter memory
you hear if, until a certain age, we do not use the talents of our parents
our god our teachers these good things will
leave us and we will become a theater of angels and
people remember what they felt when he sank into the misery of worldly life and how
did you suffer then how sorrow flooded your heart that
you have good in you you got it from the grace of god and your family why
then your experiences of worldly life saddened you because you left yourself this is a great
detail because you allowed yourself to feel some sympathy for life
the worldly mole that you did not confess it is self-evident from the sorrow that
afflicted you later if there was no sympathy there would be no
suffering pleasure brings pain this is what the
saint, I wrote to you that if some dire necessity should throw you into the same plight again, do not
let your heart cling to anything you see or hear there, if
your heart does not cling to anything you will never experience
sorrow again, I don't know if you are now in it again even if you're in trouble, I don't know
if you follow my advice, do what you think is the worst thing the
the spiritual person tells you, to do what you think, you're on your own, wherever you are, it's
becoming an adult, it's very important to watch when because we
're all involved in worldly things and because of technology, watch
our heart that sticks listen to this one that clings that pleases that pleasures that sweeten i has
another that 20 beautiful women pass by and he doesn't turn to
see them and as soon as you talk to him about money yes friend do you have something to
say to me so we must all look at our
inclination and desire are satisfied, our inclination and desire
is the depth of the heart of every human being, the appetite for
strength according to Saint John of Damascus which we all
have, from my side, the saint continues, I must tell you honestly and
you have three options listen to how modern it is how much
it concerns us either to become a spiritual man or a god
of grace or to become a worldly man empty matter folios and passionate like
almost everyone else either or finally becomes a
the meteoric man between spiritual and secular life meteoric means that it goes and comes in the air where the wind takes it
and hence
a meteorite I hope and wish you become a spiritual person and you will become if you want to pay attention to this and you will become if
you want to we all have within us the power of will to activate it but
come your power god it's not like the old Cypriots used to say
that's how an empty and dull man a worldly and unbelieving man I don't think
you'll ever be because I know you well enough and you're listening now to what
concerns us who go to church but I can't rule out
the possibility of the third case,
it is possible that you will not become completely spiritual, nor completely worldly,
neither Christian nor unbeliever, this can happen if you do not
guard your heart from the attraction of worldly life, I will read this again,
this can happen if you don't guard your heart from the attraction of
worldly life notice I'm talking about attraction and not
participation in the worldly life you may not live a worldly life
but you are drawn so to speak in our language this is drawn to you means that
a part of your heart is
captive and it is captive and in this way, I do not give it to my Christ as it says not with one heart, Christ wants our whole heart, not
one party, pay attention, I'm talking about attraction and not a participation in worldly life, because participation,
as you say, is sometimes inevitable, if you don't guard your heart from this attraction, it will be born
in you a sympathy for secularism a sympathy which will not
cut you off completely from your Christian principles but will inspire you with a certain
coldness towards them you will retain your principles or
rather some of them but only out of habit you will be
a Christian out of habit Christmas Easter I commune I go and confess
to receive communion so out of habit
I have not given him my heart of Christ because other things
pull it so basically, you will not be in the worldly space or the
truly spiritual you will be neither a worldly nor a spiritual
the person what will the result be whoever it was also for the angel of the
Church of the People's Justice who was condemned by the master in the apocalypse listened to what the master said to the bishop of the
people's justice in Asia Minor a prophecy that happened in 1922
I know your works well you are neither cold nor
hot I wish you were either cold or hot because you are neither cold
nor hot but lukewarm that's why I will dry you out of my mouth
one must be warm towards God says Saint
Theophanes and towards all divine things but cold towards worldliness and
sin if you are not neither cold towards the worldly nor warm towards the
divine but lukewarm and cold towards everything god will
disapprove and reject you so what should you do to
choose with your heart the holy and godly spiritual life now
that you are coming of age this is Russian irony, you will choose it
, may the Lord bless you and
enlighten you, so I
think you want to ask another question.
say something worldly something
worldly like that yes happy listera I don't know how secular the one
I have chosen but because a song after you sing Oh a song s a psalm with soul in the celebration lift my soul let's say at the end I think because
this question is from a gentleman who is in America 58
years old and it's about the psalm of our love and because we've also done
thematic but it's a question that a lot of people have a question I'll give it
please your respect to Ohio United States
do you refer to books that you should we're reading I'll wait yes you
choose and I recently started reading the
psalter I've lived in America for 24 years but I went to school in Greece and I'm
an old baker 58 years old Listen I'm 58 years old
I understand Katharevusa but the Psalter is almost archaic and
I'm having trouble understanding it and reading it feels like an evening
out but I don't want to find something translated into modern Greek because these
texts lose their value if they are translated into a modern
language recommends that I continue reading it despite the difficulty I will get familiar
at some point and catch the meaning or read something else that is in
modern Greek, thank you, what a nice person, after all, did
you notice that all the questions that come from America are substances,
my child, yes, and the others who came made a great impression on me, we talked about
America, but I am not very
friend of America but I am impressed that the Orthodox who are in
Greece has a thirst for the essence of spiritual life, we who are in
Cyprus in Greece and Germany, the expatriates and Australia are always
watching when what the patriarch will say and what he will what will the archbishop say, what
will Mitsotakis say, what will Kaselakis say, what will be voted on, and let's start judging and our judgments may
they are also correct but look at this man now
m this man you know what he is saying to me what Saint
Theophanes said before that he will not that he has begun to cleanse his heart
through prayer with the psalter
so my dear neither name nor name let John of the tea not
write a name at all m Ohio Ohio lady pronounce it what a beautiful
Ohio so my dear
keep reading the Psalter and I am sure that especially for you
even if you don't understand many things now there will come a moment when a not a long period but be
consistent every day and preferably every night from noon to
34 find an interval to wake up and
read as many Psalms as you can but do not exaggerate agree with
yourself I will read a psalm every day after every two sittings he should remember names
and at the end always the psalter so that Satan does not bother us because he
is too bothered by the reading of the Psalter we must end with something
Theotokos either the Virgin Mary says it 33 times 50 times 100 times or
the salutations of the Virgin Mary or the request that you
endure so what I tell you does not last more than 30 to 40
minutes so see if these are done either
every day or every night with consistency even when you are very
tired let's do half of what we said but let's do something let's do something so that
there is a minimum and a maximum in our prayer
and a daily consequence so that you will see through this daily
by reading the prayer of the psalter and of our saint and of
I remember and commended your mind will open and you will begin not to understand the psalter, to feel it,
but also the function, the brain understands a few things, the heart feels the most,
because grace comes and first opens the mind and if
it wants the brain to be informed of something, something of the deeper
meaning of the rites
then we will have to do another
method to start reading in elementary school too, until recently I said
no directly to the original until the nuns here, our good ones in Orunda,
suggested to me this psalter of the
professor Athanasios Delikota Poulos of Makaritis this one
here his translation is wonderful his rendering is not a translation
it is a rendering in modern Greek without many interpretations of poetic
with it, I recommend you also enter the deeper meaning of the Psalter this
my despot I am interrupting for say of course interrupt me it is used as a prayer or let's say of doing it as a study in one's free time except
at the time of the second the second yes the prayer is always with the
authentic text whether it is the New Testament or Old Testament Psalter
sequences the authentic text of the old however any
unavoidable moment the the brain will protest, it will say sorry, you feed
your mind, you feed your heart and you give it food and grace and energy, don't
I have the right for the brain to understand what the enlightened ones used to say,
I think, so I exist, if you want, Mr. Brain to
understand, there is also a translation, I tell you that the best one I found is that
of the delicate chicken, unfortunately, the bazaar does not circulate much,
let me read you a little the translation of the most famous psalm of
Penko, have mercy on me.
he writes, I will only read the translation, have mercy on me, have mercy on me, my God, according to
your great mercy and according to the infinite esplanade,
completely blot out the iniquity of me from the scourge of my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin, I ask you to have mercy on me because I recognize and
confess my iniquity and this sin of mine never leaves my mind I always have it before me I ask you to have mercy on me because
I have sinned against you alone and I have committed wickedness before you and I have transgressed your law
I confess my guilt and I am worthy of punishment so that you may be shown again that
you were always right when you punished me and that you may emerge victorious in the just judgment
you when those who do not know you criticize you, sir, because I was conceived
by sinful parents and my mother conceived me and gave birth to me in
sins, that is, I am a suffering creature who from his mother's womb
began to burp towards evil, that is, I live as all and my parents under
the state of original sin and thus I am drawn into
transgressions of your law have mercy on me lord because I dared to speak about the power
of sin because I know well that you loved the truth uprightness and
sincerity of mind and heart c this also revealed to me the unknown and
incomprehensible things of your divine wisdom to keep me away from congenital
evil you will sprinkle me with hyssop an aromatic plant that is
hyssop with purgative power with your mercy and your grace that is to say and you will
purify of my sin you will wash me and I will become whiter than
snow and so you will make me feel great joy and gladness and you will shake
with joy my bones that are now broken in pain turn
your face away from my sins and obliterate erase completely
all my iniquities it is not a nice
translation full of feeling feeling atmosphere but I repeat what
John said when we pray we will insist on the texts written by the saints and every word
has energy has grace has power so these because they are 8:20 so let's
allow having a question either in the previously checked or your one and to
continue the question is we feel the need for you to explain to us and analyze more the concept of secularism and secular life and the
examples given by Saint Theophanes theophanes imprisoned three of the
three paths that a man can follow I think Saint Theophanes himself at some point gives the
answer he says it is inevitable that you live in the
world you must also behave
worldly at times but
he says this that matters to the
conscious Christian who has chosen to cleanse his heart and
repent of his mistakes and his passions and try to
attract the energy the power the grace of the triune
god you will live with worldliness some in some always limits
but you will never give your heart the attraction exerted by worldliness and you will not accept it inside you if for
a moment you are deceived,
repent and repentance will bring you back to the frequencies of the holy
spirit things are so simple worldliness what is worldliness is where
your heart prefers the things of the world the pleasures the
riches the perishable things i.e. the food the
entertainments the entertainments all these things to worldliness the adventure of money or to give all you are to the
sake of your children from something that has a lot to do with the Cypriot
character if Cypriot parents
have an opportunity for what their children will become in this crazy
society they transform it, especially after the 12th year of the children
during the holy porphyry by seeing the children you, as much upbringing as you want,
piety services until you enter puberty, then Saint Paisius
Zipper said that the knees should speak, that you should open
a line with your triune God, with your angel, with a saint that you will have
as a patron for your child, another saint that will be a patron for your basilica
, these are of the porphyry they told you recently
if you work like this then you escape from worldliness which
is not always worldliness what is to eat what is to drink what
is to dress and our money the pleasures our pleasures are
mainly these but I say that we can be fooled and prove an
attachment to our beloved persons or one who is very
patriotic anxiety about the future of Cyprus about what will happen to the
Turks who are next to us what will happen to our Greece which
is also in danger, you know how easy patriotism is, which is a genuine orthodox feeling to do
nationalism we have experienced it many times what is it is secularism
the other may not care much about the country the earthly country he is
religious and wants to make them all religious his wife his children his
So his village his island the nation of the whole world, he
judges them all, he condemns them all, patriarchs, priests, despots, the day before yesterday, someone came to me and
said, "Oh, he's here now, forgive me, I've forgiven him, and I have nothing to do with him." He brought me a book with a French
Orthodox saint, Maria Stefanova, what's her name France, are you in Paris, someone
there told this child of mine that you know so-and-so and so-and-so and so-and-so
page this saint says something that is not orthodox don't you go and ask for more
and he just gave it to me and so-and-so told me here on the page he
probably says some things that are unorthodox because they made
let's start judging the Virgin Mary because you then gave birth to Christ and waited 100 years
after that, you understood that worldliness
is not exhausted only in eating tomorrow because it is
mortal it can also penetrate concepts and values
​​which are values ​​but when you absolve them
then they lose their meaning and steal the
mind he said before about the prophecies they steal your mind my mind
from the first first that I must have purity and who are the frequencies
with the divine grace and if the line I feel the divine liturgy I feel the
prayer I feel the confession in the spiritual, what is the quality of
my repentance, my love for my neighbor, what is the commandment, the second commandment, love
your neighbor, did they widen your secularism, I am really worried
about the way many ultra-patriots and many religions behave
, that is, it is not enough for us secularism of hierarchs, priests, deacons,
nuns, secular nuns, now we are entering, and the religious people who are supposed to have a
sensitivity to have huge anxiety about whether we should hold ordinations
or whether we will take Constantinople this year or next year, so
things like that and these for me are secularism I may be wrong I'm talking about
myself so
yes the question is whether it is due to some older
hangers it needs more clarification on how the mind descends to the heart
this is the or come on my horn now
come this question you have to ask me next time start as
as soon as we start tell me sorry I'm the laughing kid of the previous
lighter and I ask you this question an office asked me when I go to Paphos every quarter we agreed with the brother there that the
random our things there are themed that's why i and o have an effect and
it is more beautiful because the mind is also limited mine to a specific
subject one subject was the mind as one of the five powers of the
soul and I said I said that the whole case is the mind which is the emperor
of the five of the powers of the soul, the highest of the materials,
if we put it this way, that the man has from the god in
him to descend into the heart, a young man stood up and said to me,
please, he said to me, but you said it 30 times, you are the thing, how does the mind descend to the dear, you know the current generation, yours,
how old are you
, 41, so you belong to the generation that is under
50, you are in the internet generation, that is, I am in the
television generation, and my father, Nicolas, was in that generation, he was born in
1907 my father think look at his generation
think in 100 years how many
children do you have now say the child you will have the day after tomorrow will be in which
generation of the artificial intelligence of the human-robot half-robot human
sit down now and tell your son and daughter you to download your mind into
your heart so that you don't become an instrument of the new order
of things so that it doesn't submit to Elon Musk who is playing us
an anti-geotaxis while he is worse than the ruffians and the
hey, I'll tell you one thing, it's a long
the distance that the mind has from the heart according to the holy milk, the greatest
distance it says that in my life, the saint of God told me it's from here to
here, not the brain, the mind, the brain begins to descend to the heart let's just say for the beginning
with the practical, not the theoretical when he starts to follow
the dominant passion you have says your name is Dimitris what is the dominant
passion of me the neophyte is the anger of John in the
food the food
does not eat it Christina in fact yes his mother Christina of course
we finished it so you may be neither the
food nor the anger be a traditionalist and the other where the bald one sits
be jealous so the other may be in one of the passions of the flesh whether female or
gay or either each of us should find
who is his dominant passion it helps a lot to also follow
our inheritance from our parents our grandparents
then say we told you what we found that you have that you are stingy
stingy stingy you will see how my stinginess manifested itself today that morning until evening in the
Takaki my wife said to me look give this poor man some
money and I said to him let's go again
m so where did I think that my child passed
At Easter, why don't we go see our grandmother who is at the circus, and get her
an Easter present so that she can be happy and don't drink, no, because
you are bored because you are thinking about the present that you will
buy with all this when the man of God starts and then I watched them
repent, he is, it is not just watching them as a
psychiatrist, a psychologist, a psychoanalyst says, I watch them to
apprehend them and repent, says Saint Isaac the
Syrian, he may be with your master at work that you ask him to give you
he raises your salary and it doesn't make you feel like you have a flow of money, why
shouldn't I get more money, it starts as a second passion, an evil accusation of the foreman, and the deeper reason is the
money that doesn't give me an increase, then you start praying for
your foreman lord jesus christ forgive my master Andrea forgive me too
when a person starts to work like this the heart starts to groan on its own it starts
to sometimes rejoice and sometimes to react because it is easy to tease a
demon that resides in the heart I mean you are a money-loving demon
, he immediately reacts and will start throwing
calculations at you with fringes of form now and regretting every money-loving
move your heart has, you will start to question what
you heard he will start throwing other ideas at you, yes but I have other things, you understand,
I am moderate, while others do so much immorality, I don't deserve to be a shogun, I am not a shogun, I am a housekeeper who
I am, so man monitors his calculations, his desires based
on passion, the dominant one, but when my dear follows the first
dominant passion and as soon as you pass the first one find the second one and we
only have one passion we have all the passions but only some because of heredity
usually or because they are not here we didn't
care because of lack of catechism we can't cure them isn't it
so we didn't deal with the spiritual pathology after all, but
we only dealt with it if my back hurts, my leg hurts, you understood the
physical one and our soul is atrophied, so you will find out, then you will see the second passion, you will see the third,
the fourth, so this story that you I say how long until you die until you die you will see about
him and when you read the old man what do all the saints
say he demanded by my God to put a principle of repentance but all the saints were saints
but inside they saw you as liars not even the penal code anything
they saw some passion moving, for
him this work is the most interesting because he has a lot of
grace, he is happy, Christ sends the holy spirit, because may Christ leave you
alone to become a psychoanalyst
The Holy Spirit is enlightening it will help you holy Spirit to see
things in you that you have never seen yet it will enlighten you and which
grandparents gave you the moneylender and you will not blame them like
psychoanalysts do you pray for them to forgive them oh
god oh my heart this is what I told you
is the beginning so far the
chief someone else the question is the end of June correct me brother because I don't
remember the dates it will be for nine days the parade
we also have in Cyprus on Saturday if I'm not wrong, tomorrow, Saturday, tomorrow,
the 1st of June, I think it's a friend, and he says, we who are in Thessaloniki
and will live this thing, what do you advise us, how to handle it, and then we and our families, our children who spend time in these already
messages from the schools or the television from the mobile phones definitely for the children to catch them go from Thessaloniki go to Xanthi go to
Kozani goes to a village go to Olympus so that the children don't see this
sad spectacle will be imprinted in them, let alone the energy that is emitted when all these
carnal passions meet is huge if for
a Eurovision I said what I said before think about meeting all
these people who carry these demons inside them are demons and for 9 days and 9 days
, look, the bishops where they are around Thessaloniki should
suggest to the priests to hold vigils without blaming,
without making vigils every night in one parish to another parish,
you understood that there is spiritual resistance, which means
vigils with the lay people the
lay people have the psalter, you know how many mistakes will be made in
this parade when some people two or three, as our Christ says,
read the Psalter with their hearts and the chariots will be broken,
they will be overturned, and all kinds of funny things will happen, but the
angel will be hiding behind you and so for
so for the feeling the atmosphere probably very well it would be at the time when
the big parades will be held the bells are ringing passion
like this or make supplications with names
of people who have this passion supplications not
exorcisms and say that you have a child in your family who has this passion, his name is George, and for all the Georges,
my Christ, these are St. Paisius's, they are not mine,
so I believe in this kind of thing, let's not make a counter parade as someone would say
and expose them let's understand that it's the
season, I don't want to say the word because the archbishop told me
not to say it, I've said it the other times, so what the fortieth raven said, let whoever remembers it, otherwise you'll find it
in our calendar, it's the season then but it is an era that will
end quickly listen it will end very
quickly many saints told me this and the war that would culminate that
we started at the beginning to say will help very very very very even
these poor people who have the passion enough to come to
repentance to crash to say hey what have we done ok we have a passion to
do it pride let's do it pride
fight to reduce it if we can't uproot it so but this time because everyone praises it the new order of things
promotes these, the poor cannot be crushed, although some already
come and see us and ask for help, but these are isolated cases, after the war, and with it, they will understand themselves that
the new order of things is using them, then they will come to a big
crash and many will regret it because
all these
characters have a special sensitivity and many times the pathology they have is not so much the responsibility of only them but the parents and grandparents
that's what I'm saying or I think I answered you as much as
possible yes who in your opinion, was more against what
you said, anti-heretical or against the same, is it so the saint neophyte the imprisoned or the
saint or saint mark kind all the saints were all the saints all the saints
I say it three times he was and must be anti-heretical now the West for the last 1000 years
has been producing heresies unceasingly and what John said before about the
parades is a form of heresy that even wants to be
legally and morally protected and passed on as a pedagogy to our children,
so it is not a question of it is anti-Western, I think the term rather does not suit
a saint, the saint when he sees that the truth of Christ is diminishing becomes
aggressive, he once told me holy father I went and told him the old man I told him it seems we have a passion in common he told me he likes to see you
and my passions he tells me you're done with yours you got mine I'm
serious now you're angry yes I am he says how did you do it
I told him for so many years you don't hurt people I hurt
people with my anger and I sometimes hurt but I regret it
quickly and my anger tells me
I learned from grace so he said it should
only be for two occasions when it is for the faith
because when there is heresy and the heretic insists I become aggressive she tells me and
when there is immorality then she tells me you have to
use your anger no one else understands how she tells me the
heretics and the immoral and the anger she gave you
tells me your generation because my mother's generation I inherited this
anger I researched so Christ wants one day when you grow up to use it against the heretics
and the flowers the years have passed my dear I just turned 50 around 54-55 I got to know Agia
Galaktion from close quarters and
she said to me, "Mom, the little child is leaving and doing this to me, yes, well
, and she told me, I'm telling the old woman what to say to the world now that I'm over 50
and I have to start speaking as I promised in old Porphyrio and to
old Jacob and he tells me with a naturalness and simplicity the
dirty things what I tell her the dirty things to say
she tells me what most people do now she tells me the abnormal things and she began
to describe the abnormal things to me with ease and with a glossary that
even an ordinary woman would be ashamed,
I tell you, but this one is indeed the woman of God, and now she tells me to go out and tell about the abnormal things they do inside and
outside of marriage, not only homosexuals and lesbians tell me, but both inside
and outside so out of wedlock and one of them is ashamed, the other tells me he's afraid because he has a file, the other
tells me he wants to be an archbishop, that's why they have to be nice to each other, no one talks, you talk, he tells me where you are, he tells me he's
aggressive, and then I remembered the guy who your anger once told me to
keep it and use it either for immorality or heresies
so both saints had this spirit that we are describing as Saint
Neophytos and Saint E Markus Markus are the kind ones but
you see also Galactides I say with Galakt who
told me to say dirty things, not a month passed and someone from America came, and then
the saint of America Ephraim Arizona lived and what the one who came told me
was the blessed reverence of the lady Athena the blacksmith
spiritual go to Saint Porphyry and go to Arizona to see then
Saint Elder Ephraim of Arizona and what he said to her, do you think the same things that I was told by
Emen Galaktion Mata and Greece said to her
at this moment and all of Europe is rolling like widows in
this shit of the sin of the abnormality she says sin will give birth to the third
world war so that it does not spread to your children and Saint Galact said something very important
we have it written in the book so that it does not spoil she says the human
species we are in so much danger from these sins
so you see what a saint neophyte is what a saint Cosmas the Aetolos what the other Mark the
kind the saint Elder Ephraim of Arizona the galactic they all say the same
child they all say the same we just don't follow them we prefer to talk about
no miracle we don't follow the teaching them e is not anti-western and basically in America p was where it was
in the West, it was not like that in the other of America that I recommend you to
read three books by Seraphim RP Father Seraphim
Rp he, before he was baptized, was for a while
homosexual until he met St. John Maximovich the Great, a Russian saint,
he understood what orthodoxy meant, he was baptized,
previous sinfulness was erased, he was already ordained, and
they wrote three excellent books.
let's let Penelope
do their epilogue it came from a long time ago but you were in
Syria now now these let's say a few words now let's
finish they wanted him to say something about religious matters in place of the woman
to whom the scribe is addressed by the saint we read the text yes which
when you started you said he had the grace he got tired so
you said yes I ask the question with you and vice versa do nothing else for what I think
he understands I want to ask you from your slang as they say why did the
lord become your grace of god can a man bear it
he has done this can a man who is tangible leave the
tragedy of z body-mind we understand if he can hold it
may I repeat the question can a
man with his weaknesses to put it this way more popularly and correct me with the human existence to endure the grace of God to contain it
even not just to endure it that
's what you say if it endures the grace listen to my Penelope God gives everyone
as much grace as the container of his soul, a ring, you have a
ring, thanks for you, for God, it's great that I have to fill
a jar so that you can drink too if I don't fill the jar and fill a
glass, I might as well go to hell, that's why it gives so much power to this man
it means as much energy means grace as much as it can withstand as much
capacity as each soul has not every soul has
its capacity everyone could fit this other given the master himself said it
from here and beyond and beyond I understand that you are going further in front of you
is the man in the struggle that makes the spiritual there comes a time yes when he gets tired
because the spiritual life has a tension when it is spiritual in the first place
it is a sack with the spirits the devils the
demons first you meet your passions and then you meet when you succeed somehow
with the power of god with your pathology you meet those who are behind
the passions and they are the demons so this requires a lot of strength and
patience to do this battle but god gives the strength and
many times to humiliate the fighter God withdraws a little,
here is what God the Father did with his son when Christ said
that terrible thing, il lama savachtani, my God, my God,
he was abandoning me and we are not worthy of us, who are full of selfishness, for
the moment to take a step back so the best thing is to go to the
spiritual one to have a spiritual one who has experience experience not just
books today is one of our problems
experience so the spiritual one will be enlightened by
God and let him have a little experience if it is ours the struggle our pain
is great and will give him extraordinary enlightenment the holy spirit tells us
things that will help us provide an example of the
Saint Sofron of Sex is in his monastery in Russia on the sacred mountain
he is doing this struggle he is tired he can't stand it at some point and he goes
to his spiritual one, Saint Silvanus and what does he say to him he says keep
my mind on hell but a big deal I told the child before
to keep your mind on your passion imagine keeping his mind and
say where the infernal is, I am also this means in
hell but he says he can't stand this old man telling him for a long time what to do and
the experienced saint Silvanus turns and what does he say to him says to him when
your mind gets tired let's do a step back and have a tea and have a tea I would tell him
I like you so you understand what Antony the Great said about the spiritual life not
everything should be tense sometimes there should be relaxation It needs a distinction between the thing
is like that but the fact that there is tension and that there is effort and our other God gives
the grace and the energy to
fight, the life is yours to guard it, yes, I hear so-and-so's father has
the other has the foresight, the other has the healing power, the other has
the prophetic. we find but for prophecies and foresight and foresight we find
it was not my father we were looking for a father it turned out to be a monster so
we are looking for a prophet 20 prophets
and as he once told me and an abbot of the holy mountain my friend
you know tell me here in the monastery how many have obtained from the intense
spiritual life, the clairvoyant, most of the
old men kept it, one tells me, six months, another 6 years, and then lost it,
because the center of their struggle was not the humiliation of Christ, but the
gift, so we do not struggle for prophecies and for proactive and
insightful yes and therapeutic no yes how does someone who
you know well say it tell me he writes sometimes yes
in the news very extraordinary yes spiritual pst yes
spiritual pressure yes no no our meaning is just
humbly I step on the earth and look for humility my Christ now it is
true that in our time we need some people who have the
gift of the great the maximum discernment of spirits to tell you this one is
demonic this one is angelic yes the girl before what a nice question she
asked worldliness she tells you when is when so it is not
for god to enlighten us you have
less responsibility you have responsibility for your two children for your three children for
your grandchildren what can we say what can we say about him pray
for us him, I have to say as the last word Christ He is truly
risen, Christ is truly risen, Christ is truly risen, He is truly risen, glory to this holy
three-day man, we worship him, the three-day resurrection, Christ
is risen from the dead,
death, death, life
, life, giving

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Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...