1. QUESTION Father, much has been written about the engraving and chip that people will be forced to put on their bodies in the time of the Antichrist. What would you tell us about this issue, which concerns us all? The human body is one of the most magnificent wonders of God's Creation. I can say that it is unique in all of God's creation. So God wanted to be our body , in which he would place our immortal soul , His Temple , to be worshiped there by all of us, His children, as a king God the Father . The Holy Bible says that we are " the temple of the living God ". Satan cannot win a man's soul unless he first wins his body. That is why he tries in a thousand ways to contaminate our body, so that it ceases to be " God's temple " and can thus dominate it . Until now, Satan has been trying to dominate man by using his human weaknesses. Thus he made man susceptible to many and various great sins such as immorality , drugs , murder , witchcraft , and many others. However, every time that man repented of his mistakes and God forgave him, the binds and his plans. So Satan was looking for another way to control completely the mind of man, and to be able to better direct , control and dominate man's thoughts , desires and feelings . found the way . With the artificial intelligence of computers and a series of specific specialized vaccines, it will interfere with the chain of the human genetic code , the DNA, and change it . Thus, the now mutated human DNA instead of acting under Divine Intelligence , as God created it, will now act under the orders of artificial intelligence , which will be directed by the satanic staff of the Antichrist! In fact, in order to better control each person individually, some elements of the code in the mutated human DNA will form the necessary basis to create an identity, an exclusive identity, with a personal number , which will be unique for each person. This personal number on the DNA of each person will now be indelible , permanent and irrevocable. This number of man, with the number 666 preceding it, will indicate to whom this man belongs and with it he will be registered in the central supercomputer of the Antichrist, the famous " Beast ", with which all the rest of his computers will be connected satanic antichrist state. In order for all computers to easily read this human number, a shortcut icon will be created on the surface of the human body, on the forehead and on the hand . Every human activity , such as saving , buying , selling , and in general every action , will be completely controlled and dependent on his specific personal number . It will be his official ID . Without that number, that person simply wouldn't exist . plan in the first phase is to turn the human body into a mobile transceiver , just like a mobile phone is , so that he can easily dominate it. 2. QUESTION How will man be transformed into a mobile transceiver, "a mobile phone"? To build a house one needs two things. The materials that will be needed for the construction and the appropriate technicians that will work to build and perfect it. As for the materials needed to build the new human mutant DNA, Satan made sure to slowly and cunningly collect them gradually in the human body. He transferred them to our body through what we eat , drink and breathe , which he had previously contaminated with various invisible to the eye materials , of high nanotechnology . Then, a series of 7 specially specialized vaccines will play the role of 7 specialized technicians who will undertake to make the new mutated human DNA, with the materials that have already entered the human body. The purpose of the 7 vaccines will be to weaken and in the end cancel the possibility of man to become, through the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the " temple of God ". The most important of the seven vaccines will be the seventh . The seventh vaccine will be the crown of nanotechnology , since it will be introduced , without any reversal , into the final mutated human DNA, the element that will incorporate the necessary code on which the number - seal of each person will be written. I must repeat that restoring human DNA to its original state will now be impossible, therefore those who take the satanic " sealing " will be captive for life to the most destructive decision for their existence. This number will not be something visible that can be removed from the human body but something invisible since it will be one with the DNA of the person , that is, his very life . This number will then be connected to a supercomputer, the famous " Beast ", which will be operated by the Antichrist himself and his people, who will also exercise absolute power. With the help of artificial intelligence , which will have developed to such a strong point that it is now deified by people, the Antichrist and his demonic staff will be able to control , dominate and direct thoughts , decisions , desires and the feelings of each person. Every form of different thought or reaction will be made known through the technical intelligence of the " Beast " and the demonic staffs of the Antichrist, will decide the death or, at best, the erasure of the existence of the particular human transceiver . 3. QUESTION Who are they who will help satan carry out his plan to destroy man? Lucifer in recent years has managed to place many satanic people devoted to him in key positions of the world's threefold power , i.e. politics , science and religion . Thus Lucifer will be able to rule: 1. Politics, through the bankers who control the money and determine the political decisions. 2. Science, through satanic scientists who make weapons, infectious viruses and other satanic constructs capable of destroying man and God's Creation. 3.Religion , through religious leaders subordinate to him, which he slowly took care to raise to leadership positions in the church. His religious leaders are willing to obey , implement and promote easily and without resistance , his antichrist plans and laws. In fact, they are the only ones who can easily, under the pretext of the virtue of " obedience ", seduce the multitude of the people, as their leaders and " shepherds ". One of the most important actions of Lucifer will be to convince all these religious leaders to unite, for the sake of so-called universal love and peace , in a universal religious unity, the " World Church ". Thus, in order for the Antichrist to be believed and accepted in the Christian world, he will use, as the Apocalypse of John says, as his partner the False Prophet , the satanic man who will lead the Universal Church at that time . He, as the leader of the Church, will try to convince all Christians to receive the final sealing of the supposedly real "Christ", i.e. the Antichrist . 4. QUESTION Has this all started? Yes , but they are still in the early stages. We are now in the experimental phase of vaccines. Before the appearance of those seven special and specialized vaccines, which will build the new mutant DNA of humans, a series of experimental vaccines will first be tested on millions of people with uncontrolled and dangerous side effects. Some of these, because they will interfere with the chain of the genetic code of human DNA, will cause the natural self-defense of DNA, resulting in new powerful diseases. These will be, for a long time, incurable . Doctors will not be able to easily find a cure for these diseases, resulting in millions of people dying. Before the final stamping, which will be done on the human DNA itself , there will first be a global effort to give all people a personal number . This number will not be the actual " engraving ", but a protector of it, in order to acquaint man with the final " engraving-seal ". a document at first , on cards and other legal papers, and then, to make it more functional in government services, so that it can be easily found and read by the computers of the technical services, it will become digital . So, all governments will give all their citizens a personal number , with which they will be able to carry out all their necessary activities , which will concern either their relationship with the state , such as identity cards, taxation and others, or their survival , such as buying and selling. Then, with the help of artificial intelligence , all the numbers of these people will be connected to a central global supercomputer , the " Beast ". Thus, within the "Beast" all the people of the world will be registered and recorded , with all their personal information . As a pretext, for this great world argument, they will tell the whole world that it is the only way to better ensure world peace and the suppression of all illegal and terrorist acts. However, their ultimate secret goal and purpose is to know and precisely control all the people who will have to pass to the next and final stage of the final " sealing ", with which the Antichrist will now know all subjects of. 5. QUESTION How can we Christians react to all this? Is there an antidote that can neutralize the power of these satanic constructs? The days we live in are very wicked indeed. Tests to make the new mutant human DNA have begun . Artificial intelligence is advancing at full speed and humans are unaware or want to be unaware and indifferent to what is happening. Lucifer managed to convince people that he cares about their health, so that they would easily accept his experiments. Whether we will make ourselves the Temple of God or the temple of Satan is our choice . It is up to us whether we will remain united with God the Father, as His children, or whether we will run away from Him and join the camp of Lucifer. We are free to choose but also to shoulder the consequences of our decisions . Those of us who choose to remain faithful to Christ and His holy Church must be ready to take up the cross of confession , even martyrdom . Our era will highlight the greatest saints of the Church. Regarding all those high nanotechnology materials that are sneakily and unknowingly introduced into our bodies, like satanic poison , with what we eat , drink and breathe to contaminate us, I should emphasize that there is an antidote . As every poison has its antidote , so our holy Church has the appropriate antidotes for them . The problem, however, with the antidotes available to our Church is that they presuppose two basic spiritual elements on the part of people, so that their " power " can be activated . They presuppose " faith " and " trust " in God, something, however, that you no longer easily find among Christians. The main antidote proposed by our holy Church is Holy Communion , that is, Christ himself. The energy of these dangerous high nanotechnology materials is neutralized with the Holy Communion , which will not only act therapeutically but also deterrently , since it will not allow artificial intelligence to intervene in the chain of human DNA, to " engrave " and make the mutation of those initial elements which the divine intelligence with infinite " Wisdom " has defined! In the case of Holy Communion, the penetrating power of the Holy Spirit is decisive. The Holy Spirit himself intervenes to preserve the Divine Will ! Sanctification is also a powerful antidote , especially the " great Sanctification of Epiphanies ", because it does not allow Satan and the artificial intelligence controlled by him to carry out his projects and plans. The sign of the Holy Cross has always been the great fear of demons. Our Church has many stories, mainly from the lives of our saints, that the honest Cross abolished the power of the poison with which the holy martyrs were watered to die. Whenever they made the sign of the Cross, the poison lost its power and could not cause the death of the holy martyr. Of course, we must not forget that these holy Christians had deep faith and great love for our Christ, since for His sake they gave up everything, in order not to betray and deny Christ! The daily prayer to God and especially to the Holy Spirit , when it is done with deep repentance and humility for our mistakes but also divine love in our heart for God our Father, is also a very powerful medicine against every satanic attack. Heartfelt prayer greatly attracts divine Grace, and creates a divine protection around the body and soul of the praying person. This divine protective armor prevents any form of satanic communication that attempts to offend the human body and soul , with the powerful spiritual interference it causes. Another great and important action of the holy prayer is that it will enlighten the mind of the humble person and will reveal to him, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the truth of his choices and of the events that will happen. This awesome power of prayer to reveal the truth to the one who prays, will prove to be a very important help to the Christians of the last days, where the Antichrist and his followers will dominate everywhere. The man who is faithful to God, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, will be able to feel and in many cases even see the truth about a person, whether it is God's or Satan's. This will help many devout Christians to discern which spiritual leaders of the Church are following the true Christ and which are the Antichrist ! chaff will be separated from the wheat and the unworthy church leaders will be revealed , as well as the holy church fathers and teachers, so that Christians will know who they should trust and follow and who they should not. The straw will constitute the ecclesiastical leadership of the " World Church ", which will belong to the Antichrist and will be managed by his friend and associate the False Prophet , as the Apocalypse of John states. The wheat will consist of holy ecclesiastical men who will staff the " Catacomb Church " of the end times. Praying Christians by God's revelation will recognize who will be the chaff and who the wheat, so that they will know who will be those holy fathers and teachers whom they should hereafter trust and follow. 6. QUESTION How close are all these things that you have told us in such detail? All this has begun and will culminate in the very near future. Satan is of course in a hurry to take over the reins of world power through his own son the Antichrist . That is why he moves insidiously, with great guile and covertly, at all levels of power, in order to immediately become the " world leader ". God, however, still for a while, does not allow it , because people are ignorant of the whole truth , so that they can choose freely and on their own, the one they will believe and follow. great mercy to man, who does not want any human soul to perish in the darkness of Hades and hell, will allow three great events to occur that will help the whole world first to ponder and then to decide freely the most important choice in human history. One fact has to do with everything that will happen from here on out with human health , which will continue to undergo multiple catastrophic operations due to some experimental pharmaceutical preparations that will promise life and health but will cause a multitude of side effects, even death . The second event will be related to the unrestrained desire of some satanic leaders , who in their attempt to lead the whole world, will cause a global conflict with incalculable global disasters . The third event will be the revolution of nature itself in the satanic Christian states but also in the whole world that reacts to the true God, as a last attempt of the horse nature to awaken the man hypnotized by Satan, so that he comes to his senses, repents and to stop his impending destruction. In short, I can say that: a chain of very large natural disasters will change the very structure of the Earth, while the specter of hunger, thirst, disease, and despair will overshadow the entire planet. Therefore, if a man becomes concerned and realizes his mistake, through all that will happen, immediately everything will change for the better and the destructive course of himself and nature will stop. If, however, he persists in his selfish course and lets Satan be his lord and god, and willingly accepts Satan's mark and seal, then greater and more terrible world-catastrophic events will occur, causing death and incalculable numbers of people. These terrible world events are mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John. 7. QUESTION Who is this Antichrist, who will disrupt the life of the whole world? He is the son of Satan, who will be born from a woman in intercourse with Lucifer himself during a satanic ceremony. He will live in secret at first and from there he will direct the world leaders devoted to him, whom he himself raised to power. At the right time, he will ascend to political power. The charm of his satanic thinking, his rhetorical skill, and his imposition on all the leaders and peoples of the earth will be so strong that it will charm the entire planet. As a first act of impressment, the Antichrist will stop all the wars, which he has so far secretly directed. He will be proclaimed " prince of peace " and all the heads of state will hand over to him the power of their peoples. From that moment on the Antichrist will dominate me with absolute power over everything and with the help of perfected artificial intelligence, it will control everyone and everything. With the help of demons and artificial intelligence, he will even perform various artificially believable miracles, which he himself will project to the whole world to convince them that he is a god. That he is the real Christ who came to earth to save all people. The world church, which will already be ruled by his personal friend and satanic man, the False Prophet, will accept him as a man of God, as a prophet, and as a savior of the world. Then it will be officially disputed that our Lord Jesus Christ is the true Messiah of the world and that title of Messiah will be given to the Antichrist. the greatest and most ruthless persecution of the true Christ and Christians will reach its climax. All the religions of the world will recognize his supernatural powers and will accept him as their savior and god, therefore they will accept to take of their own will his own satanic seal, with which they will secure eternal faith in him and obedience. However, the real Christians who, with the help of God, will remain faithful to the one and true Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, will not accept this sealing, even if they have to give their own lives. For their faith, God will intervene miraculously, to protect them and give them the necessities for their survival. The Christians at that time will get their strength with the help of the Holy Spirit from the study of the Holy Scriptures, Holy Communion, and the wishes of their holy spiritual fathers. For this reason, the Antichrist and his followers will fight these three forces. They will attempt to rewrite the Holy Scriptures as they see fit. They will persecute on trifling occasions the reverend those spiritual fathers who oppose them. They will fight the Holy Communion in every way, so that people do not partake, until the moment when they will definitively abolish it and all the other " Mysteries " of the Church. The awesome power of Holy Communion is well known to Lucifer and his demons. He knows that as long as it is held in the holy Churches and reverently attended by the people, he and his demonic plans will not be successfully promoted and he will not be able to come as a world leader and messiah. The sign of his coming will be the abolition of Holy Communion. For this reason, from now on we will all see and live the great and terrible war that Lucifer will start against the Holy Communion, through his own politicians, scientists, and also, unfortunately, church leaders. To begin with, the immaculate Christ in Holy Communion will be accused by politicians and scientists of being able to contaminate and transfer diseases to the people. The confirmation of these satanic accusations through the condescension of little-faithful priests will mark the official beginning of the great persecution of Christ and His holy Church. Changing the way Christians attend will be the second sacrilegious step against the Holy Communion and the transformation of the Holy Communion into a solid form will constitute the third satanic effort of the spirits of darkness. In the last and most powerful attack against the Holy Communion, before its final cessation which will take place with the appearance of the Antichrist, it will be disputed that the Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ but will be considered a " substitute ". We have entered, my child, into a strange period that I could confidently describe as the beginning of the eschatological times. It is the period when even the elect will go astray, as the Bible says. I wish that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us all so that we can understand the cunning of Satan and that we all remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world

Sunday, August 11, 2024

ELDER Galactia The world will be cleansed with BLOOD

For Whom the Bell Tolls, edited by I
hello my good Christians, and hello my good friends happy birthday to you
transformation a few days before the Assumption of Our Lady I will start from the
the feast of the Transfiguration and I will go and explain
for he was present for example Moishe and
Elijah why didn't Isaiah for instance or some other prophet go to
attended the transformation of the Lord in his transformation he showed the
his real body the heavenly body his real body showed to the
transformation and this is what the disciples saw what they symbolized, so what
the presence of Moses and Elijah symbolizes that the god Christ is the god of the dead because Moses slept and passed away and died.
and living was Elijah who had not
sleep shall fall asleep in the heavens this is the interpretation according to the
John Chrysostom will not stay there but the fact of the transfiguration when
Christ came down from Mount Tabor with the three disciples, Peter, James, and John, and saw a desperate father who had
bring to the disciples the rest who were left down had therefore brought to the disciples
nine disciples his possessed child whom they could not make well they did not make well
and complained the father says I brought it but they do nothing but students
and says he asks your father
do you think I can do it
well he says I believe but help me in my infidelity that is, he had no such
faith great the child becomes
well and says St. John Chrysostom, the devil killed him.
that is, he killed and was raised by Christ after he removed the demon.
and Christ raised him and delivered him to his father, now in good health.
so the disciples asked why they could not do anything to get the demon out of the young man.
a child could not because they did not have great faith on the one hand and they give
the order of the master and on the other hand
was not a difficult case because they had not yet accepted the paralegal of the
truth so therefore we have two facts the unbelief and yet it was not ready in
all and there he gives a ly the god of telling him this race shall walk with
prayer and fasting therein lies the miracle of the transfiguration yesterday
today Wednesday as the show is written bless and bless them in the leaves
in the temples are the first fruits that Christians used to give before the
cut the grapes to offer them to the church, for by the grace of the church there was
the water there was the dew there was the dew there was the fruiting and there had to be
a thank you to the church and have the blessing of always
we give the first of the crops we take them to the church in
temple and on this occasion today we see that it is paying
a fact that has gone unnoticed by all of us what is that fact when this despicable, unacceptable, unacceptable
anomalous law last February which legalized the
anomaly essentially and the immorality of the paraffin legalized to say it
so understand him then that worked
the spiritual laws worked what was the first
consequence the heatwave the ongoing heatwave the
who showed us God what will happen in the summer with the heatwave we had in April where it reached 35 degrees at the end of March end of April early April reached 35 watts the
temperature 35-36 unacceptable for the event and we see today to have extensive and what
brought this Lipsy dd what happened because we have these are the consequence of
spiritual laws my good Christians when you violate the law of God then the earth suffers as when it is
the same if we eat a poisoned food then our body will suffer
we make fever through pain we shall have pain in the belly in the bowels so shall the earth
Earth suffers from sin when we are close to God then comes the
rains as the prophet David says in their season come all in due time
and everything is beautiful and heavenly when we poison the earth with
the sin because all Greeks accept all those who voted for
despicable law we salute the despicable law the despots eat with them
they put them in the temples as if nothing is wrong we have said this many times those who have turned their backs on God their priests
they accept because why does he tell you to have a door open in case I get a frank that's the way most of our priests think with the bench.
to have a means tomorrow for my child to call the deputy and tell him that I have so many people in the parish he will take care of my son
or my daughter so they act out of selfishness and instead of throwing a door open and putting up the poster we put up in the
pillar of orthodoxy to bring it forward and not to let them and if they
they want to be the last to sit in the last row, not the last to come out in front
in front to be photographed for 5 minutes and many of them don't make their cross and leave so after the heatwave
comes the Indian shortage of water and again they start telling the channels about
drilling for one for climate change nonsense these are the spiritual laws you want to change the weather a little bit to
fall on our knees, laymen and priests, clergy and people, and
pray that God will bring rain to give repentance as the repented
ne Vitec we're wrong the priests here are afraid to do litanies we've come to
this point I empirically tell you that I have experienced it from the
visits and not a few were the visits of St. James when he brought down the cart of Saint David in my village then the people had faith and
when they were leaving to bring the cart because there were no roads and they brought it from the path when I ate when they were coming
so to go to the monastery they took umbrellas because they knew that Grandfather David would rain no matter if all the meteorologists said that it would not
we're going to have summer weather, and we saw that in the litany that took place because
the priests are not convinced, as we saw in the procession to St. John the
rose when the north ebia was burning and the fire was going towards the broom and from
there it would pass over the mountain and would not stop, nor would it stop at the chalcedony.
then the priests of the temple, Papagiannis Papadimitriou, came out and made a procession and put the icon of St. John the
and the picture of the picture of the Virgin Mary and they turned the whole prophecy and made a procession and while the models all the models all the models all the models all these meteorological
that the meteorologists were seeing said they saw no rain or clouds it rained
for two hours for two hours and stopped the
fire now has no fire before I remember a despot asked again had we had a shortage of water then and said to make a procession
and the people went to the church to follow after the service
and to come out after the procession and some people didn't have umbrellas
so the despot stopped and said go get your umbrellas don't get wet because he knew that whatever you ask our Father our Christ
will give it we what we do we do not bother waiting with the
drilling with one with the other we are crying on the valley shelves
desalination because the priests don't do it there because the despot doesn't come out and I'm not just talking about the Corinth that we saw on TV they have a lot of
great shortage of water all all areas to order the despot to make litanies to descend the cart of Saint Patapius down to the bathhouse to
see how it will flood it will flood it will rain normal rain will tell you a
example this conversation we are having we had 20 days ago with my friend Antonis who is from a village in Arcadia he tells me he has to
it rained for 6 months in my village and I said what's the problem you will call and I will
you are doing what the abbot from solid Greece told us a
Cute abbot, you'll take out the resurrection candle and crucify it, I say.
the four parts of the horizon will you say the Lord's Prayer
Jesus Christ bring the rain, rain on the place and then you will do I say and
3 hundred rosary beads this was the abbot's recipe for the laity 3 hundred rosary beads to make it rain did Antony and went
and said to him in the cafe he said today it will rain today they thought he was crazy he said since the sky is clear how will it rain at noon he went himself and
slept started the rain at 2:00 in the afternoon he had lain down and by the
5:00 he was pouring watering rain in Arcadia in July i had months to throw his village what else do you want to believe
ask the village to help you from our Christ to help you
unbelief we have no faith today so we are all in sin we are all in sin
We all the mistakes we measure them in money
instead of withdrawing the Greek delegation from the Olympics, we are proud of the gold and the medals from the Olympics from the
germination of the Olympics because this ceremony of the beginning of the Olympics at the
ceremony of the opening cursed God and we still haven't paid
consequences if the mission would leave we would not go we would not get anything and we would have rain and everything but we stayed there and why not lose of course we saw
and that he was watching to make sure we don't lose the Olympics they can't do anything they are organs they are epithelial organs of the
new order is trapping little people our politicians today are on all fours and moving on all fours most of them are on all fours
don't tell you the 99% few exceptions will be counted
on their fingers because they have interests because one interest comes with the other
connected phone calls are dropped so they are made to take out here the skeleton of the holy philothea that
we have and do in the archdiocese to become
litany you do not remember in the epidemic then that the archbishop took out the ancient
of 1920 if I'm not mistaken that again an epidemic plagued the whole world then it was Spanish
flu and gathered all the faithful in the metropolis or the archbishop and the
British ambassador mocked will be stuck saying here will be done
chaos because they were like bees on top of each other like bees on top so they had
what will happen here the litany and the Spanish flu disappeared from Athens because where Christ is present
the demons are gone the demons are destroyed the healing comes the healing of souls and bodies and the body is and the body is
our is continuity of the earth how to understand it how p how to understand it
so that's what you do, my good priests, litanies
Everywhere let them mock you and mock you and mock us
but we have god, we have Christ, we have Christ, they are idiots and fools who don't believe in god and those who have made a god in their minds.
their measures they and if they are they are by the hand of the ruined are the lukewarm that God will forgive them
so come my good Christians facts you have seen how it was verified the
prophecy of the holy old man for us is the holy old man of the unlettered
Father Panagiotis of Cialis was saying three things run simultaneously the
we write in the newspaper in the orthodoxy column that will be released on Saturday revealing you can't imagine what
has can not imagine we have and the one exorcism
of Father Panagiotis to see how the demon works in man
and destroys him we have many issues with what Father Panagiotis was saying so three
he says things are running at the same time who was he telling George the boogeyman to Kimon to me
tell the war about the fall of the holy mountain and the
even said about the holy mountain the Virgin Mary will leave the monastery of Byron and will
will come to the scriptures will come to the scriptures and the monks will come the right ones now there is an expulsion not only of the old brotherhood
of the monastery of Esfigmenos but also the zealots oh Father Cherubim what problems
has with the greatest light and others
in many cells because they are zealots for not remembering the patriarch how
to mention the patriarch since the patriarch has escaped from the truth and lives in falsehood, trampling on the ecumenical
sessions let us not hide behind our fingers, we love the institution and we love it.
patriarch we love him but he is sick right now he is suffering
spiritually be deceived to use to
not to say that he is a heretic when he calls the fathers instruments of the arch
of the east that broke the west with the east the fathers whom he has them as saints therefore man
he's not doing well he's pressed I don't know what he's doing he's losing his soul to pray c
So the zealots flee him, Father Gil, the old man Gabriel, they have him.
do you know why they don't send him away because the old man Gabriel has half of Greece that loves him and supports him and says let the old man be over 90
he will die at 120 years old, but God will keep him there and you can't the abbots will go around the monasteries he
he will not go away, for God will keep him until old age to say the
know that you see we had his resignation
the ambassador who was his ambassador was saddled with all that came out of the revelations that
came out on the holy mountain and we have from the newspaper we write richest
report with details from behind the scenes about what happened on Mount Athos and what happened in Switzerland we have therefore blamed the whole thing on the failure of the
scene in the holy mountain where the paper came out the Virgin Mary took out this paper
to the monasteries and it spread, so we loaded all this material
to the ambassador on the backs of the ambassador who was forced to resign and was now taken over by Alcibiades the coroner who always wanted to go to the holy
Mount Commander has good relations with the church as long as he gives and he
proper testimony one passed who gave or
correct testimony and he served and I will say it openly for the world to know he selflessly served the holy mountain and made money from his businesses
and helped the skates helped the monasteries Martin the Martyr
Athanasius was an exquisite man, a good Christian, whoever his monk was beating
the door didn't leave empty-handed I know the
case two cases in the cell of Father Joseph the Baptist gave enough money to make Father Gabriel made
the hall the great hall of the with the dining room of the dining room in the monastery
Caracalla and I tell you three characteristics millions gave to the holy mountain because he went to serve it and served it selflessly
with love and he left because he couldn't as a civilian commander that
is my personal opinion to give apologies for the shenanigans and the
bullshit and the bullshit with the unacceptable laws he passes so he's gone
so let the coroner follow his example not to give money but to
is selflessly embracing all the monks and the old
fraternity and prevent the plans of those who want to transform
the holy mountain in a tourist resort
to stop playing political games with the holy
mount you know why they hit the holy Mount because there's this healthy
ecumenism of orthodoxy is all peoples the Orthodox are on the holy mountain
Romanians Bulgarians Serbs Serbs Russians all Georgians because they have their own
the heart is the cradle of orthodoxy so that's what the Americans and the Paiute
wants to dismantle it because he wants to completely control the orthodoxy to
bring to the West and create one to make her a member of the pan-religion
which is being prepared in globalization so they are going to have joint celebrations with Easter and the priests are not
They talk, despots don't talk because they want to get along with the patriarch.
they are afraid of the patriarch and when a metropolitan here in the basin said something about the patriarch he had had, what he said was right.
he checked him for something then the patriarch sent a letter to the archbishop and said pick him up I'm going to give him trouble what is it how they operate
dictators are the patriarch
I wish and pray that the prophecy of the
old lady galactides not to be confirmed when he saw the grey wolves coming into the traffic light and taking his head
this was the prophecy of the old woman and the other prophecies are fulfilled this prophecy we have in detail that the world the
planet will be cleansed with blood the old woman said she saw the whole universe to
the father the old man holds, as the old man said, our God our Christ, that is, he does not
distinguished them one is a holy trinity three are the persons of the old days
Well, Christ saw us Christ saw the old woman holding the whole universe
as if in his hand in his palm were a little ball and he noticed that from this universe some germs were coming out of
and he asked what it was and he said it was the sin emanating from the planet
behold, and he saw and asked to see Greece also, and said that he saith unto you.
you'll be too deep in saying the knife to read it to you just to
not to say the words of the old woman, for I will read it to you exactly as she says it, so that I may not say it to him.
remember I received says he saw a black man tonight to
Sitting on a throne awesome He held a chip like a ball a topaz says
like a ball on the ball began to grow like invisible microbes when
I woke up I begged God to explain to me what it was that I saw I received
information in my heart that the one sitting on the throne is the old man of the day, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the little ball he was holding was the
the universe is not nor my cocoon in his ungranted hands what they that
taller than we are in the universe we humans inflate our egos and
we think we are great and towering we are of course great because we are children of God and the whole universe was created for us but to
feel these things we must feel nothing before our Lord and
between us, not to lift and curse at him as we think
we are gods without him I asked them to see the earth I saw
to hold it like a pellet and again I saw that it had something around it that
it was like a transparent film of the chip, as we call it gum better.
she was a fat, filthy, disgusting woman and said god Michael, take off this filthy f
from the dry residues to the liquid residues the liquid residues from the
sitting by some fluids with your sword disgusted us with the stench of their stench with their
their bodily orgies of the mixed race and all their wicked works then
I was begging for the knife to go in then I was begging for the knife to go in
take the feces out of the earth's sphere as lightly as possible my
replied he said not to go so deep the knife to become lighthearted can not be
heard the voice of Christ is not done after I pleaded for the homeland
us with tears and answered the gentleman your country has too much affection
drowned in this stench for my mother's sake in our holy of holies
it will come out lighter you will not feel the knife then I came to realize that the
the world will be cleansed with blood and will be unleashed with unbearable pain and wars
thank you then the goddess for her protection of our little Greece this
is the vision that already the old woman will read in the orthodoxy column we have and in the books we had put out in the three volumes I think the
he writes in the book that the metropolis releases
so we'll clean up the world with
you heard it, Christians, so take a look around you and see what is going on
our Greece is in the eye of the cyclone you see the war continues
in Ukraine to NATO the only word that is heard
right now in the moss lands and elsewhere it's war, everything is getting ready to
War The Atlantic Alliance is preparing for war with Russia Already Greek
troops elite Greek troops are in your corner I confirm this to my Colonel from the north
Greece left for Polonia in office I do not know now whether he formally resigned from
here to attend there but they were active colonels don't kid you the government says they don't send they send troops over and
while you see they emptied our islands they took whatever ammunition we had and took it
over in Ukraine do you think we will not pay that we are fighting a
like the side of the unjust because Russia did the intervention in the
Ukraine to for their citizens these Russians who were large, not the minority the majority
was the one that did the military operation and let them show us if they dare
Let them bring to Parliament the reports of the OASA from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I challenge the old man to bring the reports of his aa
from 2014 to 22 and read them before the parliament to see
who was wrong and who was right and whether it was just or not the
Russia's military operation is now being prepared by the Atlantic
alliance you know we write them in you know how it will be how it will
a cause the e1 who have taken the NATO ostensibly for help in the
Ukraine will not exfrom Ukrainian airports will not leave from the
airports in Poland so that's why the nato army is going to Poland and that's where they're going to strike because he says after they leave they're going to have a base there and they're going to
hit in Russia in or from Romania the Russians will have to
strike to declare war on these two countries from which they start
attacks this will be an excuse to trigger Article 5 get NATO involved and have the third
world war which world war will not start will
launch watch out will launch has already launched will launch
but to save America, oh to save America as a superpower they want to bring globalization and globalization
processed and rushed and you saw God did not let them so they rose and the
Brits against immigrants went crime reached the highest level in the
his zenith says no more could not go on we could not move Muslim mayors
they went in and took over six cities and he says what is happening here is the population is being altered and the nation is being destroyed and the axes are being destroyed and they rose and
our other man is in danger and he is talking about a civil war, you see in France the same thing will happen, don't look now with the Olympics
games that have calmed things down a bit after the Olympics to see what the French will do boil the
blasphemy against God with these filthy ceremonies is like the arrows our grandfather used to say when he was burdened with it
it was filmed on mega and then it was played and the Antena Code Vishy which
cursing and crying, the old man was in his little field out there in the yard
and he was digging and crying and he heard the voice from heaven and the Lord spoke to him and said to him, "What's up?
priest and the coward says I cry sir because we work and see the country the
blessed is this land watered by the blood of martyrs and saints
us to you, you idiot, don't you see, priest, says the arrows that shoot the poisonous ones to the idiots to
I'm too high and they can't reach me and they will turn around and fall on their heads remember the undersecretary-general undersecretary of culture
that fell from the balcony a few days later from the Tavs code the first sample
of spiritual laws, you remember what I followed after the events of December
and other and other bastards in the foundry the only thing people are
to blaspheme God to live in their passions sorry they have to change this
quickly for there will come powers and we will not endure them say our Holy One here are three things he says to move the fall of the
you saw it with the holy terms we have it and first issue because it is political and it is also a revealing report you will not find it anywhere else
in the newspaper we have it on Saturday the newspaper is released to catch up to
you get it because they are making war on us and from there they do not make proper distributions, they hide, they close the points and the people do not have to get it, they fight us
and from there with 10002 in June they cut the advertising that we had on Facebook informative advertising for people to see in July
they brought it back but we had problems in the distribution war it doesn't matter
but the Virgin Mary takes care of them, the Virgin Mary can't do them when the wicked man was coming down for the exorcism that the Virgin Mary was doing exorcisms that the old man was doing.
the demons trembled and abandoned and fled and disappeared
they cannot bear the sight of the Queen of Heaven, our Queen of Heaven, our Lady of the
our mother's mother can't bear it so we have the holy mount a run and other things run and the
stamping will give us a number will give us meth what he wants to do the
devil of a person that God created us to make us number says this number we will have no surname and name anymore in the
government bodies these computers that we will have will be a
number one number because the number says it communicates better with the technique
intelligence and they will know from the start to watch out it will work as a cauldron for the technique
intelligence when a little child is born for example sick I tell you I will tell me
say it's fantasies and scenarios when he's born sick and sees that his mother has gone to the doctor and says he's got it
the problem I know with his heart and it's not healed it should
to be careful all his life to taking drugs then the technical intelligence in the
number will be able to intervene when there is sealing and the and
proceeds the sealing has the ability how to intervene through the
we have the graphene molecules that they put in us through the food and it will disappear and die and the child will work and it will work.
Building technical intelligence with the sealing will work oh well for
pensioners for all of us who are not working and are not
necessary will be put into the caddy have the way
those we had written in the hurricane globalization in the past are verified today
and no one reacts we first God in September when we return we will see with or with the ika to see how it will be we will organize a big demonstration
because we need to take a step to let God see that some
we will organize if things are quite a big demonstration in the
Athens and probably also in Thessaloniki for the personal number and the
sealing for the fall of the holy mountain for the expulsion of the monks
couldn't get along with the old fraternity drove it to the edge and
she also fell into bugs after she could not
find in on the same mission don't have the same road don't pull the vertical
said St. Paisios to understand the holy mountain is to walk with the
saints with the ascetics with the deceivers with the merchants for and
some are also merchants over all of them the holy one goes
mountain and the Holy Mother strengthens it and tolerates it
because in an orchard there are not only good fruits there will be thorns and we have such every in the holy mountain we will therefore make a demonstration for
to protect the holy mount to support the holy mount in various ways and for against the seal will be common we will first see God to s
God help us to organize it, if you'll allow us, because
You see the Middle East is on fire
Israel is organized to attack Iran. Iran is not organized to attack Iran.
hit once in retaliation Israel is organized for war and this and
It collects ammunition, and military hardware from Russia, from China, from the north.
Korea to confront Israel and Iran has the following privilege
which Israel doesn't have, Israel can move troops through Iraq and Syria into northern Israel and that's where the trouble will be.
For Israel, Israel was thinking of clearing Lebanon and Hezbollah for
to be able to have no access to Iran in the northern part of this game is played and we have you fooled we have and we have down we have
and we send troops because we are now part of the Western alliance in the alliance
of the graphitization alliance that supports the paraffin of the
the devil you saw in Iran reacted because they have been saying that the coronium refers to the
Christ as a prophet have him as a prophet and they put out a big banner saying in
Tehran at the behest of the religious leader shows the secret dinner of the
of Christ to show that they and the Muslims understood that they and the sane
Muslims that Christ is the one who fought the demons he is the only true god they will understand him very quickly they will
there I believe there will be a mission and in them, they will understand what
we don't understand that we have sent a frigate.
down and we're getting ready to say I don't know how else we're going to help Israel
and we and the Cypriots will help it in the war because war will
start it will not be an attack and finally, war will start so they have
gone and two aircraft carriers down have gone and her elite units
US Marines who didn't go down for a vacation to dive into the
the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf they went to fight
they're just stalling when the war is going to start, they're all asking today.
tomorrow when it will start, God knows and God works based on the
repentance as in the ninjas so my Christians fall into the
knees to ask God to remove the consequences of the spiritual laws that
it is by our sin to help him to enlighten these
political leaders those we put up to act Christianly as St. Paris said to think and go to
Christian this is what we want so we have the Middle East and are played and played
other things are at stake and you see we have a financial civil war in the big
Britain's danger of civil unrest in Germany There is internal turmoil in Germany that will manifest itself
at some point, its economy is not doing well for the first time
once you see that everything is the consequence of laws nothing works properly
everything is in a general upheaval upheaval global upheaval China
with Taiwan, North Korea with South Korea because
are all gearing up for world war the Americans believe that they are not
the war will be transferred to their place if they are wrong they will be transferred to the
War went on, says the attempt, the Russians found out, Americans found out, I don't know.
Westerners say that we informed Russia is excluded at this time and
have considered Putin a terrorist in the West, we would have informed him that
A terrorist attack against him in Petersburg is imminent. No. The Russians discovered something and alerted the Americans. The ministers were contacted.
defense does not take any action. We have such information because 
our immediate response will be nuclear and not the nuclear fast nuclear from the
other nuclear weapons the most powerful and the US backed down and
yes, that's what the Americans are doing in America to show that they were stopping the Ukrainians who were planning to assassinate him.
Putin in Petrograd they stopped him they informed the Russian side and they stopped e I don't believe that
the opposite happened because you remember that the Ukrainians went on strike again
Putin in the Kremlin and then the drones that they sent down, remember, Putin has many attempts to do this.
God is just holding him back. Imagine if Putin left and the nephew came up. He's tougher.
he is shown by the statements he will not think at all to
Press the red button went well to understanding what
run went the shotgun of the former defense minister and secretary general of the council
security in Russia went to Tehran along with ammunition went military
material saw the heads organize them and went and Russians
down Russian operators of s300 and other weapons systems I don't know if they will go
Russian pilots may have gone to Iran with the s35 pilots
to cope with the s57 these last-generation
planes the sth planes to face the f35 that will
send Israel and Israel and the Americans to have i.e. generalization likely to go and we have and Turkey we left, in the end, the Turkish
Turkey Turkey has challenged us twice once in
range when a Turkish military patrol fired on him
escort officers seriously injured him and another challenge to the cassava
eka we backed down on both occasions but we got it now we have another we had the march of Smyrna on the Rhodope
we have such constant provocations so what do the Turks want not Erdogan watch out for the army even if the army is down they have
has how to say it has relations with it has people in it has people in it within it
the Turkish navy in particular which has not been touched by Erdogan, so they
at some point, they will move when they see the Middle East and
if the fuse is lit for example they want to close the fuse the Americans will tell Erdogan to close the fuse he can't close it there is only one way
to close them down to make war Erdoğan will not make war so he must go away Erdoğan was to be killed he did not go to the
He was at the funeral because he was set up. He wasn't safe there. He knows that.
that they've set him up, he's doubled his guard, he's made arrests of officers
of high-ranking people have come out of these we have
say in Herbie there may have been business stopped at the last minute
because the Russians also protect him somehow by giving information or
I don't know, I don't know anything else. Don't forget that the minister was consulted.
with the head of the Russian secret service and they weren't talking about dolls and
about the other things they were talking about.
well the minister the Turkish foreign minister that the assassination of Erdoğan is imminent besides the foreign minister of Israel came out and what he said came out
the using Saddam Hussein brought out Erdoğan and he said you will have the same t so it's Erdoğan's target and the
so he knows Erdogan won't close the straits because he knows that the Americans
have targeted him for assassination in 2016 in an attempt
an attempt was made and now an attempt is not
accomplished during the tour he went on vagrant and Herbal was about to eat him and now they will probably eat him at the same time he will
become a military-political coup d'état pressured by the American politicians who have had them
Kemalists there Imamoglu has all the fintech to close the alleys to
not to lower Russian ships down into the Mediterranean to support the interests of the
of Russia will rely on the Middle East not to be taken down must close the
the straits so Erdogan will not close them we have to leave Erdogan to close the straits so we will have a war with Greece because the
only the Americans knew that to close the straits only when they were involved in a war with Greece would they close them and that is what is being cultivated
the climate is being fuelled because Greece is in the eye of the cyclone
a military analyst is on active duty and we don't want him
reveal is in a key position to make each month makes us an awesome analysis
f military-political analysis finds all the evidence and even collects it
I'd like to say before I close
to take a look at the paper we have this World Health Organization that
now has taken over another kind of vaccine wants to vaccinate to graft our children with the abnormality to the abnormality and has taken over the sexual
children's education you are listening
You heard who the teachers are protesting.
a bald man who makes yet another revelation and we'll talk about it because she says the world will be unhappy he'll eat them all up
money is a pity, a pity, a pity, a pity, the old man used to say
2010 repeated it
later we have the Olympics details and reports on the
ceremony our research will show you is a lot about Freemasonry that is not
we stop by the monk Averkios is revealing the book they made a
advertisement of Freemasonry from the a showed the buildings their luxuries one after the other but they did not enter the
the reporter from reporter did not ask any questions.
hot what is your ceremony how is it possible inside to do ceremonies with common ceremonies
Muslims Buddhist Christians Buddhist Christians Orthodox Orthodox heretics Papists and
all what are the ceremonies to see what are your oaths show us your oaths they would not say anything they don't want such an interview because you would tell them
do evil we present within quotes from the oaths where there
show how much they have turned their backs and do not believe in Christ the enemy of the Freemasons is Christ because behind Freemasonry
hiding the efforts we have for the lantern an amazing article by Father Theodoros
of live support, the newspaper has a lot of
has a lot of coverage and this month it was based on why they're making war on us and
we have the only one we can rely on but from you, we have no other
supports you support us with and supports us financially by purchasing the issue request we will have two books to offer this
month two spiritual books constructive books necessary
books for every Christian home I have left and I will finish with a little
this we got a glimpse of what the holy old man Basil the
sausage maker a few days ago where we had a little crash a a
test a khr small Greece lost only the stock exchange in Greece lost 5 billion euros in one
day to day so imagine when and
these rich economists come out today and say what you have seen is nothing, what follows is to see what
will be all the great economists around the planet talking about economic
crash greater than that of 1929 then Greece did not suffer because
had primary production we had the farms the farmers the people had chickens they had not
felt the hunger as others have felt it
states will now feel it because the fields are bare and we have no water from
our sin so we talk about praying a prayer prayer that God will rain on us to
water the earth to water the trees that complain and wither we dry them up with the poisons we pour into them from the poisons of the paraphysical plants
sins and all the synagogues which the Christians have made
fashion can't my good Christians got me a woman and she says my son says discuss what I mean I say
συζη you can't marry them, children, no says they want to try and
order says not to rent them I have them at home says with his girlfriend you are well my Christians you are not doing well in mind is
possible to turn his back on the mysteries of
god gone no respect for the family the others say because they did
kid says the kids got together and made a kid go make one says
and condemn this little boy to live in a brothel, aren't you afraid of them?
spiritual laws and then he says why did I happen to have cancer in such and such because I had a car accident because I had a car accident because I had a car accident because
The other one happened because we give rights to the outside, so let's get together.
so let's get together first to correct ourselves is great
at this time we must pray for Greece we must pray for everything else except ourselves when we pray for them
others then God help your problems that we know we'll have
another show first God next week and then we'll have a little 15-day break to go to
rest we will not have shows so we give you two books to read in the summer we will have a break of 15
days and we will come back again from the beginning of September not you
I'm not telling you to hug our mother.
it goes without saying but I tell you to pray that he fasts and
ask God to help our country through the
repentance that the Ninevites did to follow their example and the
then we will see the miracle happen in our country be well my good Christians I wish the best to all of you and every blessing in your homes and
all problems are solved whether they are financial or have to do with your children it is our unbelief that prevents them and the rights
that we give to the outside world to solve a problem must be
we cleanse ourselves to take out the flow and become saints and then the
our family will be removed from the trial because Christ will come in and dwell so we
we must clean as much as possible so that Christ may come, the saints may come and our house may be one
part a small part a foretaste of heaven I wish everyone in all the
greek homemade to all those who listen to the show be well be well
Hail to whom the bell tolls
bell curation production long fe

AllFor you

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Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...