and he told them but you know he tells them the saint had a sense of humor and he was telling us the
second of what he saw obviously because we couldn't bear to hear the whole
truth and what did the saint say guys he says so
many millions of Chinese soldiers should come to fight with Israel the people will not be
so thirsty so terror but a glass for a million Chinese to drink
what is a a million Chinese, whatever it is for the Chinese, so
let everyone drink a glass, he says let the
fluffy one dry, so he was trying to entertain our fear
, so now what can we say about what they show us
on YouTube, yes, channel it
and you can walk on it, a terrible thing
, of course, because the Euphrates is wide, or it is drying up, that is the correct
word, the Euphrates is drying up, a rationalist, an atheist will tell you,
but above, the Turks in Turkey built huge
dams and the waters of the Euphrates catch them and do not let the criminals
go down to the middle east to be watered and
this area that has been irrigated by the Euphrates for centuries from the Euphrates
and the river tiger, so this it's a reasonable
interpretation, so that's why
I'm saying that it's dangerous things for me to sit down now and tell you, do you see
dry thin fati so wherever you are we have
armageddon which is armageddon what is it no the third world
war is the final war with which everything will be shaken the
powers of the heavens as
a liberal lord see
any interpretation especially those who rely on the
internet beware this is the great damage done by the internet, but to be
fair, the great mission the internet does
depends on you, how much sense do you have, even if you ask any
human being as the doctor I told you did
, so about him, yes, there is a risk of
error if this short
prophecy of the saint is taken for granted, and what is the request of the beloved disciple of the
master, John the theologian, if let's try to
interpret it based on the facts that are happening today in the river states,
there is a risk that it will go astray and who knows tomorrow when the Kurds will not make
a state from what it seems and they don't catch the dams that
the Turks made, they don't break the dams and the water starts
to go down and the river fills up again, you know what I mean,
maybe the uncontrolled profiloplastik
of conflicting prophecies that everyone says happened or that heard from the
modern saints and it is right that we already live how the memory
of a great saint like the saint
Paisius that everyone ascribes to him various prophecies that the man did not say,
does it come to the point that a brother says it's all lies, one, all lies,
my despot, but only glory be to God, the disciples of the saint of the saint
Paisius, the saint, the father, the upright, the father live Gregory the Father,
Paisius the Mathematician, so the Nuns the
Siuros or the Transfiguration Nuns serious
people, we have the books of St. Paisios, we read them and he writes inside,
he checked them and he who checked them and of course he saw it,
you see, that is, we are reaching the other end, they are all lies, yes, no
, no
, we insult the memory of the saints, of course we can provoke this
insult we who deal with prophecies with an excessive zeal
all want their distinction and you know something you
laymen are not responsible nor fathers the bishops are responsible all the
bishops should have dealt with the saint paisius all the bishops should
have dealt with the holy wisdom of the cloister who spoke terrible
prophecies and with all the saints who prophesied
because what are we doing now some of the
bishops kambosa miracles that were done to his leg by St.
James that's how the plane would fall and he caught it real
miracles real miracles I even put it and painted it a miracle that
Saint James did and you will see it when you come to the feast of Saint
James there in the mansion that we built in the empa of the acacia
huge image holding the plane and thus saved 250 people who
were in danger but not we only have to deal with
the miracles of the saints a miracle upon our saints is also the prophetic
word about him and when you open the gospel
you keep hearing about the gift of prophecy first apostles he says
second prophets or teachers and he says the order the apostle paul of the
gifts understandings he says tongues says who
is first and jealous and the joys of the Christians to be jealous to pursue to
acquire the Cretans, the higher gifts, i.e. the apostolic gift
, to make people, i.e. to come to the Orthodox faith, did you think of
me going around the crazy sea and getting people to
confess, a big thing, a big thing in such a time when we live
in crazy and atheists, this is an apostolic
gift, and the second gift right after it is prophecy, and this
is the gift most of bishops, I omit it if inside the
closet some even reached the terrible fallacy of saying that prophets were only
of the old
testament, sorry, the honest forerunner is not the greatest of the
prophets, what prophecy did the honest
forerunner say, he only said one prophecy and indeed
it was not for the future was for the time when
he lived he said behold the lamb of god o air the
sin of the world he said he is the messiah the virus of mary jesus christ
only he said and said to his disciples give up with
me i must decrease and he increase i am not worthy even of the thong
of his shoes to untie it and the disciples of the honorable
forerunner the apostle Andreas and St. John this one the
middle the theologian forerunner
and they followed Christ because they were to obey the
holy forerunner and this man is the greatest
of the saints. This is the one prophecy he said that was not for the future,
I repeat, it was for the present, for
that time, so what for the others prophets that others
lived 400 years eg Isaiah lived 800 years eg Jeremiah
600 years eg daniel 300 years bc you know that too many
prophecies are still to be fulfilled from the prophecies of the old
διαθήκη υπάρχει μια προφητεία της παλαιάς διαθήκης που λέει ότι η Δαμασκός
την πρωτεύουσα της Συρίας όταν γίνεται ο παγκόσμιος πόλεμος
αυτό που λέμε το τρίτο δεν θα μείνει τίποτα ένα
από τις αρχαιότερες πόλεις του κόσμου και γραμμένο μέσω των προφητών του
παλιά διαθήκη, οπότε θέλω να το πω αυτό
στις μέρες μας αρχιερείς και ιερείς και
Ο λαός του Θεού έχει οδηγηθεί σε μια άγνοια σε έναν τραχύ τράγο
τραχύ θα είχα μάθει το ίδιο αν ήταν
29 10 και 11 δεν έκανα τα προσκυνήματα στη Συρία στο Λίβανο και στους αγίους
μέρη και αν δύο ή τρεις άνδρες του Θεού δεν μου είχαν πει τόσο μεγάλο
η σύγχυση έρχεται στον κόσμο και ότι εσύ που είσαι τολμηρός και
δυνατά με τον προφητικό λόγο δεν το έκανα μόνος μου δεν ήταν το χόμπι μου
όπως αυτό
και ειδικά αφού γνώρισα τον Άγιο
Ο Γαλακτός στις 16 που ο Άγιος Γαλακτός έφτασε σε πολύ μεγάλα μέτρα αγιότητας
θύλος πορφύριος και θυμάσαι τι μου είπε είπε τι θα είναι το πνευματικό
αιτίες των αμβλώσεων του τρίτου παγκόσμιου πολέμου
οι αμετανόητοι εκτρώσεις οι αμετανόητοι οι
Η βλακεία και τι συμβαίνει στο γάμο και μέσα
γάμος και ήμουν ηλίθιος ο καλόγερος δεν ήξερε τι γίνεται στον γάμο και
μου εξήγησε και μετά ήρθε και ο Εφραίμ από την Αριζόνα έστειλε ανθρώπους στο
δωμάτιο να μου πεις
το τρίτο πράγμα τελευταία φορά μαγεία και
έτσι βλέπετε οι πραγματικοί άγιοι ανησυχούν
και να έχουν μια πλήρη εικόνα και για τον κόσμο
και η εκκλησία και όχι
ξεχάστε τον όμορφο λόγο του ευαγγελίου, αυτόν που δέχεται έναν προφήτη στο όνομα ενός προφήτη,
λείπει ο μισθός του προφήτη, μου λέει εν μέρει, αλλά γιατί είσαι απασχολημένος έτσι στο
σύνοδος, δεσποτάδες, και τους λέω, θέλω μισθό, αυτό που σας λέω, παραπάνω,
αφού το λέει το ευαγγέλιο, αλλά πρέπει επίσης να προσέχω όχι τι
προφητεύω διαβάζω ή οτιδήποτε κάνω απαντώ εδώ μέσα τώρα συνήθως λέω
οι προφητείες που βρίσκονται είτε στην αποκάλυψη του
Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Θεολόγος ή από τους νεότερους αγίους
όσα διασταυρώνω ότι επαναλαμβάνονταν όχι μόνο από ένα δύο και τρία
Οι Άγιοι δεν λένε το ευαγγέλιο μπροστά σε δύο τρεις μάρτυρες στέκονται ετέ παν
Το ρήμα λέει και εδώ
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