1. QUESTION Father, much has been written about the engraving and chip that people will be forced to put on their bodies in the time of the Antichrist. What would you tell us about this issue, which concerns us all? The human body is one of the most magnificent wonders of God's Creation. I can say that it is unique in all of God's creation. So God wanted to be our body , in which he would place our immortal soul , His Temple , to be worshiped there by all of us, His children, as a king God the Father . The Holy Bible says that we are " the temple of the living God ". Satan cannot win a man's soul unless he first wins his body. That is why he tries in a thousand ways to contaminate our body, so that it ceases to be " God's temple " and can thus dominate it . Until now, Satan has been trying to dominate man by using his human weaknesses. Thus he made man susceptible to many and various great sins such as immorality , drugs , murder , witchcraft , and many others. However, every time that man repented of his mistakes and God forgave him, the binds and his plans. So Satan was looking for another way to control completely the mind of man, and to be able to better direct , control and dominate man's thoughts , desires and feelings . found the way . With the artificial intelligence of computers and a series of specific specialized vaccines, it will interfere with the chain of the human genetic code , the DNA, and change it . Thus, the now mutated human DNA instead of acting under Divine Intelligence , as God created it, will now act under the orders of artificial intelligence , which will be directed by the satanic staff of the Antichrist! In fact, in order to better control each person individually, some elements of the code in the mutated human DNA will form the necessary basis to create an identity, an exclusive identity, with a personal number , which will be unique for each person. This personal number on the DNA of each person will now be indelible , permanent and irrevocable. This number of man, with the number 666 preceding it, will indicate to whom this man belongs and with it he will be registered in the central supercomputer of the Antichrist, the famous " Beast ", with which all the rest of his computers will be connected satanic antichrist state. In order for all computers to easily read this human number, a shortcut icon will be created on the surface of the human body, on the forehead and on the hand . Every human activity , such as saving , buying , selling , and in general every action , will be completely controlled and dependent on his specific personal number . It will be his official ID . Without that number, that person simply wouldn't exist . plan in the first phase is to turn the human body into a mobile transceiver , just like a mobile phone is , so that he can easily dominate it. 2. QUESTION How will man be transformed into a mobile transceiver, "a mobile phone"? To build a house one needs two things. The materials that will be needed for the construction and the appropriate technicians that will work to build and perfect it. As for the materials needed to build the new human mutant DNA, Satan made sure to slowly and cunningly collect them gradually in the human body. He transferred them to our body through what we eat , drink and breathe , which he had previously contaminated with various invisible to the eye materials , of high nanotechnology . Then, a series of 7 specially specialized vaccines will play the role of 7 specialized technicians who will undertake to make the new mutated human DNA, with the materials that have already entered the human body. The purpose of the 7 vaccines will be to weaken and in the end cancel the possibility of man to become, through the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit, the " temple of God ". The most important of the seven vaccines will be the seventh . The seventh vaccine will be the crown of nanotechnology , since it will be introduced , without any reversal , into the final mutated human DNA, the element that will incorporate the necessary code on which the number - seal of each person will be written. I must repeat that restoring human DNA to its original state will now be impossible, therefore those who take the satanic " sealing " will be captive for life to the most destructive decision for their existence. This number will not be something visible that can be removed from the human body but something invisible since it will be one with the DNA of the person , that is, his very life . This number will then be connected to a supercomputer, the famous " Beast ", which will be operated by the Antichrist himself and his people, who will also exercise absolute power. With the help of artificial intelligence , which will have developed to such a strong point that it is now deified by people, the Antichrist and his demonic staff will be able to control , dominate and direct thoughts , decisions , desires and the feelings of each person. Every form of different thought or reaction will be made known through the technical intelligence of the " Beast " and the demonic staffs of the Antichrist, will decide the death or, at best, the erasure of the existence of the particular human transceiver . 3. QUESTION Who are they who will help satan carry out his plan to destroy man? Lucifer in recent years has managed to place many satanic people devoted to him in key positions of the world's threefold power , i.e. politics , science and religion . Thus Lucifer will be able to rule: 1. Politics, through the bankers who control the money and determine the political decisions. 2. Science, through satanic scientists who make weapons, infectious viruses and other satanic constructs capable of destroying man and God's Creation. 3.Religion , through religious leaders subordinate to him, which he slowly took care to raise to leadership positions in the church. His religious leaders are willing to obey , implement and promote easily and without resistance , his antichrist plans and laws. In fact, they are the only ones who can easily, under the pretext of the virtue of " obedience ", seduce the multitude of the people, as their leaders and " shepherds ". One of the most important actions of Lucifer will be to convince all these religious leaders to unite, for the sake of so-called universal love and peace , in a universal religious unity, the " World Church ". Thus, in order for the Antichrist to be believed and accepted in the Christian world, he will use, as the Apocalypse of John says, as his partner the False Prophet , the satanic man who will lead the Universal Church at that time . He, as the leader of the Church, will try to convince all Christians to receive the final sealing of the supposedly real "Christ", i.e. the Antichrist . 4. QUESTION Has this all started? Yes , but they are still in the early stages. We are now in the experimental phase of vaccines. Before the appearance of those seven special and specialized vaccines, which will build the new mutant DNA of humans, a series of experimental vaccines will first be tested on millions of people with uncontrolled and dangerous side effects. Some of these, because they will interfere with the chain of the genetic code of human DNA, will cause the natural self-defense of DNA, resulting in new powerful diseases. These will be, for a long time, incurable . Doctors will not be able to easily find a cure for these diseases, resulting in millions of people dying. Before the final stamping, which will be done on the human DNA itself , there will first be a global effort to give all people a personal number . This number will not be the actual " engraving ", but a protector of it, in order to acquaint man with the final " engraving-seal ". a document at first , on cards and other legal papers, and then, to make it more functional in government services, so that it can be easily found and read by the computers of the technical services, it will become digital . So, all governments will give all their citizens a personal number , with which they will be able to carry out all their necessary activities , which will concern either their relationship with the state , such as identity cards, taxation and others, or their survival , such as buying and selling. Then, with the help of artificial intelligence , all the numbers of these people will be connected to a central global supercomputer , the " Beast ". Thus, within the "Beast" all the people of the world will be registered and recorded , with all their personal information . As a pretext, for this great world argument, they will tell the whole world that it is the only way to better ensure world peace and the suppression of all illegal and terrorist acts. However, their ultimate secret goal and purpose is to know and precisely control all the people who will have to pass to the next and final stage of the final " sealing ", with which the Antichrist will now know all subjects of. 5. QUESTION How can we Christians react to all this? Is there an antidote that can neutralize the power of these satanic constructs? The days we live in are very wicked indeed. Tests to make the new mutant human DNA have begun . Artificial intelligence is advancing at full speed and humans are unaware or want to be unaware and indifferent to what is happening. Lucifer managed to convince people that he cares about their health, so that they would easily accept his experiments. Whether we will make ourselves the Temple of God or the temple of Satan is our choice . It is up to us whether we will remain united with God the Father, as His children, or whether we will run away from Him and join the camp of Lucifer. We are free to choose but also to shoulder the consequences of our decisions . Those of us who choose to remain faithful to Christ and His holy Church must be ready to take up the cross of confession , even martyrdom . Our era will highlight the greatest saints of the Church. Regarding all those high nanotechnology materials that are sneakily and unknowingly introduced into our bodies, like satanic poison , with what we eat , drink and breathe to contaminate us, I should emphasize that there is an antidote . As every poison has its antidote , so our holy Church has the appropriate antidotes for them . The problem, however, with the antidotes available to our Church is that they presuppose two basic spiritual elements on the part of people, so that their " power " can be activated . They presuppose " faith " and " trust " in God, something, however, that you no longer easily find among Christians. The main antidote proposed by our holy Church is Holy Communion , that is, Christ himself. The energy of these dangerous high nanotechnology materials is neutralized with the Holy Communion , which will not only act therapeutically but also deterrently , since it will not allow artificial intelligence to intervene in the chain of human DNA, to " engrave " and make the mutation of those initial elements which the divine intelligence with infinite " Wisdom " has defined! In the case of Holy Communion, the penetrating power of the Holy Spirit is decisive. The Holy Spirit himself intervenes to preserve the Divine Will ! Sanctification is also a powerful antidote , especially the " great Sanctification of Epiphanies ", because it does not allow Satan and the artificial intelligence controlled by him to carry out his projects and plans. The sign of the Holy Cross has always been the great fear of demons. Our Church has many stories, mainly from the lives of our saints, that the honest Cross abolished the power of the poison with which the holy martyrs were watered to die. Whenever they made the sign of the Cross, the poison lost its power and could not cause the death of the holy martyr. Of course, we must not forget that these holy Christians had deep faith and great love for our Christ, since for His sake they gave up everything, in order not to betray and deny Christ! The daily prayer to God and especially to the Holy Spirit , when it is done with deep repentance and humility for our mistakes but also divine love in our heart for God our Father, is also a very powerful medicine against every satanic attack. Heartfelt prayer greatly attracts divine Grace, and creates a divine protection around the body and soul of the praying person. This divine protective armor prevents any form of satanic communication that attempts to offend the human body and soul , with the powerful spiritual interference it causes. Another great and important action of the holy prayer is that it will enlighten the mind of the humble person and will reveal to him, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the truth of his choices and of the events that will happen. This awesome power of prayer to reveal the truth to the one who prays, will prove to be a very important help to the Christians of the last days, where the Antichrist and his followers will dominate everywhere. The man who is faithful to God, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, will be able to feel and in many cases even see the truth about a person, whether it is God's or Satan's. This will help many devout Christians to discern which spiritual leaders of the Church are following the true Christ and which are the Antichrist ! chaff will be separated from the wheat and the unworthy church leaders will be revealed , as well as the holy church fathers and teachers, so that Christians will know who they should trust and follow and who they should not. The straw will constitute the ecclesiastical leadership of the " World Church ", which will belong to the Antichrist and will be managed by his friend and associate the False Prophet , as the Apocalypse of John states. The wheat will consist of holy ecclesiastical men who will staff the " Catacomb Church " of the end times. Praying Christians by God's revelation will recognize who will be the chaff and who the wheat, so that they will know who will be those holy fathers and teachers whom they should hereafter trust and follow. 6. QUESTION How close are all these things that you have told us in such detail? All this has begun and will culminate in the very near future. Satan is of course in a hurry to take over the reins of world power through his own son the Antichrist . That is why he moves insidiously, with great guile and covertly, at all levels of power, in order to immediately become the " world leader ". God, however, still for a while, does not allow it , because people are ignorant of the whole truth , so that they can choose freely and on their own, the one they will believe and follow. great mercy to man, who does not want any human soul to perish in the darkness of Hades and hell, will allow three great events to occur that will help the whole world first to ponder and then to decide freely the most important choice in human history. One fact has to do with everything that will happen from here on out with human health , which will continue to undergo multiple catastrophic operations due to some experimental pharmaceutical preparations that will promise life and health but will cause a multitude of side effects, even death . The second event will be related to the unrestrained desire of some satanic leaders , who in their attempt to lead the whole world, will cause a global conflict with incalculable global disasters . The third event will be the revolution of nature itself in the satanic Christian states but also in the whole world that reacts to the true God, as a last attempt of the horse nature to awaken the man hypnotized by Satan, so that he comes to his senses, repents and to stop his impending destruction. In short, I can say that: a chain of very large natural disasters will change the very structure of the Earth, while the specter of hunger, thirst, disease, and despair will overshadow the entire planet. Therefore, if a man becomes concerned and realizes his mistake, through all that will happen, immediately everything will change for the better and the destructive course of himself and nature will stop. If, however, he persists in his selfish course and lets Satan be his lord and god, and willingly accepts Satan's mark and seal, then greater and more terrible world-catastrophic events will occur, causing death and incalculable numbers of people. These terrible world events are mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John. 7. QUESTION Who is this Antichrist, who will disrupt the life of the whole world? He is the son of Satan, who will be born from a woman in intercourse with Lucifer himself during a satanic ceremony. He will live in secret at first and from there he will direct the world leaders devoted to him, whom he himself raised to power. At the right time, he will ascend to political power. The charm of his satanic thinking, his rhetorical skill, and his imposition on all the leaders and peoples of the earth will be so strong that it will charm the entire planet. As a first act of impressment, the Antichrist will stop all the wars, which he has so far secretly directed. He will be proclaimed " prince of peace " and all the heads of state will hand over to him the power of their peoples. From that moment on the Antichrist will dominate me with absolute power over everything and with the help of perfected artificial intelligence, it will control everyone and everything. With the help of demons and artificial intelligence, he will even perform various artificially believable miracles, which he himself will project to the whole world to convince them that he is a god. That he is the real Christ who came to earth to save all people. The world church, which will already be ruled by his personal friend and satanic man, the False Prophet, will accept him as a man of God, as a prophet, and as a savior of the world. Then it will be officially disputed that our Lord Jesus Christ is the true Messiah of the world and that title of Messiah will be given to the Antichrist. the greatest and most ruthless persecution of the true Christ and Christians will reach its climax. All the religions of the world will recognize his supernatural powers and will accept him as their savior and god, therefore they will accept to take of their own will his own satanic seal, with which they will secure eternal faith in him and obedience. However, the real Christians who, with the help of God, will remain faithful to the one and true Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, will not accept this sealing, even if they have to give their own lives. For their faith, God will intervene miraculously, to protect them and give them the necessities for their survival. The Christians at that time will get their strength with the help of the Holy Spirit from the study of the Holy Scriptures, Holy Communion, and the wishes of their holy spiritual fathers. For this reason, the Antichrist and his followers will fight these three forces. They will attempt to rewrite the Holy Scriptures as they see fit. They will persecute on trifling occasions the reverend those spiritual fathers who oppose them. They will fight the Holy Communion in every way, so that people do not partake, until the moment when they will definitively abolish it and all the other " Mysteries " of the Church. The awesome power of Holy Communion is well known to Lucifer and his demons. He knows that as long as it is held in the holy Churches and reverently attended by the people, he and his demonic plans will not be successfully promoted and he will not be able to come as a world leader and messiah. The sign of his coming will be the abolition of Holy Communion. For this reason, from now on we will all see and live the great and terrible war that Lucifer will start against the Holy Communion, through his own politicians, scientists, and also, unfortunately, church leaders. To begin with, the immaculate Christ in Holy Communion will be accused by politicians and scientists of being able to contaminate and transfer diseases to the people. The confirmation of these satanic accusations through the condescension of little-faithful priests will mark the official beginning of the great persecution of Christ and His holy Church. Changing the way Christians attend will be the second sacrilegious step against the Holy Communion and the transformation of the Holy Communion into a solid form will constitute the third satanic effort of the spirits of darkness. In the last and most powerful attack against the Holy Communion, before its final cessation which will take place with the appearance of the Antichrist, it will be disputed that the Holy Communion is the Body and Blood of Christ but will be considered a " substitute ". We have entered, my child, into a strange period that I could confidently describe as the beginning of the eschatological times. It is the period when even the elect will go astray, as the Bible says. I wish that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us all so that we can understand the cunning of Satan and that we all remain faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Messiah of the world

Tuesday, January 2, 2024





(from a Russian text and the book "The End of the World" by the Serbian monk Archiman Stefanos -- Karoulia, Mount Athos)

"When a man dies, his soul hovers over his motionless and dead body and asks: 

"Ma, how is it now that there are two of us, when before it was just me?" "Each soul has the same shape it had when the man was alive and is recognized by another, familiar soul..."


I was an atheist.

I cursed God a lot and terribly. I lived in shame and fornication and was as if dead on the earth. However, the merciful God did not let me be definitively lost but led me to repentance.

In 1962 I fell ill with cancer and was ill for 3 years. Of course, I did not stay in bed, but I worked and treated doctors, hoping to get better. In the last 6 months, I had lost a lot of weight, unable to drink even water. As soon as I drank it, I immediately threw up.

They then took me to the Hospital and called a professor from Moscow to operate on me.

As soon as they opened my stomach, something happened and I died immediately!

My soul came out of the body and was standing between two doctors, while I was throwing my open body with great fear and terror. My entire stomach and intestines were affected by cancer.

As I looked at my body lying in the operating room, I wondered, how are we two? I couldn't understand this, because it was the first time it happened to me...

I had no idea there was a soul. The communists were inflating us and teaching us that the soul and God do not exist, that these are inventions of the priests, to deceive the people and keep the world in fear, of something that does not exist.

I saw myself standing upright in the air, but I also saw my body in the operating room...

The doctors took out all my entrails and were looking for the duodenum. But there was only pus, everything was damaged and spoiled, and nothing was healthy. I heard them say:

"She had nothing right to live for..."



I watched everything with fear and always thought the same thing:

"How, and where are we two from? I'm standing, and at the same time I'm lying down!!"

I saw the doctors throw like-like entrails into the body, and I heard them say that my body should be given to the new medical specialists for their teaching.

They finally moved my body to the Mortuary, while I was going to them without them understanding it...

They left me lying naked on the marble, covered up to my neck with a sheet.

After a while, I saw that my brother came and brought my little son. She was six years old and her name was Andruska (Andrei).

My son approached my body and kissed me on the head. He began to cry saying: "Mom, mom, why did you die? I'm still young, how can I live now without you? I don't have a father, and you died too!..."

I then hugged him and kissed him, but he did not understand, nor did he see or notice. Only my dead body was alive...

I also saw how my brother was also crying...

After that, I inexplicably found myself at home. I saw my mother-in-law from my first marriage enter the house, as well as my mother and my sister. I had left my first husband because he believed in God.

In a little while they all started distributing my things. I was then living richly and in luxury but with money acquired through injustice and prostitution. My sister started removing the nicest things from my things, while my mother-in-law asked me to leave something for my little son. 

My sister did not give anything, but in addition, she began to scold my mother-in-law, saying to her:

"This child is not your son's, and you are nothing to him now..."

After some commotion, they went out, closing the house. My sister took a big bag of things with her. 

But while they were arguing about things, I saw with horror around us dancing and rejoicing devils...

Suddenly I found myself in the air as if I was flying in an airplane. I felt that someone was holding me and that I was rising higher and higher. I found myself above the city of Barnaul, but immediately lost it, falling into deep darkness. In a little while, a light began to come that grew stronger and stronger, reaching the point where I could no longer look at it.

They put me on a black slab about one and a half meters high, while I saw around me huge trees with beautiful foliage, as well as new houses but without seeing faces. I was looking at the green valleys and thinking "Where am I now?"

If I'm on earth, I said, then why don't I see people, factories, roads, transportation... What places are these here, without people, and who lives here anyway?


And while I was thinking this, a beautiful tall woman dressed in royal dresses, interrupted my thoughts!

She walked so lightly that the grass did not bend under her weight. A young person was walking near her, crying, covering his face with his palms. She was crying bitterly, and as if something was pleading with her, but for what reason I could not hear.

I thought maybe he was her son and inwardly protested her indifference. (Of course, I would understand much later that this face was my guardian angel who had been given to me at my baptism and who was now crying for the loss of my soul that would go to Eternal Hell. He was begging the Virgin Mary to intercede with Christ so that I could be saved ...)

When they approached me, I saw this young man falling at the feet of this beautiful woman, pleading with her in more intense pain, and asking her for something. She said something to him, but I couldn't understand her words.

I wanted to ask them "Where am I?" when I saw this woman crossing her arms over her chest, and looking at the sky I heard her say:

"Lord, where will she go, as she is?"

I then began to tremble, and I understood that I had died, with my soul in heaven and my body on the marble of the Necrostasis...

I began to cry and ache, feeling the gravity of my position, when I heard a voice say:

"Bring her back to earth, thanks only to her father's good deeds..."

But another voice answered:

"I am tired of her sinful and corrupt life. I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father begged me for her. Show her the place she deserved to go..."


Immediately I found myself in Hades.

Then they began to crawl up to me, terrible glowing snakes with long tongues that spewed fire and other disgusting filth. 

The stench was unbearable. 

These snakes coiled themselves around me, and at the same time worms as thick as fingers appeared from somewhere, with tails ending in needles and hooks. These entered all my open parts, ears, eyes, nose, etc. and thus they tortured me and I screamed internally, and not with my voice. 

But there was no help from anywhere, no mercy from anyone. 

There I saw that a woman who had died from an abortion also appeared, and began to beg the Lord for mercy...

I heard a terrible voice saying to her: 

"You on earth did not recognize me, you killed the children in your womb, and you told people: "You must not bear children, children are unnecessary". 

But in Me, there are no unnecessary things. 

In Me, there is everything and enough for everyone!!!

And addressing me he said:

"I gave you the disease to repent, but you cursed me until the end of your life and did not recognize me. That's exactly why I don't recognize you now! And just as on earth you lived without Lord and God, so here you will live without Me...!

And suddenly all this, taking on another aspect, changed... 

It was like I flew somewhere. The stench and the loud howl disappeared, and I suddenly saw the church I was playing at. The Beautiful gate opened and the priest dressed in white came out of it. They stood with their heads bowed while a voice spoke to me: 

"Who is this;"

I answered, "he is our priest."

"Weren't you there when you said he was a slob? But he is not a philanderer, but a real shepherd! He is not a hired and mercenary as you said...

And learn also, that he may be a simple priest, but he faithfully serves Me. And if he doesn't read you the wish of forgiveness in confession, I'm never going to forgive you"! 

Then I began to plead:

"Lord, bring me back to earth, I have a little son." 

The Lord said:

"I know you have a young son, and it's a pity for him..."

"It's a shame, sir," I replied. 

"I feel sorry for you all, he said. And three times I pity you... I am waiting for you all... But finally, when will you wake up from the sinful dream you are living in, when will you finally repent and come to yourself?"

And saying this I saw the Mother of God again. I got the courage to ask her:

"Is there here to you, Heaven?" 


But, instead of an answer to my doubt and my question, I found myself again in hell and Hades. The demons came running with lists pointing to my sins and shouting:

“You served us when you were on earth. You are ours now!...»

I began to read my sins and all my works, which were written in large letters, amid great fear. 

I could see fire coming out of their mouths as they hit me on the head. Red-hot sparks of fire fell on me and stuck and burned me. Around me was heard a terrible wailing, a terrible thunder, and the cutting of many people. 

When the fire grew stronger I could see everything around me. The souls were awesome-looking. Some were crippled with stretched necks, others with swollen eyes.

They used to tell me:

 "You are our comrade, (obviously meaning the communist greeting), and you too are obliged to live with us now...

Like you, so we too, when we lived on earth we did not recognize Christ, we cursed and blasphemed, we did every evil, especially fornication, and pride, and we never repented. 

Many sinned but repented and then went to Church, prayed to God, had mercy on the poor, and helped every person in need. All of them are now up there, far away from us... (apparently meaning Heaven, which they didn't even want to mention by name...)

I was afraid hearing these words, and indeed that I would live in these terrible places for all eternity...

After that, in a light that dispelled the darkness, the Mother of God appeared again. The demons fled, while the tormented souls began to beg her for mercy with loud voices:

"Heavenly Queen, do not leave us here any longer, Mother of God we beg you, we are burning and there is not a drop of water to quench our thirst..."

She wept sympathetically with them, but not having the power to redeem herself, she said to them:

"As long as you lived down on earth you did not recognize me, you even cursed me. You did not repent of your sins against my Son and your God, that is why I cannot help you now. But neither can Christ violate the will of His Father!

I help only those for whom their relatives beg and the holy church prays for them"

After these words we began to rise, while from below the voices of those in hell were getting louder: "Mother of God, don't leave us..."



I found myself again in darkness on the same slab, while the Mother of God, again crossing her hands on her chest and raising her eyes to heaven, began to pray, saying:

"What shall I do with her, Lord, where shall I put her?" while a voice answered her:

" Bring her back to earth, bring her back...

I saw the Mother of God pushing me to the ground, and passing invisible through the walls I found myself in the Mortuary and the refrigerator looking at the other corpses.

I said to myself in my soul:

"go now to your body", while a strong chill came over me. At the same time, someone turned on the light, bringing a new dead body. They noticed my return from the prone position where they usually put the dead in the refrigerator, and all the nurses scattered in a panic...

They quickly returned with two doctors, who began heating my brain with lamps. There were eight incisions on my body, three on the chest and five on the abdomen. Two hours after warming the head I opened my eyes, and it was only after twelve days that I finally managed to speak.

They brought me breakfast, pancakes with butter, and coffee. I told them that today is a fasting day and I will not eat from them. The nurses left again, and some doctors came. They asked me why I refused to eat. I answered them: 

"Sit down, and I will tell you what my soul saw. Whoever does not fast on the days of fasting, will eventually live in a terrible and terrible state. That is why I do not want to be cured, I who at first did not believe in them. .."

The doctors turned red and yellow from surprise, but the patients gathered around me listened carefully. Many doctors then gathered. I told them that now I have nothing, I don't hurt anywhere. I was showing my wounds and telling the world what happened to me. Finally, the police intervened, they took me from there and took me to another hospital.

There I recovered completely, but I begged the doctors to take another surgical look at my condition. They put me in the operating room again and when they opened my abdomen they said:

"Your entrails are healthy and clean, like a child's". 

The doctors who had performed the first operation and died also came and asked: "Where is her disease? Her entrails were all rotten and disintegrated from cancer and now we can see them perfectly well!"

I answered them:

"The Lord and God showed his mercy on me, the sinner, giving me life to testify to others what happened to me. Christ took from me what was damaged and gave it to me strong. You see, sir, I said to the surgeon from Moscow, that you finally laughed? What can you say now?"

"It is true, he answered, that there was nothing healthy in you. It seems that the Most High (the Most High) has reborn you."

I answered him:

"If you believe in Him, make your cross and get married as a Christian" The doctor blushed because I knew he was Jewish.. 

( από Ρωσσικό κείμενο καί από τό βιβλίο "Τό τέλος τού Κόσμου" τού Σέρβου μοναχού Αρχιμ. Στέφανου -- Καρούλια, Άγιον Όρος )


" Όταν πεθαίνει ο άνθρωπος τότε η ψυχή του υπερίπταται επάνω από το ακίνητο και νεκρό σώμα του και διερωτάται: 

« Μά, πώς συμβαίνει τώρα να είμαστε δύο , ενώ πρώτα ήμουν μόνο εγώ; » Κάθε ψυχή έχει το ίδιο σχήμα πού είχε όταν ζούσε ό άνθρωπος και αναγνωρίζεται από άλλες, γνώριμες ψυχές…"


Ήμουν άθεη.

Έβριζα πολύ καί φοβερά τόν Θεό. Ζούσα μέσα στήν ντροπή καί στήν πορνεία καί ήμουν σάν νεκρή πάνω στήν γή. Όμως, ό ελεήμων Θεός δέν μέ άφησε οριστικά νά χαθώ, αλλά μέ οδήγησε στήν μετάνοια.

Στά 1962 αρρώστησα από καρκίνο καί ήμουν άρρωστη 3 χρόνια. Δέν παρέμενα βέβαια στό κρεββάτι, αλλά εργαζόμουνα καί έκανα θεραπεία σέ γιατρούς, ελπίζοντας νά γίνω καλά. Τούς τελευταίους 6 μήνες είχα πολύ αδυνατίσει, μή μπορώντας νά πιώ ούτε νερό. Μόλις τό έπινα, αμέσως έκανα εμετό.

Μέ πήγαν τότε στό Νοσοκομείο, καί κάλεσαν έναν καθηγητή από τήν Μόσχα γιά νά μέ χειρουργήσει.

Μόλις μού άνοιξαν τήν κοιλιά, κάτι συνέβει καί αμέσως πέθανα !

Ή ψυχή μου βγήκε από τό σώμα καί στέκονταν ανάμεσα σέ δυό γιατρούς, ενώ εγώ μέ μεγάλο φόβο καί τρόμο κύτταζα τό ανοιγμένο σώμα μου. Ολόκληρο τό στομάχι καί τά έντερά μου ήταν προσβεβλημένα από τόν καρκίνο.

Όπως κοιτούσα τό σώμα μου ξαπλωμένο στό χειρουργείο, σκεπτόμουν μέ απορία, πώς είμαστε δύο; Δέν μπορούσα νά καταλάβω αυτό, γιατί πρώτη φορά μού συνέβαινε...

Δέν είχα ιδέα ότι υπάρχει ψυχή. Οί κομμουνιστές μάς φούσκωναν καί μάς δίδασκαν ότι ψυχή καί Θεός δέν υπάρχουν, ότι αυτά είναι επινόηση τών παπάδων, γιά νά ξεγελούν τόν λαό καί νά τόν κρατούν σέ φόβο τόν κόσμο, γιά κάτι πού δέν υπάρχει.

Κοιτούσα τόν εαυτό μου νά στέκεται όρθια στόν αέρα, αλλά έβλεπα καί τό σώμα μου πάνω στό χειρουργείο...

Οί γιατροί μού έβγαλαν έξω όλα τά εντόσθια καί αναζητούσαν τό δωδεκαδάκτυλο. Αλλά εκεί υπήρχε μόνο πύον, τά πάντα ήταν κατεστραμμένα καί χαλασμένα, τίποτα δέν ήταν υγιές. Τούς άκουσα νά λένε:

" Αυτή, δέν είχε τίποτα σωστό γιά νά ζήσει..."



Όλα τά έβλεπα φοβισμένη καί σκεπτόμουνα πάντα τό ίδιο πράγμα:

" Πώς, καί από πού είμαστε δύο; Στέκομαι, καί ταυτόγχρονα είμαι καί ξαπλωμένη!!"

Είδα τούς γιατρούς νά ρίχνουν όπως - όπως τά εντόσθια μέσα στό σώμα, καί άκουσα πού έλεγαν ότι πρέπει νά δοθεί τό σώμα μου στούς νέους ειδικευόμενους γιατρούς γιά τήν διδασκαλία τους.

Μετέφεραν τελικά τό σώμα μου στό Νεκροστάσιο, ενώ εγώ πήγαινα κοντά τους χωρίς αυτοί  νά τό καταλαβαίνουν...

Μέ άφησαν ξαπλωμένη καί γυμνή πάνω στό μάρμαρο, σκεπασμένη ώς τόν λαιμό μέ ένα σεντόνι.

Μετά από λίγη ώρα βλέπω ότι ήλθε ό αδελφός μου καί έφερε τόν μικρό μου γυιό. Ήταν έξη χρονών καί ονομάζονταν Αντρούσκα ( Αντρέϊ ).

Ό γυιός μου πλησίασε τό σώμα μου, καί μέ φίλησε στό κεφάλι. Άρχισε νά κλαίει λέγοντας: " Μαμά, μαμά, γιατί πέθανες; Είμαι ακόμη μικρός, πώς θά ζήσω τώρα χωρίς εσένα; Πατέρα δέν έχω, κι΄ εσύ πέθανες !..."

Εγώ τότε τόν αγκάλιασα καί τόν φίλησα, αλλά αυτός δέν τό κατάλαβε, ούτε τό είδε καί τό πρόσεξε. Κύταζε μόνο τό νεκρό μου σώμα...

Έβλεπα επίσης πώς έκλαιγε καί ό αδελφός μου...

Μετά από αυτό, βρέθηκα ανεξήγητα στό σπίτι μου. Είδα τήν πεθερά μου από τόν πρώτο μου γάμο νά μπαίνει στό σπίτι, καθώς καί τήν μητέρα μου καί τήν αδελφή μου. Τόν πρώτο μου σύζυγο τόν είχα εγκαταλείψει γιατί πίστευε στόν Θεό.

Σέ λίγο όλοι αυτοί, άρχισαν τήν διανομή τών πραγμάτων μου. Ζούσα τότε πλούσια καί μέ πολυτέλεια αλλά μέ χρήματα αποκτημένα μέ τήν αδικία καί τήν πορνεία. Ή αδελφή μου άρχισε νά αφαιρεί τά πιό ωραία από τά πράγμάτά μου, ενώ ή πεθερά μου ζητούσε νά αφήσει καί κάτι γιά τόν μικρό γυιό μου. 

Ή αδελφή μου δέν έδινε τίποτα, αλλά επί πλέον άρχισε νά εμπαίζει τήν πεθερά μου λέγοντάς της:

" Αυτό τό παιδί δέν είναι από τόν γυιό σου, καί εσύ δέν τού είσαι τίποτα τώρα..."

Μετά από κάποια φασαρία βγήκαν αυτές έξω κλείνοντας τό σπίτι. Ή αδελφή μου πήρε μαζί της καί έναν μεγάλο μπόγο μέ πράγματα. 

Ενώ όμως αυτές μάλωναν γιά τά πράγματα, είδα μέ τρόμο γύρω μας νά χορεύουν καί νά χαίρονται διάβολοι...

Ξαφνικά βρέθηκα στόν αέρα, σάν νά πετούσα μέ αεροπλάνο. Αισθανόμουν ότι κάποιος μέ συγκρατούσε καί ότι υψώνομαι όλο καί περισσότερο. Βρέθηκα πάνω από τήν πόλη Barnaul, αλλά αμέσως τήν έχασα πέφτοντας σέ βαθύ σκοτάδι. Σέ λίγο άρχισε νά έρχεται ένα φώς πού όλο καί δυνάμωνε, φθάνοντας σέ σημείο νά μή μπορώ πιά νά τό κοιτάξω.

Μέ έβαλαν πάνω σέ μιά μαύρη πλάκα γύρω στό ενάμισυ μέτρο, ενώ έβλεπα γύρω μου τεράστια δένδρα μέ πανέμορφα φυλλώματα, καθώς καί σπίτια καινούργια αλλά χωρίς νά βλέπω πρόσωπα. Έβλεπα τίς καταπράσινες κοιλάδες διαλογιζόμενη " πού βρίσκομαι άραγε τώρα; "

Άν βρίσκομαι στήν γή, έλεγα, τότε γιατί δέν βλέπω ανθρώπους, εργοστάσια, δρόμους, συγκοινωνίες... Τί  μέρη είναι εδώ αυτά,  χωρίς ανθρώπους, καί ποιοί ζούν τέλος πάντων εδώ;


Καί ενώ σκεπτόμουν αυτά, μιά πανέμορφη ψηλή γυναίκα ντυμένη μέ βασιλικά φορέματα, διέκοψε τίς σκέψεις μου!

Περπατούσε τόσο ανάλαφρα πού τό χορτάρι δέν λύγιζε από τό βάρος της. Κοντά της πήγαινε ένα νεαρό πρόσωπο κλαίγοντας, μέ σκεπασμένο τό πρόσωπό του μέ τίς παλάμες του. Έκλαιγε πικρά, καί σάν κάτι νά τήν παρακαλούσε, αλλά γιά ποιό λόγο δέν μπορούσα νά ακούσω.

Σκέφθηκα μήπως ήταν γυιός της, καί μέσα μου διαμαρτυρήθηκα γιά τήν αδιαφορία της.     ( Θά καταλάβαινα βέβαια πολύ αργότερα, ότι τό πρόσωπό αυτό ήταν ό φύλακάς μου άγγελος πού μού είχε δοθεί στήν βάπτισή μου καί πού τώρα έκλαιγε γιά τήν απώλεια τής ψυχής μου πού θά πήγαινε στήν Αιώνια Κόλαση. Παρακαλούσε τήν Παναγία νά μεσιτεύσει στόν Χριστό γιά νά γλυτώσω...)

Όταν αυτοί μέ πλησίασαν είδα τόν νέο αυτό νά πέφτει μπροστά στά πόδια τής πανέμορφης αυτής γυναίκας, νά τήν παρακαλεί εντονώτερα οδυρώμενος, καί νά τής ζητεί κάτι. Αυτή, κάτι τού είπε, αλλά δέν μπόρεσα νά καταλάβω τά λόγια της.

Ήθελα νά τούς ρωτήσω " πού βρίσκομαι; " , όταν είδα τήν γυναίκα αυτή νά σταυρώνει τά χέρια στό στήθος της, καί κοιτώντας τόν ουρανό τήν άκουσα καθαρά νά λέει:

" Κύριε, πού θά πάει αυτή, έτσι όπως είναι; "

Άρχισα τότε νά τρέμω, καί κατάλαβα ότι είχα πεθάνει, μέ τήν ψυχή μου νά βρίσκεται στόν ουρανό καί τό σώμα μου πάνω στό μάρμαρο τού Νεκροστασίου...

Άρχισα νά κλαίω καί νά οδύρομαι συναισθανόμενη πιά τήν βαρύτητα τής θέσης μου όταν άκουσα μιά φωνή νά λέει:

" Νά τήν γυρίσετε στήν γή, χάρη καί μόνο γιά τίς αγαθοεργίες τού πατέρα της..."

Άλλη φωνή όμως απάντησε:

" Βαρέθηκα πιά τήν αμαρτωλή καί διεφθαρμένη ζωή της. Εγώ ήθελα νά τήν εξαφανίσω από προσώπου γής χωρίς μετάνοια, αλλά μέ παρεκάλεσε γι΄ αυτήν ό πατέρας της. Δείξτε της τό μέρος γιά τό οποίο άξιζε νά πάει..."


Αμέσως βρέθηκα στόν Άδη.

Τότε άρχισαν να έρπουν μέχρις εμένα, φοβερά πυρακτωμένα φίδια με μακριές γλώσσες που ξερνούσαν φωτιά και άλλες αποκρουστικές ακαθαρσίες. 

Η βρώμα ήταν αβάσταχτη. 

Αυτά τα φίδια τυλίχτηκαν γύρω μου και ταυτόχρονα από κάπου παρουσιάστηκαν σκουλήκια χοντρά ίσαμε τά δάχτυλα, με ουρές που κατέληγαν σε βελόνες και άγγιστρα. Αυτά έμπαιναν σε όλα τα ανοικτά μου μέρη, στα αυτιά, στα μάτια, στη μύτη κλπ. και έτσι με βασάνιζαν και εγώ κραύγαζα εσωτερικά, καί όχι με την φωνή μου. 

Αλλά εκεί δεν υπήρχε από πουθενά ούτε βοήθεια, ούτε έλεος από κανένα. 

Εκεί είδα πως παρουσιάστηκε καί μιά γυναίκα που πέθανε από άμβλωση, και άρχισε να παρακαλεί τον Κύριο για έλεος...

Άκουσα μιά φοβερή φωνή νά τής λέει: 

«Εσύ στην γη δεν με αναγνώριζες, σκότωνες τα παιδιά στη κοιλιά σου, και επί πλέον έλεγες στους ανθρώπους:  "δεν πρέπει να γεννάτε παιδιά, τα παιδιά είναι περιττά ". 

Όμως σ΄ Εμένα  δεν υπάρχουν  περιττά. 

Σ΄ Εμένα υπάρχουν τα πάντα, και για όλους αρκετά !!!

Καί απευθυνόμενος σέ μένα είπε:

«Εγώ σου έδωσα την αρρώστια για να μετανοήσεις, αλλά εσύ με έβριζες ως το τέλος της ζωής σου και δεν με αναγνώριζες. Γι΄αυτό ακριβώς κι΄ εγώ τώρα, δεν σε αναγνωρίζω ! Καί όπως στην γη έζησες χωρίς  Κύριο καί Θεό, έτσι και εδώ θα ζήσεις χωρίς Εμένα...!».

Καί ξαφνικά όλα αυτά παίρνοντας μιά άλλη όψη, άλλαξαν... 

Ήταν σάν κάπου νά πέταξα. Η βρώμα και ο δυνατός οδυρμός χάθηκαν,  και εγώ ξαφνικά είδα την εκκλησία που ενέπαιζα. Άνοιξε η  Ωραία πύλη και από αυτήν  βγήκε ό ιερέας ντυμένος στα άσπρα. Στέκονταν με σκυμμένο κεφάλι ενώ κάποια φωνή μού απηύθηνε λόγο: 

«Ποιός είναι αυτός;»

Εγώ απάντησα, « είναι ο ιερέας μας».

«Εσύ δέν ήσουν πού έλεγες ότι είναι χαραμοφάης ; Όμως αυτός δεν είναι χαραμοφάης, αλλά πραγματικός ποιμένας! Δεν είναι μισθωτός καί μισθοφόρος πού έλεγες...

Καί μάθε ακόμη, πως μπορεί νά είναι ένας απλός παπάς, όμως υπηρετεί πιστά Εμένα. Καί άν αυτός δεν σου διαβάσει  την ευχή της συγχώρησης στήν εξομολόγηση, εγώ δεν πρόκειται ποτέ νά σε συγχωρήσω»! 

Τότε άρχισα να παρακαλώ:

«Κύριε, γύρισε με στη γή, έχω έναν μικρό γιό». 

Ο Κύριος είπε:

«Γνωρίζω ότι έχεις μικρό γιό, καί είναι κρίμα γι' αυτόν...»

«Είναι κρίμα Κύριε" , τού απάντησα. 

«Εγώ σας λυπάμαι όλους, είπε. Και τρείς φορές σας  λυπάμαι... Όλους σας περιμένω... Αλλά επί τέλους, πότε θα ξυπνήσετε από το αμαρτωλό όνειρο πού ζείτε, πότε επί τέλους θά μετανοήσετε  και θα έλθετε στον εαυτό σας;»

Καί λέγοντας αυτά είδα καί πάλι τήν  Μητέρα του Θεού. Πήρα το θάρρος να τη ρωτήσω:

«Υπάρχει εδώ σε σάς, Παράδεισος;». 


Αλλά, αντί για απάντηση στήν αμφισβήτησή μου αυτή καί στήν απορία μου, ξαναβρέθηκα πάλι στην κόλαση καί στον Άδη. Οί δαίμονες έρχονταν τρέχοντας με καταλόγους δείχνοντας  τα αμαρτήματά μου καί φωνάζοντας:

«Εσύ μας υπηρέτησες όταν ήσουν στη γή. Είσαι δική μας τώρα !...»

Άρχισα να διαβάζω τα αμαρτήματά μου καί όλα μου τα έργα, που ήταν γραμμένα με μεγάλα γράμματα, ανάμεσα σέ μεγάλο φόβο. 

Έβλεπα από τα στόμα τους πού έβγαινε φωτιά καθώς με κτυπούσαν στο κεφάλι. Πάνω μου έπεφταν και κολλούσαν πυρακτωμένες σπίθες πυρκαγιάς και με έκαιγαν. Γύρω μου ακουγόταν φοβερός θρήνος, βρόντος φοβερός, και κοπετός πολλών ανθρώπων. 

Όταν ή φωτιά δυνάμωνε έβλεπα γύρω μου τά πάντα. Οί ψυχές είχαν φοβερή όψη. Άλλες σακατεμένες μέ τεντωμένους λαιμούς, κι΄ άλλες μέ πρησμένα μάτια.

Μού έλεγαν:

 "Είσαι συντρόφισσά μας,( εννοώντας προφανώς τόν κομμουνιστικό χαιρετισμό), καί είσαι υποχρεωμένη κι΄ εσύ νά ζήσεις τώρα μαζί μας...

Όπως εσύ, έτσι κι΄ εμείς, όταν ζούσαμε πάνω στήν γή δέν αναγνωρίζαμε τόν Χριστό, βρίζαμε καί βλαστημούσαμε, κάναμε κάθε κακό, καί ιδιαίτερα τήν πορνεία, τήν υπερηφάνεια, και ποτέ μας δέν μετανοήσαμε. 

Πολλοί αμάρτησαν αλλά μετάνοιωσαν καί πήγαιναν μετά στήν Εκκλησία, προσεύχονταν στόν Θεό, ελεούσαν τούς φτωχούς, καί βοηθούσαν στήν ανάγκη του κάθε άνθρωπο. Όλοι αυτοί είναι τώρα εκεί πάνω, μακρυά μας... ( εννοώντας προφανώς τόν Παράδεισο, τόν οποίον δέν ήθελαν νά  αναφέρουν ούτε μέ τό όνομά του...)

Εγώ φοβήθηκα ακούγοντας τά λόγια αυτά, καί μάλιστα ότι θά ζούσα στούς φοβερούς αυτούς τόπους γιά όλη τήν αιωνιότητα...

Μετά από αυτά μέσα σέ ένα φώς πού έδιωξε τό σκοτάδι εμφανίστηκε πάλι ή Μητέρα τού Θεού. Οί δαίμονες τράπηκαν σέ φυγή, ενώ οί ψυχές πού βασανίζονταν άρχισαν μέ μεγάλες φωνές νά τήν ικετεύουν γιά έλεος:

"Ουράνια βασίλισσα, μή μάς αφήνεις άλλο εδώ, Μητέρα τού Θεού σέ παρακαλούμε, καιγόμαστε καί δέν υπάρχει σταγόνα νερού νά σβήσουμε τήν δίψα μας..."

Εκείνη έκλαιγε συμπονετικά μαζί τους, αλλά μή έχοντας καί  εξουσία απολυτρώσεως τούς έλεγε:

"Όσο ζούσατε κάτω στήν γή δέν μέ αναγνωρίζατε, μάλιστα καί μέ βλαστημούσατε. Δέν μετανοούσατε γιά τίς αμαρτίες σας απέναντι τού Γυιού μου καί Θεού σας, γι΄ αυτό κι΄εγώ τώρα δέν μπορώ νά σάς βοηθήσω. Αλλά ούτε καί ό Χριστός δέν μπορεί νά παραβεί τήν επιθυμία τού Πατέρα Του !

Βοηθώ μόνο αυτούς γιά τούς οποίους παρακαλούν οί συγγενείς τους καί προσεύχεται γι΄ αυτούς ή αγία εκκλησία"

Μετά από τά λόγια αυτά αρχίσαμε νά υψωνόμαστε, ενώ από κάτω οί φωνές τών κολασμένων δυνάμωναν: "Μητέρα τού Θεού μή μας αφήνεις..."



Βρέθηκα πάλι σέ σκοτάδι πάνω στήν ίδια πλάκα, ενώ ή Θεοτόκος σταυρώνοντας πάλι τά χέρια στό στήθος καί υψώνοντας τά μάτια στόν ουρανό άρχισε νά προσεύχεται λέγοντας:

" Τί νά κάνω μ΄ αυτήν, Κύριε, πού νά τήν βάλω;" ενώ μιά φωνή τής απάντησε:

" Γυρίστε την πάλι στήν γή, γυρίστε την πίσω...

Είδα τήν Μητέρα τού Θεού νά μέ σπρώχνει στήν γή, καί περνώντας αόρατη τούς τοίχους βρέθηκα στό Νεκροστάσιο καί στό ψυγείο  κοιτάζοντας καί τά άλλα πτώματα.

Είπα μόνη μου στήν ψυχή μου:

"πήγαινε τώρα στό σώμα σου", ενώ ένα ισχυρό ψύχος μέ κυρίευσε. Τήν ίδια στιγμή κάποιος άναψε τό φώς φέρνοντας καινούργιο νεκρό. Πρόσεξαν τό γύρισμά μου από τήν ύπτια θέση πού συνήθως βάζουν τούς νεκρούς στό ψυγείο, καί όλοι οί νοσοκόμοι πανικόβλητοι διασκορπίσθηκαν...

Επέστρεψαν γρήγορα μέ δυό γιατρούς, πού άρχισαν νά ζεσταίνουν τόν εγκέφαλό μου μέ λάμπες. Υπήρχαν στό σώμα μου οκτώ τομές, τρείς στό στήθος καί πέντε στήν κοιλιά. Δυό ώρες μετά τό ζέσταμα τού κεφαλιού άνοιξα τά μάτια μου, καί μόλις μετά από δώδεκα μέρες κατόρθωσα επιτέλους νά μιλήσω.

Μού έφεραν πρωϊνό, τηγανίτες μέ βούτυρο καί καφέ. Τούς είπα, ότι σήμερα είναι ημέρα νηστείας καί δέν θά φάω από αυτά. Οί νοσοκόμοι έφυγαν πάλι, καί ήλθαν κάποιοι γιατροί. Μέ ρώτησαν γιατί αρνούμαι νά φάω. Τούς απάντησα: 

"Καθήστε, καί θά σάς διηγηθώ, τί είδε  ή ψυχή μου. Όποιος δέν νηστεύει τίς μέρες τής νηστείας, αυτός τελικά θά ζήσει σέ μιά φοβερή καί σιχαμερή κατάσταση. Γι΄ αυτό δέν θέλω νά αρτυθώ,  εγώ πού πρώτα δέν πίστευα σ΄ αυτά..."

Οί γιατροί από τήν έκπληξη, τήν μιά κοκκίνιζαν καί τήν άλλη κιτρίνιζαν, αλλά οί μαζεμένοι γύρω μου ασθενείς μέ άκουγαν προσεκτικά. Μαζεύτηκαν κατόπιν πολλοί γιατροί. Τούς είπα ότι τώρα δέν έχω τίποτα, δέν πονάω πουθενά. Έδειχνα τίς πληγές μου καί διηγόμουνα στόν κόσμο πού κατέφθανε τά περιστατικά πού έζησα. Τελικά επενέβη ή αστυνομία, μέ πήραν από εκεί καί μέ πήγαν σέ άλλο νοσοκομείο.

Εκεί ανάρρωσα τελείως, αλλά παρακάλεσα τούς γιατρούς νά δούν καί πάλι χειρουργικώς τήν κατάστασή μου. Μέ έβαλαν πάλι στό χειρουργείο καί όταν άνοιξαν τήν κοιλιά μου είπαν:

"Τά εντόσθιά σας είναι απολύτως υγιή καί καθαρά, όπως ενός παιδιού" . 

Ήλθαν καί οί γιατροί πού είχαν κάνει τήν πρώτη εγχείρηση καί πέθανα, καί απόρησαν:     " Πού είναι ή αρρώστια της; Τά εντόσθιά της ήταν όλα σάπια καί διαλυμένα από καρκίνο καί τώρα τά βλέπουμε τελείως καλά !..."

Τούς απάντησα:

" Ό Κύριος καί Θεός φανέρωσε τό έλεός του πάνω σ΄ εμένα τήν αμαρτωλή, δίνοντάς μου ζωή γιά νά μαρτυρήσω καί σέ άλλους ό, τι μού συνέβει. Ό Χριστός, πήρε από μέσα μου ότι κατεστραμμένο υπήρχε καί μού τό έδωσε γερό. Βλέπετε κύριε, είπα στόν χειρούργο από τήν Μόσχα, ότι τελικά γελαστήκατε; Τί μπορείτε νά πείτε τώρα;"

"Είναι αλήθεια, απάντησε εκείνος, ότι τίποτα υγιές δέν υπήρχε μέσα σου. Φαίνεται σέ αναγέννησε ό Υπέρτατος ( ό Ύψιστος)"

Τού απάντησα:

" Άν πράγματι πιστεύετε σ΄ Αυτόν, κάντε τόν σταυρό σας, καί παντρευτείτε χριστιανικά" Ο γιατρός κοκκίνησε γιατί ήξερα ότι ήταν Εβραίος..

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Μόρφου Νεόφυτος

because they sent me questions, they sent them from Romania, and one of the questions is that someone is going to ask me today, and bringing...